Chapter 479

How to obtain foreign exchange has always been a top priority for local governments and ministries and commissions.

Enterprises need money for technological transformation, money for buying foreign equipment, and money for children going abroad.

Where does the money come from?
As an inland city, the means of earning foreign exchange are limited. Except for light industrial products and mineral resources, Huaxia does not have many internationally competitive products.

About, even in special economic zones, the most popular is the processing and export trade.

In these respects, the Great Wall Group is very good at it. They started their business by relying on this, and they have a trend of deep processing and precision manufacturing.

Regardless of Shencheng, Jinmen or Beihai, they all opened up the situation through foreign trade and OEM.

Now, Great Wall Yunjin Textile is following the same path.

However, a little differently, they have a closer relationship with Great Wall Clothing, and most of the orders are also placed by Great Wall Clothing.

Even if Great Wall Clothing retains most of the profits, it doesn't matter, the fat water has not flowed to outsiders.

However, other affiliated companies are different. Great Wall Clothing upholds Shen Guanglin's kind nature and does not go too dark. It still retains considerable profits for them according to the business rules set by Shen Guanglin.

It’s okay if you don’t give it, but if you give it, it’s too little.

It's not that the affiliated companies earn less profits, but that Yunjin Textile earns less foreign exchange.

As an ordinary textile company, a piece of cotton yarn can earn 5 US dollars in foreign exchange, but you Yunjin Textile can only earn 3 US dollars in foreign exchange. This is unscientific.

However, your ordinary enterprise can earn 5 dollars in foreign exchange, and it doesn’t matter if you lose money. This is called a policy loss; but, for me, Yunjin Textile, if you lose money, you really lose money.

Therefore, some people began to say that Yunjin Textile was disregarding the overall situation.

The overall situation is a tank, everything is put in it.

This kind of contradiction is actually a kind of game. To ensure profits, enterprises naturally need to keep more foreign exchange, because if foreign exchange is handed over, they are really losing money.

With 100 dollars in my hand, I can buy high-quality and young pork belly ten times. After changing to RMB, I can only buy meat three times. Do you think it’s a loss or not?

What is lost is not flesh, but youth that has nowhere to rest.

Lihom and Yundi just misplaced their youth and did not hand it over to each other, and the house collapsed as a result.

Teacher Shen must be careful.

However, to a large extent, the purpose of the government supporting enterprises is to earn foreign exchange. Only when the foreign exchange is in hand can we accomplish great things.

However, Shen Guanglin also said that other things can be regressed, but this one cannot be regressed.

Profit is the kingly way to maintain the survival and development of an enterprise. Without this, everything else is useless.

The so-called honor, responsibility, and morality are just icing on the cake.

In Great Wall Group, not only Jinling has the problem of turning over foreign exchange, but also in Beijing, Jinmen, and Shencheng, such problems exist.

Often, this kind of thing is also a matter of mutual fulfillment. Whatever convenience you provide me, I will give you as much support. This is also a disguised business.

However, Shen Guanglin said again that the matter of paying more foreign exchange is not without room for negotiation, but the autonomy must be in our own hands.

If they make trouble again in the future, then Yunjin Textile will use RMB for all transactions, and they will no longer settle foreign exchange in the future, so they have nothing to do.

People's hearts always have an end.

I can provide foreign exchange, but what can you give us, skinny horse?

If there is nothing, then we are the same, there is nothing.

Lao Li went on to ask: what about the profit difference of foreign exchange earned by other textile enterprises?Shall we continue to make money?If those companies didn't know the bottom line, the government probably wouldn't know how much money we should make.

Still earn!
Keep earning!
Earn hard!

Since it is a market, we must follow the laws of the market.

What happened to exhausting the pond?The nature of a businessman is to chase profits, and the price difference will be earned in the future, as long as these companies are not really dead.

It is not so easy for a state-owned enterprise to die. If it really dies, we can still buy it and support it. It will be another hero.

Don't you think that our foreign exchange earning 3 dollars is too little, then they should also earn 3 dollars, so that everyone is the same, and it is fair.

Since the order is in our own hands, this is a monopoly, and this is an offensive and defensive trend.

They dared to backstab, but they really didn't know how many eyes Prince Ma had.

By the way, how many eyes does Prince Ma have?Do you want to pick up soap?

Shen Guanglin also figured it out, money is king, without money, there is no beautiful and gentle lady, even if the money is used to do charity, it is because the Great Wall Group has a benevolent heart.

The money was given to their local government, and maybe it will be used on the right path, but it has nothing to do with Shen Guanglin.

Not enough people.

The growth process of any enterprise is not black-hearted, and kindness really can't make a big deal.

Shen Guanglin instructed: We must squeeze hard, so that those companies that are squeezed can survive.

Now their life is so easy. The leaders of the company got promoted and made a fortune by themselves, and their wives died, completely ignoring the overall situation.

Don't even think about who led you to the road of common prosperity. You have handed over your foreign exchange and enjoyed the honor, which in turn will put pressure on us.

It is simply not necessary.

In Jinling, Shen Guanglin was busy not only with the Great Wall of Yunjin, but also with donating teaching buildings to the school. He was too busy to leave.

Fortunately, Yunjin Textile Factory itself has a guest house, and the conditions are very good. Finally, Shen Guanglin and Li Li no longer need to live in the old house.

Although the old house is good, it is troublesome if there is no one to cook.

It was time to leave Jinling, and there was one last thing to do, which was to go to Jinling University for an inspection.

Jinling University is amazing, but it's a bit dangerous for girls to study here, maybe they will be tricked by their boyfriends to be killed and buried in Caiyunzhinan, it's quite scary to think about it.

Together with the staff of the charity foundation, Shen Guanglin's inspection at Jinling University went smoothly.

After all, they are all colleagues, and everyone expressed their gratitude to Professor Shen for taking the time to come.

Shen Guanglin is a well-known physics professor in the country and the chief scientist of the Great Wall Group. He is an important person.

The charitable foundation jointly established by Great Wall Group and Shaw Brothers still attaches great importance to this trip to Jinling University.

After all, Jinling is Shen's hometown, so he should behave better in front of people from his hometown.

As a result, the donation plan was quickly finalized.

The standard and scale of the foundation's grants are much higher than those of other schools, at least higher than those in Shanghai, surpassing Fudan University and Jiaotong University.

The whole school is very satisfied.

Even though school has not yet started, the school still organized an academic exchange symposium, the main purpose of which was to express our gratitude to Shen Guanglin.

However, this meeting was not as successful as it was.

Of course, no one criticized Professor Shen academically, but some teacher representatives put forward other opinions on the way the donations are used.

"Since your charitable foundation is so rich, why can't you donate to build some family dormitory buildings?"

This remark was a bit out of date, and the leader criticized the teacher who made the comments.

"Isn't there a room allocation in the school? Don't make trouble here."


Now that he had spoken, the teacher was also very rude.

"When will we be allocated a house? Many old professors still live in old houses. The school only has a few tube buildings, all of which are fully occupied. For us young teachers, a single room of 9 square meters is enough for one person to live in." Okay, what about in the future? The whole family lives like this too?"

There is no way around this. Now the country is in a state of waste, and the welfare housing allocation system has come to an end.

Units do not have so much money to build new residential areas, and the same goes for schools.

Young teachers, no matter how capable they are, are not eligible for a house according to the comprehensive scoring system.

Not only Jinling University, but also Beijing University.

According to the system, even Shen Guanglin couldn't get a complete set of houses, let alone ordinary young teachers.

The system of housing allocation and scoring cannot be said to be unreasonable, it can only be said to be difficult.

Even though the rules of each school are similar, they still take into account factors such as position, age, length of service, title, education and other factors. As powerful as Shen Guanglin, he does not meet the conditions for room allocation.

This is a very real problem.

(End of this chapter)

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