Chapter 480

Shen Guanglin said that he is determined not to be a real estate developer.

Afraid of thunderstorms.

Not everyone has the heart of the big old king's strong man to break his wrist.

However, if the house built for accommodation is directly donated to the school, he, Shen, feels that it is not worthwhile.

Of course, under the national conditions, it is not suitable to do this. If you don’t worry about the shortage, you will worry about the inequality, and there will be big problems.

The young teacher's protest was indeed justified.

It is no wonder that so many young and talented young scholars have gone out, because their living conditions and scientific research conditions are too poor.

Everyone is not a saint who has already bigu, so he can not eat the fireworks of the world, and he still has his wife and children to support.

In this day and age, although everyone has no money, it is really impossible to live without a house.

Even if some people want to stay and do scientific research, some material conditions must be given, poor haha, you XX.

The original academic exchange meeting became a real estate discussion meeting.

Everyone suffers from a house that is not enough to live in for a long time.

Although Shen Guanglin couldn't say he felt the same way, he was a member of the university faculty and knew something about the situation. He also said that the situation in Beijing University is similar, and everyone's housing is also very tight.

Shen Guanglin is embarrassed to say that the house he built for himself is very large and spacious.

Shen lived alone on the first floor, and the two units were connected, and the total area was thousands of square meters.

If such words were spoken out, everyone would explode in place.

The lack of housing is not unsolvable, it is nothing more than a problem of money, so let's start with Jinling University.

"In this way, our Great Wall Group does still have some money. I suddenly had an immature idea. We set up a special real estate company and a special real estate fund, called the teacher's real estate fund.

According to the size of the school, the number of housing needs and the future development trend, our group will invest in the construction of houses near the school. The school is responsible for the land, and we are responsible for the money. We will take the part of commercial development, and we will keep the money we earn. The property right of the house also belongs to us, but the school has the priority to use it.

Teachers will pay rent on a monthly basis if they move in, and if the rent is not too high, it will be charged at no more than 10% of the average salary of teachers.”

Shen Guanglin immediately thought of such a business model.

Wouldn't it be good to build a house by yourself and rent it out to these teachers? That's what he did in the capital, and now he just took it out and copied it.

In the future, even if the rent is not very profitable, the commercial real estate near the school will be able to make money.

Worst of all, these properties are always a large amount of fixed assets.

From now on, all the shops and residences near the University City will be owned by him alone, Shen Guanglin, and he will tremble just thinking about it.

In case any listed company's performance is not good, sell a few houses, hey, it will make a profit.

Just do it when you think of it.

As long as you don't rush into it, you should be doing good deeds.

The payback period is long and the benefits are long.

However, if this is really done, then there will be a lot less Shenlou on the university campus, and on the contrary, there will be a lot more Shenyuan in the family area near the university.

From then on, the family area built by Shen Guanglin was called "Shen Yuan".

When it comes to Shen Garden, everyone can easily think of Chunbo Lane in Yuecheng, Shaoxing, which is a garden of the Song Dynasty, where the tragic love story of Lu You and Tang Wan took place.

After that, search for the word Shenyuan on the map, and there are more than 100 on the map, almost every large and medium-sized city has them.

After the community is completed, everyone can take a taxi to go to the university town without mentioning the university town. Just say, go to Shenyuan, and everyone knows that they are going to the old campus of the university town.

In the Yunjin Textile Guest House of the Great Wall Group, someone Shen is about to open a map cannon again.

He took out a map and drew circles everywhere. If he was optimistic, the house price would not be too low.

The present time is March in the Gregorian calendar in 1986, the first month of the lunar calendar has not yet come out, and February has not yet arrived.

Shen Guanglin formulated an ambitious real estate development plan called the 863 plan.

His plan: select 100 top-ranked colleges and universities across the country and build 100 family areas.

Among them, the first phase of construction will focus on 34 colleges and universities, including Jinling University, Wudaokou Technical School, Jingcheng University and other colleges and universities, and we will discuss the details.

This matter has been settled, Shen Guanglin has decided to form a new team for specific implementation, but the team leader hasn't figured it out yet.

However, the family area of ​​Jinling University can already start construction.

Shen Guanglin calculated that Jinling University currently has more than 2000 faculty members, including more than 1000 full-time teachers, which will double in the future, and only more than 4000 people.

2000 people, that is, 2000 families, all built in 6-storey small buildings, with three units in one building, two suites in each unit, and only 2 suites in one building.

That does not work!

Even if 200 buildings are built, it is not enough to live in. Besides, the school does not have so much land. Shen Guanglin still wants to build a high-quality community.

Jinling University is located in the Gulou District. This place is not bad, and the housing prices of future generations are not low. Investing here now is also accumulating wealth for future generations.

Then build a tall building, it is too high to be realistic, and 20 floors can still be built.

In this case, there are three units in one building, 80 houses in each unit, and 240 houses in one building.

Dozens of buildings are enough to build a new residential area.

It's just that after the house is built, what about maintenance, elevators, and usage costs.

Can this rent maintain the normal operation of the community?

really need

In fact, the most suitable at this stage is the stair room with a height of five or six floors. The cost is not high and it can solve many housing problems.

If there are contradictions, let’s match them. One part is developed into villas, even if it is a townhouse, and the other part is high-rise, which conforms to the general rules of real estate development in later generations. This kind of planning was brought out 40 years in advance.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin is really a planning wizard, everyone is quite puzzled.

Obviously a school does not have many cars, Shen Guanglin has to build an underground parking lot. The entire large and small districts will build underground parking lots, and some even have two floors.

He said that the economy will develop in the future, and everyone will have cars.

Moreover, if a war breaks out, isn't the underground a ready-made air-raid shelter? For the sake of the country's national defense, everyone spends more money, what's the matter?

Everyone was in awe.

The matter in Jinling was settled, and the skyscrapers in Shanghai were still waiting for him.

At present, the China World Trade Building, the tallest building in China, is 160 meters high and has 53 floors in total. It has become famous all over the country because of the three-day Shenzhen city speed created by China Construction Third Bureau.

At present, the Shencheng Building has been completed. Although Shen Guanglin didn't go to see it, its shadow is everywhere on the phone and on the TV.

This 53-storey building is really amazing, and it was delivered and completed in only 14 months.

Now, Shen Guanglin said that he wants to build a 99-meter-high building, which is a bit like the curved 101 building, and a bit like the giant building Shi Yuzhu built in Zhuhai.

Sometimes he also thinks that he won't be unfinished.

Will not!As long as you have money and gather the power of the whole country, you can build this building no matter what.

(End of this chapter)

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