Start with a college teacher

Chapter 481 Team Leader

Chapter 481 Team Leader
Life is like a journey, what you care about is not the destination, but the scenery along the way and the mood of seeing the scenery.

Of course, there are people who accompany you to watch the scenery.

What followed was a journey by boat, which Shen Guanglin had planned for a long time.

He bought the most luxurious boat ticket, worth 11 yuan, and planned to take his sister down the river from Jinling to Shanghai.

Two days and one night luxury tour, as long as you don't encounter strong winds in Jingzhou, you will be safe.

In the imagination, the scenery along the way should be very good, first pass the Jinling Yangtze River Bridge, then Zhenjiang, Jiangyin, Jingjiang
Shen Guanglin really wanted to see what the Jiangyin Fortress looked like.

If the Jiangyin Fortress blocked the devil's battleship back then, it would be such a joyful thing.

Decades have passed, and friendship is the theme of this era, and the right-wing diehards are not yet in power in their country.

Shen Guanglin bought a map of the whole country and planned the itinerary all the way. This was compensation for his sister.

However, the plan of things never changes fast.

Shen Guanglin just designed a small "863 plan" for himself, and the real "[-]" plan of the country came.

Four well-known scientists put forward "suggestions on tracking and researching foreign strategic high-tech development" to the country. The leaders were farsighted and felt that "the decision on this matter should be made quickly and cannot be delayed."

As a result, the subject research expert group was about to be established, and Shen Guanglin was called back to Beijing.

As for the construction of residential quarters for teachers, the construction of skyscrapers, and the construction of docks, these things have to be put on the back burner.

He didn't even have time to send Li Li back to Fusang.

Science matters, the biggest.

The chief person in charge of this scientific research project is Mr. Zhu Yaguang, who personally sent an invitation to Shen Guanglin, and Shen Guanglin felt very honored.

Mr. Zhu is the founder of national nuclear science. He is known as the "handsome among the handsome" and is also a member of the academic department. This old man, Shen Guanglin, has been friends with him for a long time. He has met several times at some conferences, but he has never had any detailed contact.

After all, although everyone is a physicist, their research fields are different. The more research goes to the top, the more subtle the subject classification will be.

However, on the other hand, the more sophisticated the research, the more blurred its field is.

Even, for a subject, you don't know whether it should belong to the category of biology, chemistry or physics.

This old man has been engaged in nuclear weapons all his life. A few years ago, he was in charge of the preparations for the first nuclear power plant in China, Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant, and he has been engaged in nuclear theory research all his life. He is a master in the nuclear physics industry.

However, Shen Guanglin basically avoids this field.

He knew that once a physicist gets involved in nuclear physics, it is often difficult to be free again.

Although Shen Guanglin decided to commit himself to the country, he is a person who does not want to be fettered. He has a heart that is unwilling to be fettered. It is okay for him to contribute, but it is a bit difficult to give up everything to dedicate.

This time, Shen Guanglin was summoned, and without any hesitation, he directly bought a plane ticket back to the capital.

This is a major event that can be boasted about for a lifetime. This is a major event that can affect the historical process of the country's technological development. Shen Guanglin feels that he is really honored to be able to participate.

Shen Guanglin bought the nearest flight ticket, and it was the plane that his sister sent him on.

In the past, Shen Guanglin had to sleep whenever he got on the plane, no matter how beautiful the stewardess was, it would not help. Moreover, the more bumpy the plane, the sleepier he would be.

This time, no matter what, he couldn't fall asleep anymore. He looked around, looked around, and was very excited, as if he was flying for the first time, and he looked like a first-time brother.

Those who can now take civil aviation are either rich or expensive.

Sitting next to Shen Guanglin was a calm, middle-aged and elderly cadre. He couldn't stand Shen Guanglin looking around as if he had never seen the world: "Young man, sit down for a while, I don't get airsick now, I am sick of you. Human It’s not easy to fly once in your life, but you don’t have to be so prominent.”

Maybe, when people are old, they just like to preach, and they talk endlessly. The implication is that Shen Guanglin is still young, so don't make people laugh by acting like he has never seen the world.

"Ah, yes, you're right." Shen Guanglin finally calmed down and turned on the call light.

The stewardess walked over, "Comrade, what do you want?"

"Get me a newspaper, I'm dizzy old man."

When we got back to the capital, it was the time when the cold wind carried a hint of spring, and the plane landed in such a cold.

Shen Guanglin is indeed an extremely important person. Mr. Zhu, who is a member of the academic department and the head of the scientific research project, greeted him at the airport in person. This kind of treatment is also rare.

"Professor Shen, let's talk as we walk." Mr. Zhu has met Shen Guanglin several times, because Shen Guanglin is the most outstanding young man in the scientific world, not one of them.

As the editor-in-chief of the national scientific research plan, Zhu Yaguang has great responsibilities and great pressure.

He knows that any decision they make this time will affect the technological direction and future development of the entire country, so they have to be cautious.

Therefore, although Shen Guanglin is young, as a young scholar who has made achievements in several fields, his opinions are particularly important.

Shen Guanglin looked at Mr. Zhu with thinning and gray hair, and said with shame: "I'm so sorry, I asked you to pick it up in person."

Shen Guanglin really felt ashamed in his heart. During this period of time, he left scientific research to do business operations, to build high-rise buildings, and even to do real estate. Dedicate your life.

"How come, Xiao Shen, you are a delicate and beautiful flower in our physics world. Now the scope of your research has been out of the circle. Many people say that you stole the limelight from the biological side. I came to pick you up this time because it is a bit selfish. I also want to see how your cloned calf looks like."

This is no problem, welcome to guide the work.

Although Mr. Zhu came by car, Shen Guanglin had already ordered a car, so his car was better, it was an imported Mercedes-Benz.

Shen Guanglin invited Mr. Zhu and his entourage to get into his car. Mr. Zhu is not a rigid person, it seems that he really has something to say to him.

"It's better to have your car. It's shiny. The boss used to have a car of this brand, and it's now in a museum."

"Yes, I'm a little bit talkative about material comforts, so I spent a little bit of money, isn't it a bit sloppy."

Shen Guanglin also knows that many people have opinions on his pursuit of material living conditions. Not to mention, even many professors at Capital University commented that Professor Shen can't bear hardships.

However, Mr. Zhu did not approach Shen Guanglin to criticize his life style. He really had something to do: "This research group is very important, and I want you to be the team leader of the biology group."

(End of this chapter)

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