Start with a college teacher

Chapter 484 Chapter 505 Innovation

Chapter 484, Chapter [-] Innovation
The debate continued all morning.

Many of them attacked and discredited Shen Guanglin, including his insect-resistant cotton, including his cloned cows, but Shen Guanglin did not say a word.

Recently, Shen Guanglin fell in love with Anhua dark tea.

This kind of tea is very good, the tea soup is transparent and clean, the leaf base is light and new in quality, the aroma is rich and clean, and it lasts for a long time.

If the future generations were not spoiled by MLM, this is a good drink.

In fact, before Shen Guanglin came to the meeting, he was already in a bad mood.

When he learned that he was invited to participate in the seminar, he was very happy at first, and he was full of self-confidence along the way.

However, he was not allowed to participate in the discussion of the physics group, which was a bit uncomfortable.

In Shen Guanglin's concept, according to his achievements and contributions, let alone physics, chemistry and biology should all be listened to, which is reasonable.

However, what he thinks is reasonable is just what he thinks, and others don't think so.

People in the physics group don't think so, people in the chemistry world don't think so, and people in the biology world don't think so.

Shen Guanglin brought his own tea, and placed a hollowed-out tin kettle beside him, so he could make tea and drink it himself.

He inherited the fine tradition of receiving anger during the day and listening to operas at night.

Even if others ridiculed his face, he didn't fight back or make a sound.

It seemed that he just came here for a free lunch.

The lunch was really good. Shen Guanglin had a good appetite. He ate three braised lion heads in succession, which was a bit salty.

The meeting started in the afternoon, and Commissioner Zhu led a few people from the organizing committee to tour the venue.

When they arrived at the biology group, Shen Guanglin was still drinking tea there, so leisurely, he couldn't help asking Shen Guanglin, "Is there any progress on your side?"

"No, everyone is having a tea party, and the discussion is very lively."

Shen Guanglin refilled himself with tea, took a sip, and asked Commissioner Zhu if he would like to drink it. It is a good black tea, a historical treasure, and the favorite of nomads.

People really need to drink more tea when they are getting old. Only when the body is alkaline, will they not worry about gout.

Commissioner Zhu has been so busy these days, how could he be in the mood for tea? He couldn't help but start to worry:
"Xiao Shen, why didn't you stop it? You should control the rhythm of the whole meeting."

"Who am I, why should I stop it? I am a soft-spoken person with shallow qualifications, how can I control it?"

Shen Guanglin's tone was still calm, but it was not difficult to hear that there was resentment in his words.

He originally came here to make suggestions, but if no one listened, there was nothing he could do.

Shen Guanglin figured it out when he came here. In this kind of meeting, academic achievement is not important, but qualifications are important.

He, Shen Guanglin, has low qualifications. Everyone can't help me. I have 20 years of service, and I have 30 years of service.

As for Shen Guanglin, he has only been in the field of biology for 5 years. What qualifications does he have to judge the future of the biology industry.

"That said, you are the leader of the biology team."

"Who appointed it, and the letter of appointment, was it announced?"

not at all.

Since Shen Guanglin entered the meeting room in the morning, until now, no one has greeted him a few times.

Even those who knew Shen Guanglin just glanced at him briefly, and then continued their quarrel.

It's not that the organizing committee is absent. There is also a special moderator for this meeting. However, the moderator did not maintain order and did not announce who is the team leader.

If the name is not correct, the words will not go well, and if the words are not good, then things will not happen.

Besides, the team leader is not an official position, so why should he be so enthusiastic about it.

I am tired from running around recently, drinking tea is also very good, cleanses the intestines, moisturizes the intestines, looks young, and is a health product.

Shen Guanglin just let them quarrel.

In official terms, they were having a heated exchange of views.

He, Shen Guanglin, does not use state funds, so it doesn't matter what direction he sets, he just follows his own path.

Now, Commissioner Zhu felt that he couldn't leave. The biology group had a big problem, and he needed to stay in the biology group to participate in the discussion.

It seems that Comrade Xiao Shen is still a little emotional.

It was time for the meeting to officially start, and the moderator said, "The afternoon seminar has officially started."

In fact, it's not that there are no academic committee members in the biology group. After all, it is a major category, and there are always some talents.

However, why Commissioner Zhu's status is so detached is not because of his status as a member, but because he is still a member of the government's think tank. What he says works, and the status of a think tank is more important.

"I heard that everyone had a heated discussion in the morning, and some young comrades didn't get a chance to speak. Before the meeting, our organizing committee had already drawn up the team leaders for each group. Did our group forget to announce it?"

After speaking, Commissioner Zhu looked at the staff of the organizing committee, including the presenter, and wanted to ask what was going on.

The host hesitated, he did not announce who the team leader was, after all, Shen Guanglin was still too young, and he himself was a little bit dissatisfied.

"It doesn't matter if you forget, I'll announce it again now. The leader of our biology group is Professor Shen Guanglin from Beijing University. The framework of our discussion should not be too far away from the topic, and don't go in the opposite direction."

There was an uproar at the scene.

Why, why, what can he do.

Shen Guanglin is unpopular in domestic academic circles, not only in physics, but also in biology.

In the current era of collectivism, a laboratory named after an individual is already offensive, especially Shen Guanglin is still a physics student, and now he comes to guide the development direction of biology, which is simply ridiculous.

However, no one took the initiative to criticize Commissioner Zhu in person.

"Can I talk now?" Shen Guanglin cleared his throat.

"You are the team leader, of course you can talk. You should be the one to control the progress of the discussion and propose the direction of the discussion. Democratic centralism should focus on you."

Waiting for this is the word!

Shen Guanglin finally started to speak:

"That's right, I'm a physics student. I probably shouldn't come to your biology group to participate in the discussion, let alone set the direction of industry development. However, is there anyone in your biology field? Can someone make a correct roadmap?

Everyone sitting here, one counts as one, I can’t say that all of them are incompetent, but every other counts as one, there are definitely many slipping through the net. "

What Shen Guanglin said was a bit serious, everyone felt very uncomfortable after hearing it.

"Why, you are not convinced? It has been more than [-] years since the founding of the People's Republic of China. Have you made any contributions? Have you made any innovations, have you made breakthroughs, and in recent years? Did you plagiarize a little from foreign journals and magazines, and translate them? After a while, and then come back to fill in the gaps in the country?"

Although there are quite a few people who do this, please don't say it, some people have already started to fidget.

"Of course, everyone here may have achieved something.

But, until now, how many years have you been studying biology?I heard people talking in the morning, some said ten years, some said 20 years, 20 years, have high-quality and high-yielding seeds been cultivated?Have some international mainstream and advanced research concepts kept up?
What have you been doing for the past 20 years?
My lab is named after me. Why can't it be named after me?

My laboratory has developed insect-resistant cotton and cloned cows only occasionally, am I proud?
In my opinion, only cloning cows is still a scientific research achievement, and insect-resistant cotton may be useful, but it is not innovative in science.

But, everyone, what about you, are you too lazy to imitate?
Maybe, if I say this, there are too many people who are going to be killed with one shot.

We also have capable people in biology, and some have made outstanding contributions. For example, Ms. Tu who discovered artemisinin is a person worthy of admiration"

Shen Guanglin held back his anger, talked more and more, and couldn't help but want to open the map cannon. Mr. Tu has made a great contribution, but what is she up to now?

"The biggest contribution to artemisinin is Luo XX from Caiyun Province"

Someone in the audience immediately protested. This was the famous 523 project back then, and the official confirmation was that Ms. Tu did not deserve the most credit.

Shen Guanglin was even more speechless.

"Are there any real scientific researchers here?"

"Scientific research, what is the emphasis on, is innovation! Except for Ms. Tu, is the work done by others innovative?
How much of the scientific research we do is innovative?

For example, we often put two bombs and one star on our lips. Excuse me, is this innovation?The atomic bomb was proposed as early as 1934. It was tried in 39 and successfully developed in 45 years. This is innovation.From then on, everything else is just imitation.

Innovation is a road from scratch. "


(End of this chapter)

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