Start with a college teacher

Chapter 485 The original intention

Chapter 485 The original intention
Shen Guanglin's words were really bold enough that even Commissioner Zhu was a little unhappy when he heard it.

However, this is the reality.

Although a group of academic committee members emerged from the two bombs and one satellite, it may not be obvious whether his innovation is really strong.

Citigroup was the first to successfully develop the atomic weapon, as was the hydrogen bomb, and Maoxiong was the first to launch the satellite. We are able to do these things, and we are indeed imitating them, and there are different objects of imitation.

Citigroup's nuclear weapons are more powerful, but how many of their academicians were awarded because of their research on nuclear weapons?
Shen Guanglin sometimes feels that in many cases, our scientific research path has indeed gone astray.

"Let me go back to biology. I can't bear to criticize other fields. It's better to bully everyone here.

In terms of biology, Huaxia has stagnated in the field of biological research for a long time. I think that none of you here is innocent! "

Shen Guanglin's words were still bold, and he overturned a boatload of people with one sentence. However, his words were not empty.

After all, it has not been a few years since the reform and opening up. Before the reform and opening up, even the three laws of biogenetics were not recognized in China. How can biological research be so brilliant?
Shen Guanglin read biology when he was a child, and the opening chapter was Mendel's pea experiment. He couldn't even imagine dominant genes and invisible genes. In China, this theory has long been heresy, and it has not even appeared in biology textbooks until now.

"It is under the propaganda of you and your disciples and grandchildren that the Nobel Prize winner, Mr. Pauling, has become a master of idealism. Now, this master is not wanted by you in the biological world. As a result, he has taken root in the chemical world Yes, his resonance theory has been widely applied in the field of chemistry to explain some chemical phenomena. This is already an important theory in the field of chemistry, especially in the field of organic chemistry. Shouldn’t you reflect on it?”

"I haven't been in the field of biology for a long time, but everyone, have you been studying biology for a long time?

Let's just talk about the three laws of the most basic genetic theory of biology, everyone, how many years have you blinded your eyes and judged a deer as a horse? "

Shen Guanglin paused for a while after saying these words, and drank a few sips of tea.

Although there was a lot of discussion in the audience, no one could refute his words.

Because this is already a dark history in the entire biological world. They have been obsessed with Michurin's theory for a long time, and listed Mendel and Morgan's theory as heresy, and they haven't gotten it into biology textbooks yet. If Shen Guanglin didn't Traveling through time, he didn't even know that there was such a thing in the domestic biological world.

"Everyone, Mendel, why is Morgan's genetic theory heresy? It is still not widely publicized and accepted by you. You know, Mendel, as the founder of genetics, even his theory is not recognized. What else can you do? How dare you say that you study biology?"

What Shen Guanglin said is not excessive at all, because many people here are the main force attacking this kind of academics, and even the biologist who braved the war and returned to China was forced to return to Citigroup by them, which is the same as returning to China Mr. Qian is in stark contrast.

Shen Guanglin calmed down.

"Let's talk about another example, when eugenics and eugenics were proposed, in 1980!
Can I understand that before 1980, you did not study biology at all, but you have been studying politics. "

This is another topic of long-term debate in the academic circles. China has not done a good job on this point. They followed the pace of CCCP and combined the eugenics theory with the mustache's theory of national superiority.

Shen Guanglin, on the other hand, became more and more enthusiastic. The weakness of the biological world was indeed due to a large part of the reason that they had taken the wrong route. They dared not admit the correct theory, and even if they did some research, they did not dare to speak out.

Even Mr. Tu's process of discovering artemisinin is not so much a matter of biology as a matter of chemistry. It is a biopharmaceutical project realized by the low-temperature extraction technology of ether.

"Up to now, some of you here have spoken, and some of you haven't spoken. I have listened to some of the speakers, but I can't listen to them. What is your theoretical basis? Haven't you made any progress after so many years? ?
Many people still look at problems with the old viewpoints and attitudes, and are even unwilling to believe in the existing scientific facts. Is this the scientific attitude?

You have criticized Morgan's genetic inheritance theory for 30 years. This is caused by the historical background of a special period, so I won't say more.

However, now, colleagues in my laboratory have made insect-resistant cotton with genetically modified engineering, you still don’t want to admit it, and you don’t want to believe it, isn’t it boring? "

Shen Guanglin did not expect that some veteran biologists in China would be so ignorant. The insect-resistant cotton launched by Shen Guanglin's laboratory had already caused a sensation in the whole country. They still refused to admit that it was genetic engineering, but insisted that it was Ordinary cross-breeding or other methods of breeding.

"What age is it, even gene sequencing tools have been developed abroad, and you still don't recognize the existence of genetic inheritance and genetic engineering, relying on you, biology can develop?

In 1965, Sanger invented the small fragment sequencing method and completed the determination of 120 nucleotides in Escherichia coli. What are you doing in the same period, burning books and beating the teacher?Are you burning books or are you being beaten?
By 1977, practical-level DNA sequencing methods had appeared, and what were you doing, discussing whether to recognize genetics.

Today, my laboratory has made scientific research results with genetic tools, and insect-resistant cotton has actually appeared.We also clearly stated that its gene comes from Bacillus thuringiensis, but you still say whether it is the result of hybridization.

I say it clearly again, no! "

"If you don't hurry up, others will even test the human genome sequence! When they have developed a genetic virus, what should they do with genetic weapons? It's a bit of a sense of crisis!"

Finally, someone in the audience couldn't help it anymore, "You are talking nonsense, what kind of genetic weapon is simply nonsense."

"You can't accept new things. What kind of creatures are you still studying?" Shen Guanglin retorted unceremoniously.

"Citigroup has a uric acid-lowering drug called allopurinol. Gout patients can have a good therapeutic effect after taking it. However, people of yellow race have a high chance of being allergic to it. This is a genetic selection. We yellow race There is a fragment in the human gene that can be allergic to allopurinol, but neither whites nor blacks have it. This is the genetic difference. If someone designs a virus for the difference gene, is it a gene? arms?"

After Shen Guanglin finished speaking, everyone was stunned. This is simply more terrifying than Unit 731.

"Okay, I won't say much outside the topic. As for whether genetic engineering is beneficial or harmful, this can be left to the future to judge, but what's the point of denying its existence to you?

Many people say that I am not qualified to talk about the future of biology.

I am not qualified, after all, people speak lightly, but are you qualified? "

"What is the future of bioengineering?
Now the country has put forward a slogan, family planning, eugenics and postnatal care.

Do you know what is eugenics to the extreme? Do you want to know?
The extreme of eugenics is that the fertilized egg cells can be replaced with mitochondria, so that the child can be sure that he is a healthy baby before he is born.

Even, eugenics can go a step further. In the future, children with perfect genes can be artificially edited, those genetic disease genes can be removed, and they can be born without congenital diseases, intelligent, healthy and long-lived.

Of course, this method may not be accepted by social ethics. It is the same as cloning. Animals can be cloned, but human cloning is opposed to it myself.

However, as a scientific researcher, innovation, acceptance of new things, and forward-looking, this is the purpose of our biological research. "

"At the end, let me talk about my original intention of studying biology.

In the field of biology, according to my judgment, in the future, we can design corresponding therapeutic drugs for a protein molecule or gene fragment inside cancer tumor cells at the molecular level, so as to cause specific death of tumor cells, but will not affect Normal tissues around tumor cells, so that cancer can be cured, this is the original intention of my biological research. "

(End of this chapter)

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