Start with a college teacher

Chapter 486 Chapter 507 Work

Chapter 486 Chapter [-] Work
Shen Guanglin got the right to draft the proposal as he wished.

If you don't get angry, everyone thinks that he, Shen, is easy to bully.

It's okay to speak ill of me behind my back, but I dare to say it in person.

The last person who did this... no one has done it before. You are the first time.

In the past, Shen Guanglin was a star everywhere, and no one dared to look directly at him academically. All those who questioned Shen Guanglin's academic achievements were slapped in the face.

In particular, most of the academic venues Shen Guanglin attended were foreign scientists, and he seldom had technical exchanges with domestic counterparts. Even if he did, they were teachers from his school or Wudaokou Technical School, and even few colleagues from the Academy of Sciences.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin didn't think the gap would be that big.

This meeting is different. Although it is said that they are leaders in various fields, the quality of people is different, and the ability and vision of people are also different.

What Shen Guanglin can't stand the most is that some people rely on their elders to sell their elders. They obviously have no academic ability and rely on their qualifications to get up.

Shen Guanglin is not used to you guys. I, Shen, don’t get scientific research funds from the state, and I don’t care about awards and awards. The school will give it if it likes it. If you don’t like it, you can transfer to another school. For example, Wudao Boxing School is very good. They said that as long as Shen Guanglin is willing to come, various conditions can be negotiated.

However, Shen Guanglin didn't want to talk about it.

After all, Capital University is not bad, but if he goes to Wudaokou Technical School, then the whole person will be ruined.

The most important thing is that there are many girls in Beijing University, and they are also good-looking, but what about Wudaokou Vocational School?Not everyone has the luck of the Big Hadron.

However, since the Minnesota incident, both of them have kept a low profile.

Young people are full of vigor.

Shen Guanglin scolded all at once, offending people is offending people, but no one really dares to question him anymore, if Shui questions him again, it will be uncomfortable to expose the old truth.

After all, Shen Guanglin has real talent and learning. His laboratory has developed a cloned cow, which is a pioneering work that no other scientists in the world have achieved. Some people even say that this achievement can win a Nobel Prize.

Shen Guanglin seems to be able to win a Nobel Prize for every achievement, but he is still young and needs to wait.

However, the outline of the 863 plan started soon.

After being scolded by Shen Guanglin, everyone put aside their suspicions and began to seriously study the future of biological science.

Since everyone is here to do things, Shen Guanglin is not a stingy person.

He also called Dou Wei and Lao Kong from the laboratory. In order to assist everyone in their work, he also called some students from the laboratory.

Everyone also needs assistants. Your assistants are not as useful as my lab assistants. They can almost be independent.

What is missing?Still seniority.

These people say they are students, but they are actually full-time researchers in Shen Guanglin's laboratory. They even have their houses and can marry a woman.

Everyone works together for a long time, and they are familiar with each other, and it is easy to use.

Shen Guanglin calling them over could indeed help a lot.

The people who came to the meeting this time were all experts in various fields, and each of them had made some achievements, otherwise they would not be invited.

Although their opinions may not be correct, their influence is large enough. Since it is a seminar, it is necessary to learn from others and listen to opinions from all sides.

At present, the entire China is tracking the world's advanced technologies and theories,

And Capital University has exerted a great first-mover advantage in this regard, because their library is too advanced.

The latest issue of international scientific and technological journals will always be placed on the desk of Beijing University as soon as possible.

If you really want to "fill the gap in the country", just translate English into Chinese.

Shen Guanglin has no face to do such a thing.

After all, even the ordinary experimental dogs in Shen Guanglin's laboratory are above the standard. This is the benefit of being backed by Beijing University, and anyone is the favored child of heaven.

If it is not for lack of qualifications, their real level is actually higher than that of many participants.

This is also no way.

The educational and scientific research conditions of Capital University are excellent, and they also have the most comprehensive and advanced library in the country.

As long as you want, you can soak in it all day, all night. If you really want to learn and get in touch with the most advanced scientific research results and ideas, you can do it here.

Many researchers spend their whole lives, and the content of their research may not be outdated.

There were many examples like this during the discussion: A scholar presented his latest research results and insights into the future, but someone told him that your conclusion may not be correct.In this field, Citigroup's Alexander Laboratory has achieved this step, and West Germany's Bayer Laboratory has achieved that step. The theory they put forward is as follows.
They are just students of Capital University, why are they so good.

There is no way, some ordinary universities, even key universities, after the students enter the school, the first thing is to tutor English and mathematics. In this way, most of the semester is wasted, and even in four years, they cannot pass the fourth level of English. .

Capital University does not have this worry.

As long as their mastery of the middle school curriculum is not good enough, it is impossible for them to come to this school, and those who can enter Shen Guanglin's laboratory are selected from the best.

Since they are so good, why don't many people have too many scientific research results?

That's because they didn't continue to take the path of scientific research after graduation. Why did they take the path of scientific research when there is an easier and better path?

Scientific research is sometimes just a stepping stone. When the door is knocked, you can do other things.

Shen Guanglin began to assign work.

In fact, assigning work is also a big science. It is the same as ordering food in a hotel. People who can order food can make all guests feel respected without causing waste to the boss.

The same is true for assigning work. Everyone has to learn to have the ability to solve problems. However, how to judge that this person has the ability to solve problems is a more important ability.

Why after the space shuttle landed on the moon, the Fusang people said that they could manufacture every part, but they just couldn't realize this project, because no one has the ability to coordinate this matter.

Shen Guanglin has been a leader for a long time, and he has accumulated some experience. He is able to assign the work content that each person should be responsible for according to their ability.

Shen Guanglin not only has the ability to lead, but also has a broad vision.

In particular, Shen Guanglin is a time traveler. Although he may not understand the whole field of biology, he still has the ability to make a simple judgment.

It's just that he is a little regretful that it will take ten or twenty years for his judgment ability to be discovered and recognized by everyone.

At that time, he Shen was already old.

(End of this chapter)

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