Start with a college teacher

Chapter 487 Chapter 508 Progress

Chapter 487 Chapter [-] Progress (Business trip today, only one update)
Straightening out the relationship between primary and secondary, the work of the biological group is advancing the fastest.

After Shen Guanglin scolded, everyone didn't dare to compete with him for the dominance.

After all, everyone cherishes feathers, no one has any personal interests, who would offend this promising young man to death.

What's more, Shen Guanglin's group of people is too scary, they are so professional and scary. Speaking of any research field, they can keep up with the progress of international advanced research in the shortest time, at least on paper.

After you explain it, they can understand it, and they can draw inferences from one instance. You said it was scary.

As expected of the talented students of Capital University, it really is different.

If they are committed to filling the "domestic gap", there is no way for others to survive.

In the early spring of 1986, the most important and most eye-catching event in the domestic scientific community belonged to the national high-tech research and development plan.

As a member of the project demonstration team, Shen Guanglin is also the most important and most visible team leader. His every move naturally attracts attention.

Commissioner Zhu often convenes all the responsible persons to meet together. In this symposium, the organizing committee divided the entire scientific field into 7 groups, that is, 7 general directions, including: biotechnology, aerospace technology, information technology, laser Technology, automation planning, energy technology, new materials fields.

Among all the research group leaders, Shen Guanglin is the youngest, only he is only a university professor, and the others are already faculty members.

There is a little green among the thousands of flowers, and a young man has mixed into the gray-haired middle-aged and elderly people, which seems so abrupt.

It is already beyond ordinary people's imagination that Shen Guanglin can become one of the leaders of the seven project teams.

However, in Shen's heart, he should be responsible for more projects, so that he can better show his ability.

For example, in terms of aerospace technology, someone Shen said that he originally learned this, and he also knows the future trend of aerospace technology.

However, there are really many domestic talents in this field, and he can't get in. Moreover, in the future, Capital University and Wudaokou Technical School will not make much achievements in this field, because the students who graduated from these two schools are unwilling to join this industry;

In terms of information technology, he can also speak. Much of Shen Guanglin's work is to prepare for the vigorous development of this field, and he has even started to get involved in chip manufacturing.

However, the domestic scientific research community pays more attention to the research and development of supercomputers. For microcomputers, they feel that they are just like that, and they cannot afford to use them personally. What to do with them, even if they even think about it, they are doing computer localization work in the unit;
Not to mention in the field of new materials, who else can surpass him, Shen Guanglin.

You must know that both nanotechnology and superconducting technology are the doors opened by Shen Guanglin. It is actually a bit inappropriate not to allow Shen Guanglin to intervene in such a field.

But Shen Guanglin is young after all, and it has been a lot of twists and turns for him to be the team leader of the biology team.

Fortunately, Commissioner Zhu was willing to support him, fortunately Shen Guanglin was strong enough, fortunately the biological domain was weak enough.

Otherwise, even if Shen Guanglin brought out cloned sheep and cloned horses, the biological team might not necessarily agree to let him be the team leader.

After all, if you want to enter the demonstration committee, you don't need to pass an exam or pass a scientific research competition. It's not because you have good grades in the past and your ability is strong, so we should listen to you.

For example, apart from Shen Guanglin, there were also some scholars with outstanding scientific research achievements, but they were not invited this time because they were not popular.

Perhaps, Shen Guanglin should also be one of such people, and he is not welcomed.

It's just that he is a professor from Capital University, and his roots are red and seedlings, and his roots are deep enough.

In the field of scientific research, you can reject Shen Guanglin, but you cannot reject Capital University.

After leaving Capital University, China's scientific research community will lose half of the sky. Wudaokou Technical School said that they are the other half.

If Shen Guanglin hadn't been invited to the seminar this time, then the capital university may not have sent people from several fields related to it. By then, everyone will lose face, and no one can blame others.

Whether it is physics, chemistry or biology, the scientific research achievements of colleagues at Beijing University are indeed a bit inferior to Shen Guanglin. This is one aspect.

On the other hand, Shen Guanglin's scientific research results have successfully attracted countless grants for Capital University.

You know, Shen Guanglin didn't want a single cent of the money, it was all shared by other professors in the school. These people took the money, who would not accept his favor?
For such a good colleague, there is no leader or colleague who does not like it.

Those who really dislike him are all competitors, especially those who are professionally engaged in scientific research, such as the Academy of Sciences.

The Academy of Sciences has not produced any decent results for a long time. They are a state-owned institution, but now their livelihood is a bit difficult.

Although the Academy of Sciences has received a lot of money from the state, their stalls are too big, and they are just aging. The young people have no early days, and many people don't know what they can do when they come in.

The progress of the biological group is really fast, and the draft is made very quickly.

Shen Guanglin didn't talk about it either. Basically, Shen Guanglin organized people to demonstrate the problems and development directions raised by everyone, and tracked the most advanced research directions and research progress in the world.

Some we can surpass, some we can keep up with.

The country is indeed not rich now, and the limited money should be used on major scientific research projects that can affect the national economy and people's livelihood.

Of course, Shen Guanglin also listed several key and difficult research directions, including tumors, AIDS and so on.

Everyone was very pessimistic, and felt that Team Leader Shen was a little too ambitious.

Why not study the treatment and prevention of these diseases such as hepatitis B vaccine? This is not difficult. The country successfully developed hepatitis B vaccine as early as 1982, but the current cost is relatively high.

It doesn't matter, Shen Guanglin has claimed these relatively difficult tasks himself, and he doesn't need to spend money from the state. He just wants his researchers not to be idle, and strives to make some breakthroughs in these areas.

Regardless of cancer or AIDS, this is the ceiling of the disease world. Shen Guanglin's courage to devote his own laboratory to this is indeed commendable.

The treatment of cancer is still immature. Chemotherapy is too harmful to the human body. What Shen Guanglin thinks about is the very hot targeted drugs in the future.

In addition, Shen Guanglin also wanted to try to overcome AIDS.

You must know that AIDS is a major disease that has caused panic all over the world, but in China, everyone is not particularly worried. Everyone feels that this disease cannot spread in China.

It doesn't matter, everyone just walk and see, whether it can become popular is not the assumption of our supervisors.

Of course, before Shen Guanglin crossed over, the whole world had not developed a sharp weapon to end AIDS. The most famous one was the cocktail therapy proposed by the Chinese scientist He Dayi.

(End of this chapter)

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