Start with a college teacher

Chapter 488 Chapter 509

Chapter 488 Chapter [-] Graduated from Beijing University
Just as it takes nine months to conceive, project demonstration cannot be completed in one day.

If someone's daughter-in-law can give birth to a big fat boy weighing 8 catties after half a year of pregnancy, then the ancestral graves are really burnt with high incense, and this child might still be Qin Shihuang.

After the last concentrated meeting, the demonstration work has entered a stable working period.

This is a major event that cannot be delayed, but it cannot be rushed.

However, it shouldn't delay everyone's daily work because of this matter.

As a result, the project team was disbanded, everyone went home, and held regular gatherings.

Shen Guanglin didn't know how the gatherings of other project teams were arranged, but the meeting place for the biology team was set in Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

The conditions of Shen Guanglin's laboratory are very good, quite good, and there is no shortage of various state-of-the-art instruments at home and abroad.

For scientific researchers in Beijing, if they want to configure laboratory equipment but don't know how to choose, they can apply to Shen Guanglin's laboratory at Beijing University. They can give you accurate answers.

This is blatant showing off.

Everyone dared not speak out.

The demonstration meeting is not a one-word hall of the capital university. The experts come from all over the country. Some experts do not live in the capital. Every time there is a meeting, Shen Guanglin's laboratory is also reimbursed for their food and lodging expenses to and from the capital.

As far as the meeting place is concerned, Shen Guanglin originally planned to choose the breeding base of Changsheng Biological Company, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

Although the venue of the biotechnology company is very large, it is actually a bit inappropriate, because it is a "Hong Kong" funded enterprise on the surface.

Although the media is trying to play down the background when reporting on insect-resistant cotton and cloned cattle, because the results were made by Shen Guanglin's laboratory at Beijing University, it is reasonable.

But this time it was a special demonstration of the high-tech development plan at the national level, and Shen Guanglin was also afraid that some people would be involved in it.

On the contrary, Shen Guanglin's laboratory at Capital University is very pure. This is Shen Guanglin's laboratory alone.

Anyone who is familiar with Capital University knows that Shen Guanglin's laboratory is only affiliated to Capital University, and all the funds are swindled by Shen Guanglin alone. Although its source may indeed be more complicated, as long as Professor Shen is trustworthy, Shen Guanglin's laboratory is trustworthy.

Green is all over the mountains and the plains are white and full of rivers, and the sound of Zigui is raining like smoke.

In April, there were few idlers in the village, so after sericulture, they planted in the fields.

This is the description of spring in the south of the Yangtze River, not in the capital.

Also, it is only April in the Gregorian calendar, and there is still more than a month before April in the lunar calendar.

Now in the spring of the capital, the sky is full of yellow sand, and there is no need to re-set the scene when shooting the Longmen Inn.

With the arrival of the Awakening of Insects, the land of the capital city has not yet recovered, and it is shrouded in misty dust from time to time. It is really a curse to eat with a bowl, because a mouthful of rice is half a mouthful of sand.

If it weren't for preparing for a major gathering of the biology team, Shen Guanglin would have gone to Shanghai to lay the foundation stone for his skyscraper long ago.

There's no way, I really can't leave now.

This was the first meeting held in Shen Guanglin's laboratory. Everyone came from all over the country, and the discussion was very lively.

But everyone is right about things and not about people, don't doubt it.

The experts who criticized Shen Guanglin face to face last time also came, but they were reluctant to be the drafting committee members of the biological group project.

This time, they didn't express their dissatisfaction in person, but only discussed behind their backs: "The meeting room is like a palace, how much will it cost?"

"Look at the girl serving tea and water, why is she prettier than the waiters in the great hall? There are so many beautiful girls in Capital University?"

They didn't know that the girls serving tea and water were borrowed from biotechnology companies and new material companies. They were all girls with good figures and good looks, and they were all very beautiful.

With so many eye-catching girls, the atmosphere of the meeting was very good, and the results of the discussion were also very effective. Several issues were passed smoothly.

"This little Shen is quite sensible, and he didn't talk about it, otherwise I would definitely go to the higher authorities to sue him."

"Bring me with you when you sue."

Shen Guanglin can't control what everyone thinks in private. As long as he doesn't lose the chain on the surface, he is still willing to respect everyone's opinions. As long as it is reasonable and useful, everyone can feel free to mention it.

It's lunch time, and Shen Guanglin also said, let's have a working lunch at work at noon, the conditions are simple, so please make it simple.

"You're too stingy! At the meeting of the national ministries and commissions, at the worst, you will have a good meal. When it comes to his site, it turns out to be the work meal of the unit."

"Keep your voice down, it's not bad that they provide you with meals for free, and they reimburse you for the travel expenses."

"Don't take away my train ticket for reimbursement of travel expenses, I can still claim it when I go back to work."

"You can go to the train station to get a replacement ticket. Isn't there a letter of introduction, saying that you lost your train ticket to the capital?"

"You're still a thief!"

While the committee members were talking, the staff moved two large boxes.

When I took it out, it was all lunch boxes.

You won't eat this box lunch, will you?

of course not.

These are empty lunch boxes, made of aluminum alloy, big and thick.

The staff said, this is for everyone to eat, and you can take it away after use. It is printed with Shen Guanglin Laboratory of Capital University, and it is a customized model.

The workmanship of this kind of lunch box is very good. Open the lid and it can be divided into upper and lower layers. One layer is divided with small grids. There are different functional areas. It is very delicate and worth at least a few dollars.

If a girl gets such a lunch box, she will definitely like it.

It's okay, it's not bad to come here, my daughter is going to middle school, so I just bring it to her.

Everyone received the lunch box with restraint, and went to the cafeteria to eat together under the guidance of the staff.

However, when everyone came out, they suddenly felt that everything was different from what they had imagined.

Why don't the beautiful girls in their lab eat in this kind of lunch boxes? They use enamel tea mugs, and each of them holds several of them, Ding Ling's palms.

There is no such kind of pressed stainless steel dinner plate in this era. Shen Guanglin started to make a batch of aluminum alloy dinner plates, but they oxidized within a few days, and they were black and ugly, as if they had not been washed.

Shen Guanglin also specially found a place to customize this aluminum alloy lunch box. Everyone took it away, but they didn't like to use it. It holds a lot of food and is easy to clean.

If you are worried that the ingredients will be mixed together and the food will not taste good, this is also simple, just bring a few more jars, that's what they do.

Although these girls are seconded service personnel, they have long been aware of the ecology of Shen Guanglin's laboratory cafeteria. use.

Although the aluminum alloy lunch box is exquisite and delicate, it is not satisfying to eat. Everyone still prefers to eat dishes with soup. Whether it is rice or steamed buns, it goes better with broth.

The delegates looked at the busy cooking area in surprise. There was no one to direct the cooking. It was a self-service cooking area. It was not chaotic at all. There were large plates on the chopping board full of meat dishes, beef, braised pork, chicken legs, everything. , everyone can eat whatever they want.

"Young man, do you usually have meals like this, or do you prepare them just for our meeting?"

The representatives asked about the staff who served them. The young man was also holding an enamel jar, but he only took one. The volume was very large, and it could hold at least five catties of water.

"Our meals have always been like this. This is the standard set by Professor Shen." The staff member replied.

"Then do you ask for money for dinner?"

Such a meal, if you eat it freely, may not cost one or two yuan, and the calculation is the cost of buying vegetables and meat yourself.

"for free."

Everyone fell silent immediately.

It is no longer popular for the unit to manage meals for free. Even if there is, it is unlikely to be self-service. Everyone has a hand-shaking chef who controls the amount of food, and there is no room for diners to express themselves freely.

"Eat like this, the funds have been eaten up. What era is it, and there is still a big pot of rice." The representatives were still uncomfortable, why they can eat free meals every day, and it is so rich.

"This is not a big pot of rice, this is employee benefits." The young man made a distinction, and Boss Shen said that even capitalist countries are willing to spend money on increasing employee benefits.

However, the representatives refused to accept it: "If this money is spent in vain, it is better to distribute some wages to the employees."

"We have enough money to spend."

The salary of Shen Guanglin's laboratory is indeed not very high, which is about the same as that of the teachers of Beijing University, but their project bonuses are very large, and they are always awarded, and everyone is numb.

"Young man, how many years have you been working, how much is your monthly salary?"

"I just graduated last year. I don't know how much it is. It's about 180."

180 right after graduation?That's quite a lot, but the representatives were relieved when they thought that this was the capital city.

They don't know that the reason why the guy is not sure about his specific salary is because they don't care about it, because the bonus paid is much more than the salary, and no one cares about this salary.

"180 a month's salary is indeed enough, but you are still young, young man. When you get married and have children in the future, you will know that life will be difficult."

"Yes, you're right. I should save some money. This year I'm going to save up travel expenses. Next year, I'll go to the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee to find a wife and get married. I will have a child the year after that, and the year after I grow up."

"Get married if you say get married? What are your conditions? You have to go to the Organization Department of the Central Committee to find a wife. Why should they follow you? You think it's easy, young man."

"Many people in our unit are married to the wives of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. If they can marry, so can I."


"Because I also graduated from Peking University, and I also published SCI papers."

(End of this chapter)

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