Start with a college teacher

Chapter 489 Thesis and the house

Chapter 489 Thesis and the house

It was only at this time that everyone remembered that this is Capital University, and this is Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

This guy is no ordinary worker.

The staff here, from top to bottom, from left to right, except for the most beautiful girls they saw, everyone else graduated from Capital University. The most indispensable here are the students who graduated from Capital University.

In local units, if there are one or two students from Beijing University, everyone can't wait to enshrine them as treasures.

However, in Shen Guanglin's laboratory, even the waiters have graduated from Beijing University.

Those few girls borrowed as vases are the real rare objects.

"Young man, you just graduated last year, and you have already started publishing SCI papers?"

In fact, SCI is a new term in China, which refers to academic journal papers published in SCI journals included in the Science Citation Index.

Capital University is really different. It really is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. After only one year of graduation, they have the ability to have the opportunity to publish SCI papers. In their unit, this is almost impossible.

"I'm not diligent enough. I only published 6 papers. Some of my fast-moving colleagues published more than [-] papers before they graduated." The young man was very ashamed. So ambitious.

"Six papers! All of them are from SCI? Where did you publish them?" The committee members were also afraid of making a joke, so they had to ask which journals they were published in first, and then raised questions.

"The six papers are true, but they are not very good. My last paper was published on "Biological Bulletin." The young man was a little embarrassed.

"Biology Bulletin? The journal run by the Association for Science and Technology?" Everyone is in the same industry, so they still know some biological journals.

"Biological Bulletin" was established in 1952. It is a monthly journal. Such a journal is still good. It can be used in the evaluation of professional titles. As a fresh graduate, it is already very good to be able to publish papers on it.

The young man nodded shyly: "The main reason is that the unit has an assessment task, and there is really no other way, so I published an article on it, originally"

The committee member who was talking to him nodded, "Assessment is a headache, and our unit also conducts assessment. Our unit selects professors or other professional titles, and there are many assessment contents. Journals such as "Biological Bulletin" are indeed enough. Young man, you are very good, have all your 6 papers been published on this?"

"How is that possible?" The young man smiled shyly.

The committee member suddenly relaxed, "I'll just say it."

If he can publish 6 papers in a row on the "Biological Bulletin", he can be evaluated as a full-time professor in his unit. This young man is still so young.

Although the capital university is indeed better, the committee members are reluctant to admit that the level of their ordinary staff is almost the same as that of the professors in their own units.

The young man continued: "Journals like "Biological Bulletin" are used to make up numbers. If it is not for the needs of laboratory assessment, I will not admit that I have published articles on it. My last article was published in "Developmental Biology" above."

The committee member didn't even want to eat, and wanted to leave with the rice bowl.

"Why didn't you say that you published "CELL", that's even better." The committee member said angrily, with some sarcasm in his tone.

"Developmental Biology" is already a journal in the biological world, with a very good impact factor, exceeding 3, and "CELL" is the top journal in the world. In the biological world, it is as famous as "The Lancet" Yes, its influence is second only to "Science" and "Nature".

"I'm a little embarrassed to say that I only published an article on "CELL", and I can't always use it to speak for itself. This journal is really powerful. Later, when I submitted another article, it was rejected by it."

The young man is also sincere, that’s how he thinks, he can’t just say that he has published "CELL" when he sees people, how embarrassing he is.

"You really published "CELL"! Are you the first author?" The member's face was already stiff. ,This"

"Of course it is the first author, at least it must be the joint first author. In our unit, the second author can only get some bonuses, and the scientific research achievements are not counted."

This is the assessment system of Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

It doesn't matter if you want to get some money, as long as you name it as the second author.

However, if you want to obtain qualifications, for example, to approve a certain amount of scientific research funds, you really need to get scientific research points, and where the scientific research points come from is either the first author or the co-first author.

The committee member didn't want to talk about the publication of the paper anymore, so he took the initiative to change the topic: "You guys also get a bonus for publishing the paper? How much is the bonus?"

Scientific research units across the country, no matter schools or other scientific research institutions, scholars have bonuses for publishing papers, and it is nothing more than a question of more or less.

For example, at Capital University, the bonus for writing an SCI paper is 200, except for Shen Guanglin's lab.

Because publishing SCI papers in their laboratory is like wholesale, there are many papers published every month, and there is no reward at all.

"This also depends on the situation. If you are thick-skinned enough, you can get a second author every time. The journals in the first district can get 500, and the journals in the second district can get 300. It is useless in the third district. The first author is still strong. The first author in the first district can get 3000, which is a bit interesting."

"What, 3000?"

Today, when the average salary does not exceed 200 yuan, the bonus can exceed 3000 yuan. Is this still a person? What kind of unit is this? The committee members began to be jealous.

"Otherwise, everyone has worked so hard to work overtime, so there must be something to look forward to. Otherwise, what's the use of publishing a paper? Our laboratory doesn't have enough professional titles, and the establishment is not enough. Boss Shen said that he can only use some money to make up for it. Wounded hearts."

The guy started cooking, and it seemed that what made up for his wounded heart was not money, but meat, a large piece of braised beef with beef tendon, it should be very fragrant.

"Our unit has an establishment." The committee member blurted out.

He didn't notice that the young man also gave him a large spoonful of beef and poured a spoonful of broth for him.

"But your unit has no money. Didn't you say that I want to make money to get a wife?"

"What's the use of money? When you come to our unit, you can get a job title if you have a good thesis. As long as you get a job title, you can get a house after a few years. Houses can't be bought with money, especially the unit. one's house."

The committee members finally found an advantage. Housing in the capital city is tight. Even the teachers of Beijing University and Wudaokou Technical School lack housing. There is no shortage of units for them, at least not.

"But, we have a house, and the unit has been divided."

"What? Divided the house?"

"Yeah, our laboratory has been divided into houses. It is in the new material company next door. As long as we work in the unit, the house is always ours. My house is a three-bedroom house, but it has not been renovated. Now it costs money to decorate. Our group It cost more than 8000 yuan for long decoration and electrical distribution."

(End of this chapter)

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