Chapter 496 Movies
Shen Guanglin, who had settled down, resumed talking and laughing happily.

Even though there were several meetings a day, he still had time to ask the two friends how the gathering was going and whether they had found any treasures.

Writer Wang and Editor Ma said that the trip was worthwhile. Although they didn't find any treasures, they went to the Bund, swam the Huangpu River, and walked around the alleys in the past few days, and felt a lot of different customs and customs in Shanghai and Beijing.

Fortunately, there is no big health care in Shanghai, otherwise, they would definitely not want to come back.

Lao Ma is a prudish, Lao Wang is a real hooligan.

Even if there is no Lao Xu, he Lao Wang is not a master of peace.

Lao Xu is only 12 years old now.

Shen Guanglin also felt that it would be boring and boring to start the project every day, so he also decided to put down his work and go out to collect folk songs with them.

However, Shen Guanglin has only been busy for a few days now, and he realizes that he seems to have missed the whole world.

Because, these two sluts hooked up with those two girls from the Shanghai Drama Academy at some point, and they didn't stop to wait for themselves.

Every morning, the two girls would drive to the Peace Hotel on time, and then go to the restaurant to have breakfast with ease.

Peace Hotel is a hotel that integrates catering and accommodation. Each room is given two breakfast coupons, and Writer Wang and Editor Ma will each have one left. The two girls seem to have formed a habit of coming to eat breakfast.

Sure enough, it is not wasted.

After breakfast, the four of them went out to play together to see the scenery and learn about the local customs. They also agreed that they would be written into the novel, and they were so happy.

There are two beauties traveling together, but they didn't bring Mr. Shen with them. It's really too much.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin paid for your accommodation expenses.

On this day, everyone made an appointment to go out together. By the time Shen Guanglin got up and finished his work, they had already had breakfast and were sitting around drinking coffee.

Shen Guanglin doesn't like drinking coffee at all, he likes to drink tea, sometimes, he can sit there in a daze while drinking tea for a whole day.

When someone asks, he will say that this is thinking about a problem.

In the world of scientists, others do not understand, nor can they understand.So, everyone carefully helped him make tea, and they almost brought a tiger over so that he didn't have to go out to show respect.

However, today is the time for everyone to go out and play together, and Shen Guanglin, the well digger, must not be forgotten.

Sure enough, the two bitches didn't forget Shen Guanglin's contribution. When they introduced it, they said that it was because of Mr. Shen that they stayed in the Peace Hotel and everyone had a free breakfast.

Thank you Lord for giving me good food.

"Mr. Shen, your unit is really rich! Your daily accommodation fee is more than our monthly salary. It is really a waste to stay in a hotel."

Even though we haven't seen each other for so many days, the beauty Yuan still has a good impression of Teacher Shen. We are all teaching colleagues.

"But, if we don't live in a hotel, why don't we live in your teachers' dormitory?"

Shen Guanglin can also take jokes, especially when facing such a good-looking girl, he feels uncomfortable if he doesn't speak a few words.

"If you come alone, that's okay." The girl was already familiar, and she was very daring.

"Did you hear me, you two hurry up and get out! I'll move to the beauty dormitory right away."

It's impossible to get lost, let's go out and play together quickly, taking advantage of such a beautiful spring, don't disappoint your youth.

Come on, make it happen, anyway, there is a lot of time.

Shen Guanglin has never been to the Shanghai Academy of Drama in this era. In his era, there were several branch schools of the Shanghai Academy of Drama, so it would be meaningless to go there.

However, you can go and take a look now, the most important thing is to see how the beauties there are different from the Beijing Academy of Drama.

Traveling with Shen Guanglin, the biggest difference is that there is a car, and it is a special car specially allocated by the city government. Although it is not as good as the Mercedes-Benz, it is really good that you no longer need to measure the world with your feet.

People are vain, and the two girls were very happy to be able to ride in the car, chatting non-stop.

The girls naturally couldn't see the special meaning of the license plate, but were curious about Shen Guanglin's identity:
"Mr. Shen, what are you doing here? Why do you still need a car?"

"Come to invest." Shen Guanglin also told the truth, anyway, they will know sooner or later.


"Build tall buildings."

"How tall?"

"It's as high as 100 floors."

"That's so high."

Then, the beauty Yuan stopped asking, and Teacher Shen liked to joke.

After a while, Meiyuan changed the subject: "Mr. Shen, what do you teach?"

"At first it taught English, and later it taught physics."

"Do you know foreign languages? I want to learn too, but I have no talent. Some classmates and colleagues who are good at foreign languages ​​have gone abroad. Can you teach me when you have time?"

"I can teach you physics, I'm a world-renowned physicist."

"You hate it!"

That's it if you hate it or not. After watching the drama academy, the next itinerary is to watch a drama performance. This is also a common problem of cultural people, and I like these tunes.

They asked Shen Guanglin if he wanted to go?
Go, why don't you go, don't you know that Mr. Shen has the highest level of education?

The Shanghai Theater is still quite famous. Shen Guanglin read the performance list, and the most recent rehearsals are "In the Silent Place" and "The Field is a Green Gauze Tent".

"The Field is the Green Gauze Tent Again", the name is very vague. When thinking of the green gauze tent, it reminds me of a very popular song:

"The big girl is beautiful, that big girl is sloppy,
The eldest girl walked into the green gauze tent. "

The question is, don't you think that the corn leaves are getting flustered in this green gauze tent? It's the same in the sorghum field.

Just a few days ago, the famous novel "Red Sorghum" was published, causing a sensation.

Mo Yan is indeed a bit powerful, the characters in his works are full of vitality.

"Grandma" is young and beautiful, "waving her arms and swaying her waist as she walks, like a willow blowing in the wind", full of vitality, even a little indulgent and romantic.

She was married at the age of 16, longing for a happy marriage, "longing to lie in the arms of a stalwart man to relieve loneliness", but her greedy father married her to Shan Bianlang, a leper, because Shan's family was rich. , Life just bears buds, and it faces withering.

At this time, "Grandpa" appeared on the stage, and the beauty of "Grandma" "awakened the great inspiration in his heart to create a new life". , in the red sorghum field turned upside down.

Shen Guanglin is an ordinary person, he likes the rain and the clouds.

This novel is suitable for making a movie.

(End of this chapter)

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