Chapter 497 Work (Business trip, today's update)
Haven't contacted old friends for a long time, are they still alive?
Lao Zhang went to Xiying Film Studio after graduating from university. I heard that he became a photographer. Last time he came to Beijing, he brought a lot of local specialties, such as wolfberry.

However, he didn't bring Shen Guanglin's favorite souvenir.

Shaanxi is a good place, especially Mizhi. The aunts and aunts here are still very famous. Since I didn’t bring them here, it’s good to organize a group to see them when I’m free.

Shen Guanglin called Lao Zhang: What are you busy with? "

"Be an actor, make a movie."

What?Be an actor?
Shen Guanglin only knows that Lao Zhang will grow into a well-known director. He studied photography, and switching to a director is a trend and has advantages. Now how to become an actor.

Shen Guanglin then asked him, "What movie is this filming?"

"Old Well."

"Why does it sound so familiar? Is it the case that the villains working in small private coal mines almost regarded farmers from other places as their relatives, brought them to work in coal mines, beat people to death while working underground, and then blackmailed the mine owners?"

Shen Guanglin remembered, did Wang Aqiang make his debut with this movie? Could it be that Lao Zhang acted in it in advance?
"No, the story you mentioned is very novel, but it is not the movie we are shooting. We are shooting the story of the well diggers on the Loess Plateau."

In fact, the movie starring Lao Zhang is a love triangle story. Wangquan and Qiaoying are a couple, but due to family reasons, Qiaoying married Wangcai. Later, Wangcai died in the well, and Wangquan fell asleep in the well. Qiaoying, after coming up, Qiaoying left, leaving Wangquan alone in the aftertaste.

"Is there someone killed in the plot of the movie? Was someone killed underground?" Shen Guanglin was the first to think of an accident when he heard it. This kind of plot is not new at all.

"Yes." Lao Zhang could only answer honestly, because in the movie Wangcai was indeed killed, and he was still underground, and then Qiaoying and Wangquan had an epic love story.

This kind of love story is really difficult to tell whether it is singing or crying, maybe both, Fusang's teacher has the most say.

Shen Guanglin smiled, "That's not the same as what I said."

Old Zhang couldn't take it anymore.

Sometimes when he talks to Mr. Shen, Mr. Shen can always point out the plots used in the movie story. It is obviously a very clever design, but in Shen Guanglin's mouth, it is a worthless routine.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Yimou feels that Mr. Shen is very powerful. If he makes a movie, he will definitely be able to renovate it surprisingly.

Shen Guanglin has never heard of the movie "Old Well", so he probably won't be famous.

To say that the famous movie is "Red Sorghum", which is Lao Zhang's masterpiece. Shen Guanglin has never seen the movie, but he has watched the remake of the TV series later.

Zhou Xun's red dress is very attractive in the sorghum field. It is impossible to tell that she is a 40-year-old aunt, and she is still so pink and seductive.

Shen Guanglin started to talk about business:
"In this way, Lao Zhang, I saw a good story. There is a novel in "People's Literature" called "Red Sorghum". It is very well written and has a strong storyline. It is very suitable for making a movie. I recommend it."

"I do not believe."

"Go away, believe it or not, if you make this movie in the future, you will be my son."

Shen Guanglin solemnly set the flag, and then hung up the phone.

What follows is not entirely a relaxing trip, because Shen Guanglin has already visited the magic city, just before the Chinese New Year.

It's just that the people who accompanied the game were different. At that time, it was a world of two people, but now it is Wutiao people.

Going out to play, with Shen Guanglin and without him, is also a different experience for the four of them.

The added convenience of being able to travel in a privileged car is only one aspect.

In terms of spending money, he, Mr. Shen, is also extremely generous, eating the best, living in the best, and never looking at the price when buying things.

Sometimes, Li Yuanyuan and Li Jianqun thought that he was flattering themselves, because as long as they liked something, he would just say: buy it!

However, when they saw what Lao Wang and Lao Ma were optimistic about, and Shen Guanglin was equally generous in his actions, they felt that Mr. Shen was not flattering them, but he was just stupid.

However, both Lao Wang and Lao Ma are fastidious people with the arrogance of people in the capital, and they are not willing to accept Shen Guanglin's unprovoked gifts at all, so they have to buy something else to give back.

They didn't know what to buy, so Lao Ma could only find a good antique to give him. Anyway, Mr. Shen likes antiques, so it was in his heart;

Lao Wang could only buy a watch, a Shanghai brand, but Shen Guanglin didn't even have a watch.

It's not that he doesn't have it, he doesn't want to wear it, but since it's a gift from a friend, let's accept it.

Seeing this situation, the two girls were also embarrassed to accept the valuables from Shen Guanglin, but they didn't know what to give in return, so they couldn't promise each other with their bodies.

You can think about this slowly. We are friends, so there is no need to be so rigid.

Shen Guanglin said, just accompany me to meet clients more. Girls are good-looking and easy to ease the relationship. In fashionable words, this is called a female publicist.

"We won't eat and sleep with you."

that's for sure.

However, everyone did become more and more familiar with each other.

However, Shen Guanglin's free time is limited, and he can't play freely. There is really a lot of work to do.

After all, his main job in Shanghai is to promote the construction of skyscrapers, as well as the planning of Lujiazui.

Finally, he made an appointment with a well-known urban planning expert in the country, and planned to go to Tongji University to find a famous architectural expert to discuss the planning plan of Lujiazui.

Skyscrapers are very important. This is the first high-rise building invested by Huaxia people and built by Huaxia people. The entire Magic City attaches great importance to it from top to bottom.

However, urban planning is also very important. After all, such a large piece of land cannot have only the skyscraper temporarily named "Pearl of the Orient", and other groups of buildings, including roads and residential areas. These are all objects to be considered.

The matter of the skyscraper has been settled. The original planned height of this building was 466 meters, and later it was increased to 505 meters. Since they are not short of money, they are determined to become the tallest building in the world. This height will far exceed that of Citigroup. World Trade Center Twin Towers.

The Twin Towers of this era are still there, and they are still landmarks in New York, still waiting for the shocking blow of the ** brothers. Of course, the current ** is still a secret soldier of Citigroup, fighting against the invasion of CCCP.

The planned height of the "Oriental Pearl" is similar to the 101 Building built by Wanwan in later generations, but it is far less than the Greenland Center in Jingchu and the Ping An Center in Shencheng in later generations.However, being able to become the world's number one for a short time in this era is already the ultimate dream of many people in China in this era.

Everyone was busy discussing the construction of skyscrapers, only Shen Guanglin cared about the overall planning of Lujiazui.

On this day, Shen Guanglin brought only Li Yuanyuan as a companion, and was going to Tongji University to discuss this issue with Mr. Dai Fudong, the dean of the School of Urban Planning.

Mr. Dai has just returned from abroad and is well-known. His father is also well-known. Dai Anlan, a famous anti-Japanese general, died in Maobang Village in northern Myanmar during his first expedition.

"Mr. Shen, I heard that Dean Dai is a member of the academic department. If you go over, they will see you?"

Beauty Yuan didn't have a clue in her heart. She always felt that she was far away from these people. How could she suddenly come to such a well-known scholar to discuss knowledge.

"Appointment, see you." Shen Guanglin replied casually.

(End of this chapter)

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