Start with a college teacher

Chapter 499 Exchange

Chapter 499 Exchange
There are many famous bridges in Chinese history, such as the Zhaozhou Bridge in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the Lugou Bridge that kicked off the War of Resistance, and the Qiantang River Bridge built by Mao Yisheng in modern times.

Of course, the Qiantang River Bridge was blown up by Chang Kaishen as soon as it was built, just like the Huayuankou in those days, it jointly confirmed the tragedy belonging to that era.

In the era that Shen Guanglin traveled through, there were many famous bridges in China, such as the Yangtze River Bridge in Wuchang and the Yangtze River Bridge in Jinling.

In later generations, there will be more well-known bridges, such as the Hangzhou Bay Bridge, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, and the Aizhai Bridge.

Today in 1986, if it was said that we could build the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge across the sea in the future, no one would believe it.

In this era, it is very difficult to build an ordinary bridge.

People in this era can hardly imagine how powerful China's infrastructure capabilities will be in later generations.

If they could really imagine that Huaxia would overtake Citigroup in all aspects, it is estimated that there would not be so many elites.

Only after experiencing this era can we know what it means to be poor and white.

In this era, the money everyone earns in a year is not as much as others earn in a month.

China in this era needs funds but no funds, and technology but no technology. Some people who "open their eyes to see the world" have lost confidence in China because of this, thinking that everything abroad is good, and everything we do is wrong.

Shen Guanglin couldn't stand this.

Huaxia people are smart and hardworking. As long as the method is right, how could we not rise up.

At present, what Huaxia needs is an example.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin is determined to build the tallest building in the world, and use Chinese people to build it. This is also a measure to boost national self-confidence.

Shen Guanglin has done a lot in technology, but it is not enough, and more influential actions are needed.

It is now.

Anyway, Shen Guanglin has money, so let's build the tallest building in the world.

The Great Wall Group intends to build the tallest building in the world, and it will be completed one day. What a shocking thing this will be. When people mention it, they will say, look, the tallest building in the world is in my country.

Because of this, Shen Guanglin went to visit Commissioner Dai, and Commissioner Dai warmly entertained Shen Guanglin.

Committee member Dai mentioned that they want to set up a bridge design institute, which is a good idea, and Shen Guanglin is in favor of it.

He even wants to take a stake. We can set up a special bridge construction company, and we can do some EPC general contracting work in the future.

The money matter is easy to talk about. The Great Wall Group already has a bank that can provide loans, and they can hold or participate in the shares.

What Shen Guanglin said was serious. Although it was not urgent, it was not a joke either. It was up to Commissioner Dai and their school to decide.

At the very least, there is no shortage of start-up funds and advance funds for project construction.

Big deal, after the bridge is repaired, it will charge tolls for a few years.

However, the most urgent task now is how to build Pudong and how to build the Great Wall Tower.

Now Pudong is still a deserted vegetable field, and there is only one bridge connecting the Huangpu River, and, with just this bridge, there is still room for traveling.

The need for economic development is too urgent.

Commissioner Dai happily accepted Shen Guanglin's invitation and became the general counsel of the Lujiazui Construction and Development Committee.

In fact, people have long wanted to participate, what is missing is a step.

Calculated, the remuneration of Commissioner Dai as a consultant is tens of thousands of dollars, isn't it? After all, it was exchanged with Shen Guanglin for holding lectures.

Shen Guanglin gave him full respect, and Commissioner Dai deserved this respect.

Since then, Commissioner Dai has come to the construction site every now and then. No matter where he goes, he always has the progress of the project in mind.

He is much more diligent than Shen Guanglin,

As long as there is time, no matter what kind of event or meeting, as long as Commissioner Dai can attend, he will definitely attend.

Shen Guanglin can't do it anymore, he is notoriously lazy, and he still has the time to accompany the beautiful teacher to watch dramas.

Although Shen Guanglin paid for this building, it was very difficult for him to devote himself to this project.

This is not the life Teacher Shen wants.

However, Shen Guanglin can't just leave now, because the project wants to advance, and there are indeed many complicated things at present.

The most important thing at present is not the skyscraper design and construction schedule, there are still a lot of troubles.

In Shen Guanglin's place, this building is just like this, with so many people caring about it, he can be lazy by himself.

What Shen Guanglin is concerned about is no longer the construction of this building, but more importantly, other surrounding buildings. Shen Guanglin also wants to confirm it together.

This is what needs to be considered for the development of the next few decades.

Advance the whole line, this is a difficult problem to test everyone.

The city leaders organized various functional departments to participate together, and everyone held several discussions on the overall planning and layout of Lujiazui, but there has been no final conclusion.

However, after all, it is mainly because Shen Guanglin wants to insist on developing according to his own ideas, and everyone thinks it is a bit unfeasible.

They still think that Shen Guanglin is too ambitious, isn't this a utopia.

Even Citigroup is not as advanced as planned.

How is this possible.

It is still a wasteland now, so the subway station is reserved, and the drainage pipes are needed to divert the rain and sewage, and the underground main pipes will be vigorously built. Where will the money come from?Is it necessary?

However, Shen Guanglin was willing to pay the money himself.

Since your planning is not in place, I will plan it myself first.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin has begun to pay attention to the concept of environmental protection in this era, because he is planning to build photovoltaic power stations on the roofs of all buildings.

Does Professor Shen need to be so versatile?

Even Commissioner Dai felt that he could no longer keep up with the development of the future situation. Could it really be like this in the future?He began to doubt himself.

Similarly, the beautiful teacher Li Yuanyuan also began to doubt herself.

Because, Mr. Shen is actually going to give a lecture at Tongji University, and it is for the teachers and students of the whole school.

At first, she thought it was a joke.

Teacher Shen is a member of the Great Wall Group. This is what she knows. The Great Wall Group is very rich. This is known to all the people in the country.

Therefore, during the recent period, their travel, catering, and other expenses were all accounted for by the Great Wall Group, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with them.

After all, seeing Lao Wang and Lao Ma taking it for granted, they were relieved.

Now, Mr. Shen is actually able to give a large-scale lecture at Tongji University, which is amazing.

They are not very familiar with Mr. Shen, but they already know who Lao Ma and Lao Wang are.

There is only a high school student and a junior high school student. Although they are both engaged in literary creation, their academic qualifications are really not high.

"Mr. Shen, are you really going to give a lecture at Tongji University?"

"Well, of course it's true. I promised Commissioner Dai, so naturally I have to do it."

(End of this chapter)

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