Start with a college teacher

Chapter 500 Competitors

Chapter 500 Competitors
"There is a big Han in the south, and a strong Hu in the north. Husbands are the pride of heaven." --From "Hanshu. Xiongnu Biography"

"The Proud Son of Heaven" was originally what the Xiongnu Shanyu called himself.

In the 80s, "the proud son of heaven" became an exclusive title, referring to contemporary college students.

In this age when educational resources are not well-developed, it is extremely difficult to get into a university. Not to mention key universities, even an ordinary junior college can make the whole family brag about it for a long time.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration for the students of Tongji University to be called "the proud sons of heaven".

Of course, in this era, the gap between rural children and urban children is not as big as later generations. Many children from rural areas can still get into a good university as long as they study well enough, such as Zhang Yaoming.

Zhang Yaoming was born in a rural area, so his family is of course very poor.

Poverty is a social feature of this era, especially in rural areas.

Fortunately, in this day and age, as long as you study well enough, you don't need to spend much money to study, and there are even subsidies. Zhang Yaoming is an example.

Two years ago, he became a blockbuster and was admitted to Tongji University in Shanghai.

It's really not easy, it's as if the ancestral grave is cracked.

The parents struggled to make a living in the one-acre three-point field in their hometown. Every day, they plucked chickens, searched for yam eggs, borrowed from relatives and neighbors, and finally managed to scrape together enough travel expenses to Shanghai, and then sent the child out of the house in one breath.

Zhang Yaoming is well aware that learning opportunities are hard to come by, and he worked extremely hard after he graduated from university. In just two short years, he not only caught up with his classmates, but left most of them behind.

Now, he has a new goal: to study abroad, to learn more advanced technology and knowledge abroad.

And if you want to study abroad, this year is a very critical year.

Because he is already a junior, if he can't seize the opportunity, it will be really difficult when he starts to assign work in his senior year.

Nowadays, if you want to study abroad, it is not enough to just study well, it is best to be recommended by someone.

After studying in the university for the past few years, he also understands some other situations. Some scholars who have exchanges with international academic circles have the right to recommend them. Students recommended by them can easily be admitted and invited by foreign universities.

However, how to interact with such scholars is another problem.

On this day, the school issued a notice: Professor Shen Guanglin from Capital University will give an academic lecture in the student club this Tuesday afternoon.

The student club is actually a large lecture theater that can accommodate more than 1000 people. It is used to show movies on school weekends.

"Love on Lushan Mountain", "When the Mountain is Full of Red Leaves", "Xu Mao and His Daughters", "The Wrangler", "Shaolin Temple", and "Old Things in the South of the City" all left stories here, which lovers will remember decades later , I still think it was the happiest time.

In these movies, what impressed Zhang Yaoming the most was the little girl Yingzi in "Old Things in the South of the City". She had big eyes and said with a smile: "You are here to take a shit." It was so cute.

He will also have such a daughter in the future.

Professor Shen Guanglin is going to give a lecture here!

Zhang Yaoming has heard about Professor Shen Guanglin's deeds. He is an extremely famous professor at Capital University. Although he is not well-known in China, he is an extremely famous professor internationally, and he is also the pride of Chinese people.

Since Zhang Yaoming went to university, he often reads international journals, as long as they are in English, no matter what content, he likes to read them, just to improve his English level.

In these international academic journals, some very strange sentences are often mentioned: "The great Shen from China thinks", "From Shen's point of view, the following extensions can be drawn", "Shen from the East thinks so"

Zhang Yaoming didn't know who "Shen" was at first, until he found Shen Guanglin's thesis based on other people's paper indexes, and then he realized that Professor Shen Guanglin of Capital University is so powerful, and the idol worshiped by many internationally renowned scholars is Shen Guanglin.

Moreover, the journals that Zhang Yaoming read include biology, physics, and chemistry, all of which mentioned the Chinese name "shen" without exception.

Even in academic works, they called Shen Guanglin "great", "amazing" and "incredible". Academic papers should be neutral, and it is unreasonable to have beautiful words, which is more reflected. The greatness of Professor Shen Guanglin.

It was a real honor to listen to his lectures.

If he takes a fancy to his diligence and can support one or two, then...
Just after noon on Tuesday, Zhang Yaoming was waiting at the gate of the club, and as soon as the school club opened, Zhang Yaoming went in to grab the most favorable position.

He knows better than anyone what it means to be close to the water.

Whether it is listening to a class or a lecture, the position closest to the podium is the easiest to be noticed by the teacher, which is the accumulation of his years of learning experience.

However, Mr. Mo Dao walked early, and there are even more early walkers.

When Zhang Yaoming came in, there were already several people in the lecture theater.

The others are staff members of the Student Union, who are setting up the venue, adjusting the microphones, and setting up the banners. There is only one girl sitting in the first row, looking bored.

From the side view, this girl is so beautiful, he is a little afraid to approach her.

However, the chance to change his destiny is right in front of him, and for the one-in-[-] chance favored by Professor Shen, he feels that the position next to that girl is the best.

She will not be his competitor.

My friend is scheming.

How to do?To go or not to go?
Let's go!Fair competition, good looks are useless, what Mr. Shen likes is talent.

Needless to say, that girl is a beautiful woman, and she followed Shen Guanglin to give a lecture.

Shen Guanglin said that he was going to give lectures at Tongji University, she didn't believe it, but she couldn't believe it.

Until she saw Shen Guanglin being accompanied by the school leaders drinking tea in the background, until she saw the secretary of the student union pull up a banner: Warmly welcome Professor Shen Guanglin to come and guide.

It turned out that he was really a university professor. I thought he was just an ordinary physics teacher.

"Student, are you here to listen to Shen Guanglin's lecture?"

This boy was so daring, he sat next to him all of a sudden, he was even bolder than the boys in his school who thought they were handsome.

However, he sat here as long as he sat here, and he didn't even strike up a conversation with himself. Instead, he picked up an English version of the book and read it. Why, he still played hard to get?

"Ah, yes, yes, this is Professor Shen's lecture, and anyone who doesn't come to listen to it is a fool." Zhang Yaoming thinks that beautiful women are like that, and after a few decades they will be skeletons, so he doesn't feel nervous when he thinks this way.

Isn't it a competitor, who is afraid of whom!

"Do you know what kind of lectures he gave?" Beauty Yuan continued to ask.

"It should be physics. After all, he is a professor of physics. However, Professor Shen is an all-rounder. Whatever class he teaches, it is a harvest for us."

After answering this sentence, Zhang Yaoming stopped talking and continued to read his book. The content on it was extremely interesting, much more interesting than looking at beauties.

"Are you learning English?" The beauty Yuan became interested instead. Shen Guanglin said before that he taught her English, but she didn't believe it.

"No, I'm reading Professor Shen's thesis."

"And he also published papers in English?"


(End of this chapter)

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