Chapter 501 Story
Although he has not practiced his old job for a long time, Shen Guanglin's teaching skills are still very skilled, and it is not an exaggeration to describe him as familiar with the road.

Now, he is too famous to give lectures everywhere.

This is the same as Li Lianjie, a very famous actor in later generations. After returning from Hollywood, he has nothing to shoot, without him, it is too expensive.

Shen Guanglin's current appearance fee is too expensive, and domestic universities can't afford it, and everyone has given up on this idea.

Besides, many people are jealous of Shen Guanglin's achievements, so they are unwilling to promote him.

Although no one deliberately blackened him, everyone also tacitly refused to preach him.

Therefore, those who know him are the top academically focused people, and ordinary people will not know him.

In fact, Shen Guanglin still likes giving lectures, especially communicating with young people, and seeing the adoring eyes of groups of people in the audience, he enjoys this.

However, today, when he arrived in Shanghai, he was disappointed.

Not many students came to listen to the lecture, far less than his popularity in the capital.

In this era, the speed of information transmission is indeed not fast, but it shouldn't be so lagging.

Tongji University still attaches great importance to Shen Guanglin, and prepared a super large auditorium for him.

However, when the lecture started, the venue was not full. Judging from the attendance rate, only about 600 people were listening to the lecture, and the rest of the seats were empty.

Not to mention the surrounding universities, there are more than these students who offer physics courses in this school, not to mention chemistry and biology.

This made Shen Guanglin very uncomfortable.

Perhaps, only the beauty Yuan felt that Mr. Shen was so amazing that so many people could come to his lectures.

Beauty, you are being sarcastic.

When Shen Guanglin got on the podium, he glanced at the audience, and he began to feel unhappy. How could he be like this? Are there only so few people?
However, when the scheduled lecture time came, Shen nodded at the beauty first, and then started his lecture as scheduled.

"What major do you all study?"

"Theoretical Physics", "Nuclear Physics", "Biophysics", "Particle Physics", "Applied Physics"

The audience answered all kinds of things, but it can be seen that they are all students of science and engineering.

It is true, because the banner said Shen Guanglin, a professor of physics at Capital University, not another major, many people didn't come, they didn't know that Professor Shen was so versatile.

"It looks like it's all related to physics. Who do you think is the greatest physicist today?"

This is the opening speech of someone from him.

"Einstein!" There was no doubt about the unanimous voices from the audience. Einstein's greatness is the consensus of people in this era.

However, this was not the answer Shen Guanglin wanted.

"I'm asking about the greatest physicist today, not in modern times. In the world of physics, Newton's achievements are no less than Einstein's, and Faraday and Planck are all better than Love in terms of achievements." Einstein achieved something even greater."

This is the truth. Einstein is closer to this era, so everyone thinks he is greater. Others have passed away for a long time, so they suffered a disadvantage.

The audience was full of voices communicating with each other, and then some students shouted loudly: "Feynman!" "Yang Zhenning!" "Li Zhengdao!"

In short, they can say anything, but these are not the answers Shen Guanglin wants.

Shen Guanglin cleared his throat and said to the audience:

"There are also many people who say that I am the greatest physicist today."

The audience laughed.

Everyone knows that Shen Guanglin is a professor from Capital University, but this Professor Shen is too immodest.

Shen Guanglin was not joking, he just introduced himself in this way.

"Do you know who this year's Nobel Prize winner in physics is? It is von Klitzing from the Max Planck Institute. He won the prize because of the quantum Hall effect. However, he also thinks that I am on the quantum Hall effect. His understanding is deeper than his."

The audience suddenly stopped laughing.

The students began to be surprised, is this true?
"While everyone is laughing, do you know what achievements I have achieved in the past?"

I really don't know.

No one in the audience answered. The reason why some people knew Shen Guanglin was because his research institute had developed insect-resistant cotton and cloned sheep.

However, although Shen Guanglin is a professor of physics, everyone really can't tell what achievements he has made in physics.

Even Zhang Yaoming, a fan of Professor Shen, didn't know what achievements Shen Guanglin had made, and the other students in the audience didn't know even more.

Since everyone doesn't know, let's change the topic. Shen Guanglin doesn't want to entangle too much.

"Let's not talk about professional content today, let's talk about the great physicists of modern times. Einstein, von Karman, Robert Oppenheimer, Edward Teller, Lev Landau, Nord, you know I don’t know, what nationality are they from?”

"That's right, it's the Jews. Do you know what shortcomings the Jews have?"

There was another silence in the audience. Professor Shen's topic changed very quickly. It was just about physics, but suddenly it was about nationality.

However, this is what Shen Guanglin really wants to talk about.

"Professor Shen, don't the Jews have many shortcomings? Aren't they the best and brightest nation in the world?"

Finally, some students questioned Shen Guanglin's point of view, which did not match their previous cognition.

In this era, magazines and newspapers are full of various popular science articles, which tell about the power and greatness of the Jews. Of course, there are other stories, all of which are fictionalized about the greatness of celebrities from other countries such as Citigroup.

This is what Shen Guanglin can't stand the most. The chicken soup stories compiled by literati in this era are too disgusting. They don't talk about logic at all, lack common sense, and only talk about feelings.

"The Jews are very smart. There is indeed some basis for this. However, they have wandered around the world for more than 2000 years. If they are really the best, why haven't they established their own country? This country is now, or after World War II, They established their rule with the support of Britain and the United States."

Shen Guanglin started talking about this topic.

"Actually, the shortcomings of the Jews are also very obvious. One of the shortcomings is that they lack loyalty and have no concept of a country. During wars, they like to make money when the country is in trouble. Their harm to Germany in World War I is like the Eight Great Masters of Shanxi at the end of the Ming Dynasty. s damage;
Another shortcoming of them is selfishness.After the end of the First World War, a large part of the reason why they were unpopular was that they controlled wealth, but they had no sympathy. The milk would rather be dumped than give relief to the people”

What Shen Guanglin said simply subverted everyone's cognition, which was different from what was said in books and newspapers.

"We are already college students. Many people say that we can tell right from wrong, but have we really achieved it? Are some of the things people often say true?
Let’s not talk about Jews, let’s talk about another story. I think there is such an article in our current text called "Edison Borrowing a Mirror".

It is about how smart and powerful Edison is.

When he was seven, Edison's mother became ill with appendicitis and needed surgery.Since it was night, he thought of a good way to borrow a lot of mirrors from his neighbors and make a shadowless lamp.

But, do you know what year Edison was born?
It was 1847, and it was 7 when he was 1854 years old, before the Second Opium War started.

And when did the world's first appendicitis surgery begin?It was 1886, that is to say, when the first appendicitis operation was performed, Edison was already 41 years old. "

And such a thing?

This is the first time everyone has heard of it.

"You said that you don't believe in the achievements of domestic scientists and are unwilling to understand, but some people like to make up stories about foreign celebrities to educate Chinese people. Is it interesting to do so?"

(End of this chapter)

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