Start with a college teacher

Chapter 502 Waterloo

Chapter 502 Waterloo

Today's lecture can be regarded as a story of a time traveler being slightly slapped in the face.

Shen Guanglin was still thinking that Mo Chou had no confidant in the future, and no one in the world knows the king. As a result, the people in the audience walked by, but the old color was gone, and the people on the stage sang a heartbreaking farewell song.

The little stories I told the students today, in fact, Shen Guanglin brought private goods, and he was also taking the opportunity to express his dissatisfaction.

Shen Guanglin felt that he didn't seem to be taken seriously, at least, this was not taken seriously enough.

Who is Shen Guanglin?I have created so many disciplines, opened so many doors, and achieved so many achievements. Now I come to your school to give lectures, and there is no charge.

As a result, you can't say that you are not active, you can only say that you are not professional, and even I, Shen, don't seem to know the resume.

This is not enough homework.

In this case, Shen Guanglin originally planned to talk about the future development direction of physics first, then talk about the relationship between biology and chemistry, and finally talk about the future development prospects of the industry. Let alone the popular science stories that produce misunderstandings.

After all, it's free.

Cheap is not good.

Not only that, Shen Guanglin also presented several stories next. He told the story of Newton and Apple, and the story of Watt and the kettle.

Before Newton, many people were actually studying gravity, so Newton said he was standing on the shoulders of giants.

Among them, Hooke has achieved the greatest achievement. In fact, his theoretical foundation is basically complete, and he is only one step away from completely proving the conclusion of universal gravitation.

And Newton was able to prove the theorem of universal gravitation only because he knew calculus, while Hooke couldn't.

In Newton's biography, there is never any mention of apples.

Let's talk about Watt again. The story of Watt's invention of the steam engine based on the movement of the teapot lid is also fictional.

In fact, long before Watt was born, someone had already obtained a patent for the steam engine, and had already put it into practice, mainly for the drainage of coal mines.

What Watt has done is to add a condensing chamber to the steam engine and improve the linkage mechanism of the steam engine, and there is no connection between these works and the jumping pot lid when the water boils.

The people who make up the story are too bad.

Also, some books read: Einstein did not study well when he was a child, and only scored 1 point in mathematics. Later, through hard work, he became a great physicist.

However, what they didn't know or pretended not to know was that Einstein was actually a top student since he was a child. At that time, the German mathematics test had a total of 6 points, and the best score was 1 point.

From this era, newspapers, magazines, and even some textbooks began to add more and more small things, and some of them even influenced later generations for decades.

It's not bad.

Fortunately, the time for today's lecture is limited. After telling these short stories, Shen Guanglin ended the lecture on time.

The beauties are all dumbfounded, is this a lecture in a university?How is it different from what she has seen before.

If it's just like this, then I can do it too. Although these stories are very reflective, it's not difficult.

I don't know if it's hard or not, anyway, Shen Guanglin didn't allow time for the students in the audience to ask questions.

Life is full of knowledge, and you have learned enough from these few stories.

Shen Guanglin felt that it was a bad experience for him to give a lecture this time.

Moreover, facing the bewildered eyes of the proud sons of heaven, he also lost the humility and pleasure of being a teacher.

However, the lecture was over after all, and the staff were very polite, so what else could he say.

Shen Guanglin didn't express too much, he directly walked out of the auditorium with his female companion, that is, the beautiful female teacher Li Yuanyuan, with the water cup he used to soak wolfberries in.

The male student who was eager to see through had no chance to meet this professor Shen whom he had admired for a long time.

The students applauded politely, but not enthusiastically, which also made Shen Guanglin, who was somewhat vanity, even more uncomfortable.

All in all, this was not a successful lecture.

Shen Guanglin was a little unhappy in his heart. You invited me to give a lecture, because I didn't take the money, but in the end, you didn't even prepare my resume, and didn't tell the students who I am and my past achievements How about it.

What are you doing?Is this also called paying attention to me?
Shen Guanglin kept a low profile, but it didn't mean he really wanted to keep a low profile.

Shen Guanglin just didn't want to be surrounded by people everywhere he went. His real idea was to hide his face, but to publicize his reputation.

However, some domestic media and institutions may have misunderstood the meaning. Most of the reports were made in the name of Capital University. , and it is not known who made these achievements.

And as Shen Guanglin has achieved more and more sensational achievements, some smaller achievements, if they appear on other scholars, are definitely worthy of special mention, but on Shen Guanglin, this is a matter of course. Everyone's interest in reporting also faded.

After all, Shen Guanglin is still young, and his celebrity story has not yet been formed. When he was a child, he never cut down a cherry tree, nor smashed a large water tank. The physics teacher can't tell the story of Shen Guanglin, the chemistry teacher can't tell it, and the biology teacher can't tell it either. .

This also caused: Shen Guanglin originally thought that he was famous all over the world, but in fact, those who knew him were those in the same field.

Flowers bloom outside the wall, but there is no fragrance inside the wall.

"Professor Shen, why didn't you talk about some professional knowledge in your lectures? When you gave lectures abroad, didn't you talk about professional knowledge?"

People from the school still asked Shen Guanglin this question. They felt that their logistics and organization work were pretty good, and they didn't know where they offended someone Shen.

Shen Guanglin has already thought about it secretly, and when old man Shao donates to build Yifulou, he will allocate less money to you.

A man who avenges himself unfairly is not a good man, and I will be fair.

Although Shen Guanglin has been abroad a lot recently, it has been a long time since he held a lecture.

However, the first class he taught unexpectedly encountered Waterloo. Shen Guanglin just told some fables, and he was very aggrieved in his heart, while the teachers and students of the school thought: Who would not know how to teach such a class? speak.

"I give lectures abroad. Please don't invite me. It's their freedom, but what I want to talk about is my freedom. Before the lecture, I didn't say the topic of today's speech."

Shen Guanglin spoke with anger.

"Professor Shen, would you like to hold more lectures?"


Shen Guanglin decided to hold another lecture right away. There are many competing schools in Shanghai, and Jiaotong University is a good place.

(End of this chapter)

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