Chapter 504

This is the most beautiful time in spring, when the sunlight slips in through the cracks of the window, bringing a touch of green outside.

The audience was full of dense crowds, it was a sea of ​​knowledge, and Shen Guanglin didn't feel crowded at all.

Shen Guanglin was sitting on the chair behind the podium desk, drinking the tea with goji berries a little nervously and excitedly, looking at the intoxicating expression in front of him, he was really gratified.

This is what he hoped to see.

He even saw his cheerleaders, Lao Wang, Lao Ma, Li Yuanyuan and Li Jianqun, and a few people who he didn't know but knew they were in the same group.

He gestured with a smile, causing a ripple.

Shen Guanglin is not a sentimental person, but after what happened in Tongji University, and seeing the situation at this moment, he couldn't help but want to write a poem: ah!The sea, you are full of water, beauty, do you have three legs?

Men with two legs are uncommon, and there are indeed not many beauties with three legs, and only Professor Shen is well-informed.

Of course, it is impossible to compose poems impromptu. He, Shen, does not have this talent. However, today's lecture started in such an atmosphere.

The students in the audience looked at Teacher Shen with enthusiasm, waiting for him to start.

"Our Jiaotong University is great!" These were Shen Guanglin's first words.

Everyone was confused, what does Professor Shen mean by this?Is there anything dissatisfied with our school?

"I mean, our school is good. The boys are good-looking, and the girls are also pretty. I wish I didn't study here."

That's what happened.

The students in the audience finally relaxed a bit, and they also heard that Professor Shen was unhappy at Tongji University, and now he was giving lectures at Jiaotong University, and they were afraid of offending him.

I heard that well-known professors have weird personalities.

However, some people followed Shen Guanglin's eyes and saw Li Yuanyuan and the others, and said to themselves, we have never seen these beautiful girls before.

"Everyone, stop comparing me with yourselves. Although I am indeed more handsome, I also have one nose and two eyes. You don't have to look at me like that." Shen Guanglin's opening today seemed relatively relaxed, even With some comfort.

The audience roared with laughter, very cooperative.

Professor Shen is too funny. Is he usually so approachable? How did the news about his bad personality spread?

"I'm different from everyone's imagination, right? You don't have to doubt, the me you see now and the me on the poster are me."

Shen Guanglin put the thermos cup soaked with Wuzhong wolfberry on the lecture table, and tidied the lid, then stood up, and officially started the lecture.

Today's Shen Guanglin is not like a few days ago. He talked about some popular science jokes with guns and sticks. He still did some homework and was going to talk about some dry stuff.

For example, Shen Guanglin talked about what kind of thinking he was planning to try to clone cattle.

In fact, this is also a nonsense story, mainly for the convenience of dissemination, and it also seems that his research has inheritance.

Shen Guanglin said that when he was studying, he saw the deeds of Mr. Tong Dizhou. It said that when he was studying abroad, the check was very good, and he successfully cloned goldfish.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin, who is obviously a physicist, thought of what would happen if the nucleus of the somatic cell and the nucleus of the egg cell were exchanged, and then he succeeded.

Previous attempts to replace the nucleus of a fertilized egg had failed.

Not because of anything else, but because the fertilized egg has already begun to replicate before the DNA fusion is completed, and it is impossible to take it out completely. Instead, it is an unfertilized egg. Thinking that she was fertilized, the cloning was thus completed.

Simple storytelling is a method. Shen Guanglin has been a teacher for four or five years, and he is really familiar with this aspect.

Shen Guanglin spoke happily, and everyone listened with great interest.

At the end of the talk, Shen Guanglin also expressed some emotion.

"People still need packaging. A few days ago, I gave a lecture at Tongji University. As a result, guess what, not many people knew me, and some students even thought that I was so young and didn't have much talent. How could I give Where are they giving lectures?"

"Everyone said, can I give you a lecture?"


"Okay! I like to hear that, so I will waive the $5 I expect to charge for the lecture."

The atmosphere at the scene was very good, and some students even dared to ask: "Professor Shen, is it true that you charge 5 US dollars for a lecture?"

"It's true, the $5 is just a friendly price, but I haven't given lectures for a while. It's not that no one invited me, but I don't need to rely on this to make money anymore."

"Is there anyone who thinks there is too much money?" The students were very puzzled.

"I don't think there is too much money, I already have enough ways to make money. In a word, giving lectures to make money is actually a waste of my time and scientific research life, and I have achieved financial freedom. I have You can conduct scientific research according to your own ideas, and it is no longer the initial stage where you need to hold lectures to maintain the operation of the laboratory."

"Professor Shen, have you never thought about immigrating abroad? I heard that many universities are inviting you." The students were also very interested in this.

Nowadays, no matter which school is full of enthusiasm for going abroad, especially the universities in Shanghai.

Even, they have started a nationwide enthusiasm for learning foreign languages. When they go to the street, people often chase foreigners for communication with broken English.

"I went abroad? What is it for? To study abroad? But, my laboratory is the top laboratory in the world! My research results stand at the top of the world's technology, why should I go out?"

There was warm applause from the audience.

"I really hate the saying that science has no borders. The French Pasteur said it very well: although science has no borders, scholars have their own countries.

When my laboratory made world-class results, the country and the school gave me a lot of honors.

Even when I found out that Shen Guanglin Laboratory of Capital University was already synonymous with high technology and cutting-edge technology, I knew that I could no longer immigrate, and Huaxia needed scientists, especially top scientists, for support.

If you really choose to immigrate, what can it be in the past?
Immigration is not something that big people should do. Immigration is something that small people do. People with real ambitions and ideals cannot and will not emigrate. "

There was prolonged applause from the audience.

(End of this chapter)

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