Start with a college teacher

Chapter 505 Remedies

Chapter 505 Remedies
Shen Guanglin didn't say some things.

Now, his Great Wall Group has a considerable market share in various fields in China. In this way, he, Shen, cannot give up his identity as a citizen of China.

In later generations, how difficult it is to obtain a Huaxia identity, just look at those celebrities who went out.

There are not a few people who regret after immigrating.

I can only say one thing here, deserve it!

Shen Guanglin swore that he would never choose to immigrate.

Although, starting a business in China may have some twists and turns in the early 90s, and it may also need to cover up the identity of Hong Kong capital.

At this time, the business environment both at home and abroad is relatively difficult, but Shen Guanglin has already decided that he will overcome this difficulty with Huaxia.

Don't you guys like to play blockades? I, Shen, will do the breaking of the barriers.

As a time traveler, Shen Guanglin easily achieved a success that others would find difficult to achieve in several lifetimes. If he really chose to immigrate, where would he go?

Even if he went to a certain country, would there still be so many people adoring him from the bottom of their hearts, and being proud of him?

Or your own home is the best.

Therefore, no matter how bad the country is, he will not leave.

Some students continued to ask, what does Professor Shen do when he comes to the devil?Is it really just to give them lectures?
Shen Guanglin decided to tell the truth, "Not all, it's mainly for building buildings, tall buildings, the tallest buildings in the world."

"What kind of building to build?" The students thought to themselves that they heard it wrong, right?

"Build the tallest building in the world! It's built in our magic capital, and the specific location is Lujiazui on the opposite bank outside." Shen Guanglin introduced to the students. tall building.

"Is this true?" The students still couldn't believe it.

Now, although it is not a secret that demons are going to build skyscrapers, they have not been officially publicized and reported to the public, and it is only natural that the students do not know.

After all, this matter is still in the stage of research and making a feasible plan.

In case, the soil here is not suitable for building tall buildings.

At present, the geological survey work in Lujiazui is in full swing, but the results are not particularly satisfactory.

Drilling down from the ground, the bottom ten meters or even dozens of meters is full of silt and gravel. In ancient times, this place was the estuary of the Yangtze River, and it was an alluvial plain formed by the river. It used to be the sea, so the soil and soil quality are not very good.

Therefore, whether it is feasible to build skyscrapers in Shanghai still needs to be carefully demonstrated.

Some experts read the results of the geological survey and said, it must not work, the building is built on sand, which is not stable.

However, Shen Guanglin didn't believe it.

Although Shen Guanglin is not an architect, he is a time traveler, and it's not that he doesn't know the height of the buildings in the magic city of later generations.

You know, the Modu Central Building is 632 meters high, and it could have been built at that time. There is no reason why the current Great Wall Building cannot be built well.

Moreover, in later generations, not only the central building of Shanghai, but also the Global Financial Center of Shanghai will be a very tall building, well, it is also a landmark building of Shanghai.

If you don’t believe me, think about it, is there anything like a handbag in Shanghai, and that is Shanghai Shanghai Global Financial Center.

The reason why some experts say that the building cannot be built is that their research direction is wrong, and the foundation needs to be laid down, and it is not bad for money!
Further down is the solid rock layer, and the structure is very stable.

The construction of skyscrapers has not been officially announced by the Demon City government, but Shen Guanglin is already impatient.

At least, it's true that he came here for construction.

The Great Wall Group has already said that even if Shanghai is not suitable for building high-rise buildings, their headquarters will still choose to locate in Lujiazui. This will definitely not be shaken. Please rest assured.

With this guarantee, the leader is relieved to let them act boldly.

Shen Guanglin seriously answered the questions "is it true" asked by the students:
"It's true. The Great Wall Group decided to build the tallest building in the world in Lujiazui, the magic city. This building has 99 floors, and its height will exceed 500 meters. After the completion of the Great Wall Building, it will surpass the Empire State Building to be the tallest building in the world."

Higher than 500 meters?Shen Guanglin's words were shocking.

At present, the tallest building in the world is the Empire State Building in New York, which is only 448 meters high and was completed in the 30s.

Decades have passed. It is not that there are no countries in the world that have built tall buildings, but no country has challenged super high-rise skyscrapers anymore.

However, China's economy is still very poor now. Can China actually build such a tall building?

The students wanted to believe it, but they didn't dare to believe it.

"Isn't Lujiazui located in Pudong, why not choose to build it in the city center?"

Of course, in this era, there is no such thing as a bed in Puxi and a suite in Pudong, but it is obvious that Pudong is a rural area.

Shanghai is a city with some xenophobia and regional discrimination. They discriminated against Pudong in this era, and they should discriminate against Chongming in a few years.

In later generations, the treatment of license plates in the suburbs of Shanghai is even worse than that of out-of-town license plates.

Faced with doubts from his classmates, Shen Guanglin set up FLAG. In the future, Pudong will definitely develop better than Puxi. Please wait and see.

With sensational events, the speed of information transmission is still very fast.

It only lasted until the third day, when Shen Guanglin was eating breakfast, the secretary bought a newspaper, which published photos of Lujiazui leveling the land.

The title is: Lujiazui to build the tallest building in the world!

I have to say that the bay of the Huangpu River is really a good place, and the angle chosen by the reporter is also very good. The Huangpu River turns a big bay here. On one side of the river is the bustling Bund, where people come and go. It is a deserted vegetable field, and now, the tallest building in the world is going to be built there.

Moreover, the investment quota has also been announced, and the planned investment is 10 billion, and it is in US dollars.

The news was reported by a major regional newspaper, and its words were very authoritative.

You know, how much is China's foreign exchange reserves now?It costs a billion dollars to build a building?

Of course, the construction of such a building will not cost 10 billion, but if the entire Lujiazui is developed, an investment of 10 billion is indeed possible.

Great Wall Group is not listed, and they do not have that much cash. However, things can be done step by step. If they really sell their shares, the money will come.

This incident spread to Xiangjiang, and Xiangjiang's stock market immediately collapsed.

They feel that if Great Wall Group wants to raise US$10 billion, it will definitely choose to sell its shares.

In this way, the Great Wall Group has not yet reduced its holdings, and the stock market is already dead.

Is this the "Ding crab effect"?
The "Ding Crab Effect" means that every time Adam Cheng's TV series is about to be released, Xiangjiang's stock market will plummet.

Some people in later generations have studied that the "Ding Crab Effect" is a kind of "self-fulfilling prophecy".

Because some investors believe in this special stock market phenomenon, they are afraid that the related effect will be effective, which will lead to a decline in their securities investment. Therefore, some investors irrationally lighten their positions, which also causes the securities market to plummet.

Now, as soon as the news that the Great Wall Group is going to build a building comes out, the story of Xiangjiang falls.

It turns out that the influence of the Great Wall Group is already so great.

Many people thought it was impossible to go on like this, and asked Da Liu for verification: "You really want to build skyscrapers in the mainland, and you need one billion US dollars!"

"It's not me, it's the Great Wall Group."

In fact, when the news came, Liu had already regretted it a little. It was a big loss for his Chinese real estate company not to participate in such an important event.

Even if they can't participate in the skyscrapers, it's good to participate in some surrounding construction and development.

"We can't miss this opportunity!" Da Liu was very annoyed at the board meeting. He is the controlling shareholder of China Real Estate, and now he is about to lose this opportunity.

Before, when Shen Guanglin was angry, he said: From now on, no Cantonese-speaking people are allowed to appear on his construction site in Shanghai.

Fortunately, Liu can speak English, so we don't need to speak Cantonese.

I hope there is still a chance to remedy this matter. Da Liu really couldn't sit still in Xiangjiang, so he flew to Shanghai to join Shen Guanglin.

Shen Guanglin actually didn't want them to participate anymore, "Didn't you tell me, I don't want to see Cantonese speakers again on this project."

He, Shen, has the final say on the Great Wall Group, not you, Liu.

He, Shen Guanglin, was not excluded from the region. There were also Cantonese in their project, and Shen Guanglin didn't say anything.

What Shen Guanglin rejects is the Xiangjiang people, who are high-spirited Chinese buyers.

However, in the face of interests, Da Liu still has a thick skin, "Look, everyone doesn't speak Cantonese. In order to carry out your order, I didn't let Xiaoguan who only speaks Cantonese come here. This time it is Carole, just graduated from the wireless artist training class."

Who is A Ling?

Shen Guanglin really couldn't think of it.

It looks good looking, but it's not particularly amazing.

"Hello, Teacher Shen." The girl's voice was crisp and recognizable.

"Your Mandarin is really good, you're not from Cantonese, are you?"

"No, I'm from Xiangjiang."

Shen Guanglin is not happy about this. Doesn't Xiangjiang belong to Huaxia? The people I dislike the most now are the Xiangjiang people.

Da Liu also acted based on winks: "Mr. Shen, A Ling is from Suzhou, and she just went to Xiangjiang."

Shen Guanglin's temper improved a bit, "Suzhou is a good place, why did you go to Xiangjiang?"

"My father is an overseas Chinese in Thailand. Later, he went to Xiangjiang, and our whole family followed him."

"What's your name"

"Liu Jialing"


(End of this chapter)

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