Start with a college teacher

Chapter 506 Red Sorghum

Chapter 506 Red Sorghum

Some women get better with age.

This taste is not the smell of salted fish and seafood, but the charm, a kind of mature beauty.

Viagra has the most say in this sentence.

Perhaps other people have also experienced it, but it is inconvenient to say it publicly, and it is easy to collapse the house.

Of course, the current Liu Jialing is also very beautiful, otherwise she would not be able to pass the wireless artist training class.With good facial features, she has practiced gymnastics since she was a child, and her figure is excellent, and it does not affect her growth.

Generally speaking, people who practice martial arts and gymnastics are not easy to grow too tall.

For example, Kung Fu Emperor Li Lianjie, for example, Wang Baobao who practiced Kung Fu in Shaolin Temple since childhood.

In fact, there is another saying on the Internet that the director also wears a green hat.

This is the brother who fights the tiger.

This is Liu Jialing when she was young?
What did Da Liu bring her here for?Do you want to bribe someone Shen?

In fact, there is no need, there are people around Mr. Shen.

During this period of time, he was wandering around accompanied by Mr. Li, so he had no time to pay attention to others.You know, Mr. Li's figure and appearance are not inferior to Liu Jialing when he was young, and even worse.

It's a pity, God is jealous of beauty.

Da Liu quickly explained that he brought her here just to better promote communication, and she was just his translator. If Teacher Shen really liked her, of course it would be fine.

There are too many beauties in Xiangjiang in this era, but after being collected by the Great Wall Entertainment Company, there are not many left.

Da Liu was afraid that Shen Guang and Lin Wan would have ideas about which actress and he didn't know, so he found a fresh graduate.

Don't you see, have all the ugly women like Meimei been rumored with Professor Shen?

Unexpectedly, he just randomly found a trainee who just debuted, and he turned out to be the future actress.

However, Da Liu's spirit of correcting when he knows his mistakes is worthy of recognition.

Shen Guanglin decided to give him a chance.

After all, it is indeed beyond our capabilities to develop such a large community by ourselves. With the help of Chinese real estate, it is indeed much easier.

Just as Liu thought, the Great Wall Building is out of their game, but they can indeed do something about the surrounding supporting facilities.

Huaren Real Estate has the experience of being kicked out last time, so it must be more honest now.

Before Liu came here, he made a special statement that we must be humble, keep a low profile, only do things, and resolutely refrain from saying things that should not be said.

Moreover, this time their company did not bring any employees who could not speak Mandarin.

Da Liu himself is already working hard to learn Mandarin, but it's not up to standard yet.

Strictly speaking, Boss Shen is actually a very stingy person.

If he didn't say anything, it doesn't mean his subordinates don't know.

This person may seem easy-going, but he is actually very stubborn.

After getting along for a long time, everyone also realized some unknown characteristics of Professor Shen.

For example, Teacher Shen likes to keep a low profile.However, if you think that Mr. Shen ignored his feelings because he likes to be low-key, and didn't praise him when he should, then wait for bad luck and suffer.

For example, Mr. Shen doesn't like to speak Cantonese or English. He hates the slight discrimination and the feeling of being superior to others.

It is true that Mr. Shen is very talented in languages, he can speak several foreign languages ​​well, but in front of him, it is best to speak Mandarin honestly.

It’s okay when you are abroad, you can speak some local languages ​​as the Romans do.However, as long as he is in China, who dares to report to him in English, he will not say anything, but he will really get angry.

Teacher Shen was very angry, and the consequences were serious.

This is a stubborn nationalist.

Moreover, everyone always felt that the way Mr. Shen looked at others was a bit wrong. No matter who he looked at, he seemed to be looking at a fool. He seemed to be the only person who understood in the whole world.

However, everyone admired his vision.

What Professor Shen said is almost always unfulfilled.

In some fields, he obviously has not dabbled in it before, but as long as he listens to the brief introduction, and after some understanding, as long as it is his judgment, it is often almost the same.

Such a talented character, it is impossible not to admire.

Therefore, we have to accommodate some of his hobbies and habits.

For example, the promotion of Mandarin is carried out by the entire Great Wall Group from top to bottom.

The last time he came to Shanghai, Shen Guanglin said that in the mainland, employees who cannot speak Mandarin should not come here again.

The Chinese home buyers suffered from this.

In fact, Shen Guanglin had said similar things earlier.

At that time, when he held a meeting in Xiangjiang, he also said that he should communicate in Mandarin today, and those who can’t speak Mandarin should not speak.

Today, Liu Jialing found out that her job was to be a Mandarin interpreter for Da Liu. She was very surprised.

It turned out that Mr. Liu had brought him all the way here just to meet this person, to show that he valued Mandarin.

Doesn't it look more foreign to speak Cantonese?

Being able to become a native of Xiangjiang, she has been proud of it for a long time, and she is unwilling to admit that she was originally from Suzhou.

You know, Liu Jialing has suffered a lot in order to learn Cantonese. She never thought that until now, her really useful skill is to be able to speak Mandarin.

However, Professor Shen didn't take another look at her.

In this era, Shen Guanglin sees too many female stars, so he finds it boring.

He, Shen, still likes those with better reputation, but he keeps a respectful distance from those who are easy to overturn.

"Mr. Shen, is the one next to Mr. Liu a female star from Xiangjiang? She has such a good temperament." The beautiful teacher Yuanyuan saw the girl brought by Da Liu, and felt that the Xiangjiang star was foreign.

"I will be a star in the future, but not now." Shen Guanglin replied boredly: "Do you want to be a star? If you want to, I can also vote for you in a movie."

"real or fake?"

"Of course it is true. I am responsible for the construction of the entire Great Wall Building. This is a 10 billion business. How much does it cost to make a movie?"

"That money belongs to the company, not yours."

"My $[-] class is not enough to make a movie?" Shen Guanglin was anxious.

For Shen Guanglin, investing in a movie is really not a big deal now, how much money can he spend?

Of course, he just said these words casually, but she took them seriously.

About a day later, Teacher Li came to him suddenly: "Can you really let me act in a movie?"

Is this girl's brain a bit slower than others? The topic I talked about yesterday is only picked up today.

"Of course it is true." Shen Guanglin gave an affirmative answer.

"Then what do you want? I can give it to you. I want to act in a movie, but I'm not a casual person. It's a big deal. I just don't want to marry in the future." Teacher Yuanyuan said very hard, with a kind of death-like attitude spirit.

Shen Guanglin was dumbfounded, what does this mean?
Why can't he understand it.

What does acting in a movie have to do with being married or not?
It's just a gesture when I meet a good friend, and it's not just her who is going to help. Investing in a movie is useful to several people.

However, Shen Guanglin did not answer her words, and it was not easy to answer.

Seeing people's hearts over time.

Shen Guanglin really has a good subject in his hands, and that is "Red Sorghum".

Shen Guanglin was not familiar with Mo Yan, but the copyright must not be expensive.His friends Lao Wang and Lao Ma are both literary workers, and they should be qualified as screenwriters. If it is not possible, there is still Lao Zhang.

Lao Zhang is amazing. He can be a screenwriter, a photographer, a director, and an actor.

In entertainment-themed novels, Lao Zhang is a proper hero.

There are so many time travelers and reborns, there are really not many who can really compare with Lao Zhang.

Shen Guanglin also thought about it, now that he is idle anyway, if he really wants to shoot a movie, then he can arrange to plant sorghum right now, and the filming will start when the sorghum grows to a certain stage.

Shen Guanglin has his own farm, not far from the capital, so let's start it there.

Obviously it happened in Qilu Gaomi, there is no need to move to northern Shaanxi to spread it.

Shen Guanglin made a phone call.

Zhang Yimou did not come, he still has to continue to be an actor.

Shen Guanglin added another official letter with the seal of Capital University, plus an air ticket.

Old Zhang is here.

(End of this chapter)

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