Chapter 507

"The education of Huaxia colleges and universities will usher in a stage of rapid growth. In the future, the number of our college graduates every year will be more than the total population of some countries. Therefore, you don't have to worry that our talents will not be able to keep up. We are now What is most lacking is engineers, but in the future, what we are most lacking are good job opportunities.”

Shen Guanglin was addicted to giving lectures. After the lecture at Jiaotong University was successfully concluded, he went to Fudan University again.

It was another triumphant lecture.

Fudan is also one of the top three universities in Shanghai, so he has to go through it all.

As for the fourth-ranked Shanghai University, Shen has no interest in going there.

Otherwise, there are still many universities in Shanghai, such as universities of science and technology, universities of normal science, universities of medicine, universities of political science and law, there are too many good schools, and he can't win at all.

Before Shen Guanglin crossed over, he also met a young model who graduated from Shanghai Fisheries University. It is said that he studied Korean. He had never heard of this school.

A fisheries university, if it doesn't teach aquatic product farming and Korean, is it going to go to Bangzi to engage in aquaculture?

The lecture held by Shen Guanglin this time has finally returned to its normal level, and it has become a crowd of people again. This is what he, Shen, wants to see.

Only the first lecture held by Tongji University did not have satisfactory ratings. The next two lectures, both Jiaotong University and Fudan University, were overcrowded.

In the lecture, Shen Guanglin will also talk about the direction of future scientific and technological development, the general trend of economic development in some countries, and how he became the greatest physicist in the world by the way.

Now everyone agrees that Professor Shen is the greatest physicist at present.

Shen Guanglin himself does not need to be humble, because there is really no better physicist than him.

Probably, only some domestic colleagues who rely on the old to sell the old do not recognize him. The international colleagues have long been convinced that Professor Shen is the greatest physicist today.

Of course, Shen Guanglin also knows that physics is very boring and boring.

Therefore, in his lectures, there is almost no content about physics. Even if there is, it is a wonderful story that has been artistically processed.

A good teacher must be able to tell stories.

Every great discovery of Shen Guanglin is supported by a good story. Every time he tells it, everyone listens with great interest.

In the lectures, what Shen Guanglin talked about most was the future, the future of science, the future of the country, and the future of everyone.

Now that everyone is standing in the magic capital, it has been successfully done.

As long as everyone does not waste money and honestly seeks development in Shanghai, decades later, everyone will look back and see that everyone is a winner.

Professor Shen said, don't look at the poor Pudong now, in the future, Pudong will become the financial center of the whole country and even the world.

Those who sell their houses to go abroad now will have a day of regret in the future.

On the podium, Professor Shen scolded Fang Qiu.

Under the podium, the photographer Lao Zhang sat in a row with his movie heroine, teacher Li Yuanyuan, and listened carefully to Professor Shen talking about the future solemnly and wildly.

Shen Guanglin was talking about the future, and Li Yuanyuan was also thinking about her future. Maybe, in a year or two, she would become a movie star like Zhou Yun.

Now that Zhou Yun has gone abroad, the Great Wall Group has disqualified her as a spokesperson.

In fact, this incident made Shen Guanglin very angry. Zhou Yun promised that she would not go abroad, but she broke her promise.

Now, Shen Guanglin is even thinking about whether to let Mei Yuan be the image spokesperson of his company, at least, she is good-looking.

At the same time, Lao Zhang is also planning his future.

He had wanted to be a director for a long time, but he just didn't have the chance.

Speaking of which, the reason why Lao Zhang came here from Xi'an is very special. Shen Guanglin told their unit that Lao Zhang is very artistic and skilled, and the skyscraper preparation team needs his artistic vision.

The official invitation letter was given, and those with the official seal of Shen Guanglin Laboratory of Capital University and the Great Wall Group, Xiying Studio had to release them.

Even the leader of Xiying said, this is something to be proud of, Xiao Zhang has to work hard, and I will give you credit when I come back.

In fact, Lao Zhang knew what was going on. Mr. Shen asked him to be the director, not for his advice.

The current Lao Zhang is not a Lao Mouzi, he is still young, and he is under a lot of pressure when he first becomes a director.

He had read the novel "Red Sorghum", and read it over and over again.

This novel is really well written, everyone has a kind of unyielding profundity that belongs to the nation.

However, as a director, he made it into a movie, and he always felt a little guilty.

However, what do you want to do if you don’t make movies? Are you really an art consultant for skyscrapers?

Shen Guanglin said that this building would rather be well-regulated than odd-shaped.

In fact, Shen Guanglin was also afraid that Lao Zhang really gave artistic advice. If it suits his appetite, he will listen to it or not.

In later generations, there are many famous "art" buildings in China.

For example, the big pants of CCTV, for example, the long johns of Suzhou, for example, the big sticks of People’s Daily.

Of course, after the fence was removed, the big stick could no longer be established. Later, a picture of a chicken with two wings appeared that was widely circulated on the Internet.

Old Zhang, you should just make movies honestly. The investment is easy to talk about. Great Wall Entertainment is a subsidiary of the Great Wall Group. They have theaters and a quota to invest in filming.

Li Yuanyuan's hometown is Qilu Quancheng. Since she decided to take over the heroine of the movie invested by Shen Guanglin, she helped Boss Shen make pancakes.

It's a very unique way of expressing your gratitude.

Everyone is also close to the water. Recently, no matter who opens his mouth, he smells like leeks.

Hearing the call from the boss, the people from Great Wall Entertainment immediately ran to Xiying and talked about the cooperation between the two companies.

That's good of course.

Great Wall Entertainment provided the money, and they didn't interfere with the filming. They only made three requests.

First, Zhang Yimou should be the director.

Because he is a friend of our chief scientist, Professor Shen, and they ate dog meat together when they were in Beijing.

That line, he is also the core backbone of our West Film Studio, and he has long thought of this opportunity to practice.

Second, Li Yuanyuan should be the No. [-] female No. [-] Jiuer.

Why is this again?
Don't ask so many questions.

As for the boss's matter, if you say it is not, it is not, and it is not.

Third, Lao Ma and Lao Wang are required to act as screenwriters.

It doesn't matter. In this day and age, people don't pay much attention to screenwriting. Xi Film Studio thinks it's great to be able to cooperate in filming.

It was such a happy decision.

Shen Guanglin commanded by remote control to let the farms in Jizhou start planting sorghum, and there is no need to plant too much. A few tens of mu is enough.

This makes for a spectacular shot.

(End of this chapter)

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