Start with a college teacher

Chapter 508 Feng Shui

Chapter 508 Feng Shui
The crew of "Red Sorghum" was established in Shanghai.

For nothing else, the boss is in Shanghai.

Where the boss is, there is the center of gravity of the business.

The movie "Red Sorghum" is destined to be extraordinary. It is the first Chinese movie to win the Golden Bear Award in Berlin, Germany.

When you talk about Chinese film history, you can't do without "Red Sorghum".

As for being able to win honors, Shen Guanglin didn't have the idea of ​​pretending to be someone else, he decided to do it himself, and he didn't have any other requirements, he just proposed to be the producer of this movie.

Sure enough, no one could argue with him, nor could he.

Later, Shen thought about it again, and it was still not enjoyable to be just a producer, so he took another job as an assistant director.

I heard that there are many hidden benefits of being an assistant director.

Of course, Mr. Shen didn't think so. He didn't lack benefits, just because it was a China-Hong Kong co-production, and he represented Xiangjiang, and it made sense for him to be the assistant director.

In fact, West Film Studio has always had a tradition of co-producing films with Xiangjiang.

Later, "A Chinese Journey to the West", which failed at the box office but turned around in word-of-mouth, was a joint venture between Zhou Xingxing's company and Xiying Film Studio.

It's a pity that after the film was released, the box office was extremely poor, and the box office in the mainland did not exceed 20. Zhou Xingxing's Xinghui Company went bankrupt immediately, and the West Film Studio did not pay bonuses for more than a year.

The movie "Red Sorghum" is a project that Boss Shen personally grasped, and Great Wall Entertainment attaches great importance to it.

Hu Xuyong personally led the team and brought a full set of troops from Xiangjiang, even Fatty Wang, who was still a young man. In a word, Xiangjiang will provide whatever is needed here.

It's just a movie, and it doesn't really need too many people, just some logistics staff and equipment are enough.

Shen Guanglin made it clear that all the autonomy of casting is given to Lao Zhang, and he is allowed to play freely, and other people are firmly not allowed to participate.

However, Lao Zhang was still a little dissatisfied after this. He said, "You have met my college classmate, Gu Changwei. I want him to be a photographer."

Gu Changwei and Shen Guanglin did know each other, and Shen Guanglin knew quite a few of Lao Zhang's classmates. For example, Shen Guanglin also knew Hu Jian's Zhang Jianya, who married Zhou Yun in "Love in Lushan".

It's a pity that Zhou Yun went abroad last year.

Before going abroad, Zhou Yun and the Great Wall Group terminated the contract. In fact, according to the law, the Great Wall Group can sue her, because according to the contract, she is not allowed to go abroad, otherwise, the money she should pay will not be enough for the rest of her life.

That is to say, Zhang Jianya approached Shen Guanglin to intercede. Shen Guanglin looked at his old friend's face, thinking that after all, a woman is the idol of men all over the country, and after all, she is the image spokesperson of his company. That's it.

However, Shen Guanglin also said, don't look at how high you jump, you regret it, it's your wife who went abroad, not mine, and she probably won't come back in a short time, if this continues, you will break up sooner or later, don't believe us wait and see.

Zhang Jianya dared not speak out, your woman is also in Fusang, why don't you say that you will break up too?
That's different, Boss Shen is rich.

When you have enough wealth, even a formal place can become informal.

Gu Changwei was also a well-known director later on. It’s okay to let him be the photographer. Shen Guanglin has no objection:

"You are a very good photographer yourself, what more bike do you need?" Shen Guanglin thought it was funny that an excellent photographer would even find another photographer to take pictures for him.

"What bicycle? Why is it just a bicycle?" Lao Zhang was stunned.

"This is a stalk, you don't understand. Okay, no problem, let him be the photographer. If you have any other requirements, you can put them up together." Shen Guanglin is very familiar with Lao Zhang and knows his future development, so he agrees He will not be angry and will satisfy all his demands.

Shen Guanglin's investment in Lao Zhang's movies is actually investing in him, Lao Zhang. I will naturally support all your needs.

Do you have any other opinions?
Of course Lao Zhang still has:

"This is a film co-produced by the two places. I have no objection to cooperating with Xiangjiang Capital. But there is one thing, the domestic staff cannot be discriminated against. In terms of living conditions, the two places must also be consistent."

"That's for sure. If anyone dares to put on airs, tell him to get lost." Shen Guanglin was unequivocal about this.

There is also a reason for Lao Mouzi to say this. "Listening to the Government Behind the Curtain" released in 1983 was a good movie.

However, the filming process of this drama is different. It is treated differently everywhere, full of discrimination and the sense of superiority of Xiangjiang people.

This is also the reason why mainland artists seldom become friends with artists from Hong Kong and Taiwan.

During the filming of the film "Listening to the Government", the biggest inequality reflected is not only in salary and income, even eating is very unpleasant. , the daily meal of mainland actors is two steamed buns and a black pickle, even Liu Xiaoqing, the most popular actress in the country, burst into tears.

This kind of thing is firmly not allowed in Shen Guanglin's place. Anyone who dares to make such a statement will get the hell out of here, and the guy who should be banned will be banned.

With Shen Guanglin's Great Wall Entertainment and old man Shao's TVB, there are many artists who can be banned.

Shen Guanglin suddenly became interested in filming, so he pushed for casting.

Although the Shanghai Academy of Drama is a good school, since it is a casting call, Lao Zhang still wants to go to the capital.

Then go back to the capital, anyway, the building can't be built in a day.

The skyscraper job was on the right track, but Citigroup's IM Pei was nowhere to be found.

Not for anything else, just because he is from Citigroup.

The Great Wall Building is going to be a building designed and constructed purely by Chinese people. If the exterior design is done by Mr. Bei, then what is the matter?

Shen Guanglin decided to go back to the capital with the crew. Before leaving, he made a few small requests. As long as the shape of the building is not too obtrusive, it will be fine. Consider the prevention of wind load and design the wind damper well.

These requirements are actually general. Shen Guanglin is not professional in this matter, so he can only ask some general questions and suggestions.

However, the joint experts expressed their incomprehension: What is a wind damper?

"The SEG Building vibrates because there is no wind damper installed. The wind damper is something like a gyroscope, which is usually installed in skyscrapers and large ships." After finishing, Shen Guanglin realized that the current SEG Building has not yet started construction.

But it’s okay, no one knows what SEG Building is, Shen Guanglin continued:

"As early as the 40s, there was a bridge in Washington called the Ketamar Suspension Bridge. It was blown down by strong winds just after it was built. It was because the steel box girder design did not consider wind vibration. The difference in damping was not considered when building this bridge. , causing bridge resonance to occur, and the bridge collapses.”

Those who engage in architecture are all from science and engineering. Everyone still knows about damping motion. However, the damper should be used on high-rise buildings. I have never heard of this before.

How is the damper made?
This Shen Guanglin didn't know.

If you really can’t, ask how the dampers on warships or large ships are made. Imitate it. When the building is constructed, there is room for replacement and improvement in the future.

Look, this is an innovation.

"Professor Shen is here, should we go to Citigroup to refer to the construction method of the World Trade Center?" Someone suggested.

"Don't go, resolutely don't go!" Shen Guanglin objected firmly.


"The feng shui of those two buildings is not good."

(End of this chapter)

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