Chapter 509
Scientists also look at Feng Shui?

Of course, if you don’t believe me, if you look back, those two buildings are the fate of the sky.

It was designed by Fuso architects, who said that the structure is very stable and can withstand earthquakes of magnitude 10.

Cut, anti-aircraft!
Scientists not only know Feng Shui, but also believe in superstition.

"Red Sorghum" even held a launch ceremony, killing pigs and sheep for sacrifices, which was even more grand than Xiangjiang people.

Of course, the pigs and sheep were eaten afterwards, and Shen Guanglin took the main creators of the movie to have a last big meal before leaving for Beijing.

For Shen Guanglin, the capital has not been away for a long time.

When Shen Guanglin came back, there were countless people waiting for him.

What everyone cares about is not his new scientific research results. Of course, his laboratory has not released any new scientific research results recently. They are holding back their big moves, not so fast yet.

What everyone is concerned about right now is a building that the Great Wall Group is building in Shanghai, the tallest building in the world—the Great Wall Building.

The story of the Great Wall Building has spread throughout the country.

Moreover, the reports on the TV media have basically confirmed that this is true. The Third Construction Bureau, which has experience in building high-rise buildings, has already prepared to start laying the foundation stone on the site.

Some people asked, is it true that you are building skyscrapers?

it is true.

Is there enough money?
enough.If it’s not enough, can’t you borrow a few more?
Some people asked again, why didn't you choose the skyscraper you built in the capital?Why not choose Jinmen?Why not choose Xiangjiang?

There are not so many reasons, Shanghai is the future.You don't understand this kind of thing about the future.

Annoyed by being asked, Shen Guanglin said, I'm just the chief scientist of this company, and I just get 800 million scientific research funding from their company every year, and I'm not their group's press spokesman.

I only helped them because of spending money. Whether you believe it or not, Shen Guanglin himself believed it anyway.

Now that he has returned to the capital, let's deal with the matter in the capital. Shen Guanglin doesn't want to talk about skyscrapers anymore.

Otherwise, why bother to offend the leaders of the capital.

In this era, not only Shanghai needs skyscrapers, but Beijing also needs skyscrapers.

After all, not long after leaving, the spring in the capital is still cold.

Not to mention the chilly wind, at least it’s just the beginning of spring
On the second day after returning from Shanghai, Shen Guanglin got up early in the morning as usual and began to run and exercise.

She tried too hard last night, and Li Rong felt a little begging for mercy. She exerted too much force, and today she is still a little dizzy.

Accompanied by beauties like Li Yuanyuan and Li Jianqun, it is not easy to control yourself. Fortunately, my daughter-in-law is also good-looking, so I can't lose to them.

It's ashamed to say that some traversers are in incredible health, like a specially blessed little Teddy, full of energy.

But Shen Guanglin can't do it. He needs to exercise to keep fit. As long as he doesn't run for a while, his legs will feel sore, and he won't have the energy to work at night. He is not much better than Da Qiangzi.

Therefore, it has been such a long time since this era, and he has never stopped exercising himself.

Whether in Xiangjiang or Shanghai, even if he is abroad, he persists in his morning jog every morning.

What to do when it snows?What if the weather is bad?
Isn't there a treadmill?

Rain or shine?Braving the wind and snow?It's not his style to sink someone.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin's home in Tiangong No. [-] has a huge gym, which is equipped with air conditioning and heating, and a fresh air system. It is very comfortable, and it is much better than a field morning run ravaged by sandstorms.

Speaking of which, the equipment of this fresh air system was designed by Shen Guanglin himself, and it uses a full-heat fresh air ventilation system with heat recovery function.

In this era, the concept of environmental protection and energy saving has already been applied. It must be a design that is many years ahead.

Professor Shen is amazing.

Every morning, Li Rong has to go to work, and Shen Guanglin has to go for a run, so neither of them can snooze.

Of course, it is said that Shen Guanglin also has to go to work, but his whereabouts are very free, no one can control him at all.

It would be impossible to expect Shen Guanglin to run from home to work in one go, it would be too silly.

If you live in Fuyuanmen, you can still take a run in the ruins of the Old Summer Palace. There are also many middle-aged and elderly people doing morning exercises here, which can be regarded as a companion.

climb mountains?

Shen Guanglin also wants to climb mountains, but there are no mountains in his family.It's not that there are no mountains in the capital, and it's not impossible to go to Yuquan Mountain. Isn't this troublesome?

Shen Guanglin ran in the Old Summer Palace, and Li Yuanyuan and the others ran in the Great Wall Biological Base.

The biological base here is not the capital base, but the Jizhou farm.

This will be the main filming location of the movie in the future. Not only will sorghum be planted, but also some buildings in line with that era will be built.

Li Yuanyuan and the others came to the capital with the crew.

Li Yuanyuan is the heroine, so it was natural to come; Li Jianqun also found a job in it, doing costume work in it. Xiangjiang's makeup artist and costume artist saw Li Jianqun's work and thought she did a good job.

Here at the biological base, Shen Guanglin's secretary was in charge of entertaining them. He provided logistics work in Shanghai, and he was already familiar with it.

"Professor Shen, why haven't you seen him come these days?" Beauty Yuanyuan is very concerned about Professor Shen's itinerary. , have not found a good one.

"He should be with his wife for the past few days, right? After all, Xiao Biesheng is newly married, isn't he?" the assistant answered as a matter of course, he had already seen what the actress was thinking, and wanted to give her some advice.

"Professor Shen is married?" Beauty Yuan was extremely surprised. She had made various assumptions, but Teacher Shen didn't respond. She really didn't expect that he was already married.

The secretary didn't answer the question. He thought about it and said, "Will a successful person not have a confidante around him?"

Teacher Yuanyuan was speechless.

"What about you, are you successful in your career? Do you also have confidante around you?"

"I'm married. My wife works in the capital. She's in the Organization Department of the Central Committee. She's a colleague of my wife." As Shen Guanglin's secretary, he certainly felt that he had a successful career.

A man who has studied at the best university in the country, has a registered residence in the capital, a house, a wife, and a job that no one else would envy, what else is he thinking about?
Should Professor Shen be replaced?

There are only two secretaries in Shen Guanglin, and their work is very important and very busy.

In particular, Shen Guanglin also served as the team leader of the biological team of the 863 Project, which is why one of the secretaries did not follow him to the magic capital.

Really don't underestimate Shen Guanglin's secretary, they give lectures to college students. If they don't break away from the scientific research position, they can at least evaluate an associate professor.

Therefore, as a secretary, you can have a successful career.

(End of this chapter)

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