Start with a college teacher

Chapter 510 Mediation

Chapter 510 Mediation
It is said that men like Jinwu Zangjiao.

But "Jiao" is already old and dark, and she has been divorced once, so she probably isn't worthy of the officials' YY and collection.

In fact, not only men like the golden house, women are also such animals.

For example, the Red Sandalwood Queen also likes to collect, so she boldly collected Tang Seng's younger brother.

"Her Majesty the Queen!"

"Brother Yu!"

Of course, the filming of "Journey to the West" has not yet been completed, and Tang Seng is still on the way to learn the truth.

However, is there a Jinwu Zangjiao who hides people in the farm and ignores them?

Perhaps, the beautiful teacher Yuanyuan is really passionate.

Because, many days have passed, and Mr. Shen never came again.

Does he despise me?Am I not good-looking enough or is her family too strict?
After listening to the secretary's words last time, she already knew that Teacher Shen had a partner.

Therefore, she originally had a lot of things to question Mr. Shen, but as long as Mr. Shen was willing to explain, she was willing to believe it.As a result, after so many days, no one met, and I was very resentful.

These days, the crew is not idle either. Lao Zhang and Lao Ma have started to sort out the script, set up the scene, and select actors. In short, everything is moving forward in an orderly manner.

When Shen Guanglin returned to the capital, he really didn't have time to take care of the crew. He himself was too busy, and he lived a meaningless but extremely busy life every day.

The world is bustling, all come for the benefit, and the world is bustling, all go for the benefit.

After all, Shen Guanglin served as the team leader of the biology group of the 863 Project. Although biology is a niche major, it still affects the hearts of many people. In many cases, the focus of his work still has to be placed here.

What makes many people aggrieved is why should a person who studies physics be in charge of the fate of biological groups?
Shen Guanglin himself didn't want to, he also wanted to be in charge of the fate and future of physics, but no one else would let him.

Everyone is involuntary.

However, Shen Guanglin was in charge of too many things, and he was a bit too busy.

Some things, whether you can control them or not, he doesn't care.

However, there was one thing he couldn't care less about.

How long has it been since the "Red Sorghum" crew he invested in was established? The director and screenwriter were arrested together, and he needed to redeem them himself.

PY transaction was caught?
Zhang Guoshi, Zhang Guoshi, I didn't expect you with thick eyebrows and big eyes to do such a thing?

Shen Guanglin was very excited after hearing the secretary's report. Who was the woman on the other side? Did she block the bed? Is it secure?
However, after he listened carefully to what happened, he realized that this was not the case, but it was not too bad.

Now the movie "Red Sorghum" still lacks a leading actor. Lao Zhang's original plan was to go to Nortel or China Opera to find one. Now, they haven't found one yet, so they go in first.

It is said that they were caught in a dance hall near Nortel.

However, Lao Zhang and Lao Ma are both people with serious work units, afraid of bad influence, they dare not admit what they do, so they reported Shen Guanglin's name.

This time it worked really well, no one questioned them anymore.

Shen Guanglin is still very influential in the capital. His Great Wall Group has organized police and civilian joint construction activities in the past few years and donated a lot of vehicles and money.

Therefore, the police system has a good impression of Shen Guanglin and the Great Wall Group.

When everyone heard that they were from Shen Guanglin's laboratory at Capital University, they were not too embarrassed, and now they are calling to verify.

As soon as the principal culprit reported his name, it was Wang Shuo, and the location was in a dance hall near Beidian, Shen Guanglin understood what was going on.

Apart from the rivalry and jealousy between men and women, what else could it be?

It's a pity, it's not the kind of thing Shen Guanglin imagined, otherwise, how would Lao Ma get into today's forum, and how could Lao Zhang become a national teacher.

Fortunately, Shen Guanglin came over. The policeman from the police station was very polite and asked him if the Great Wall Group really wanted to build skyscrapers.

Of course it is true, but he is not specifically responsible for this matter, he is here to redeem people today:
"What's the matter, what's the matter?"

The police could only say, "Let's talk about the specific situation first."

After finishing speaking, he left, leaving room for them to talk, and not afraid of their collusion.

The three have different expressions.

Old Wang is a hobgoblin, Lao Zhang is calm and unmoved, and Lao Ma is a little nervous.

"The comrades of the police have said it, let's talk, are you ganging up on women from good families?"

Shen Guanglin smiled, especially Zhang Guoshi, you also have today?

After a while, the old horse took over first, and he sighed:

"What are you talking about, hurry up and find a way to get us out.

Yesterday, we followed Lao Zhang to a disco in a dance hall near Nortel. Lao Wang stepped on someone's foot and originally apologized, but the other side didn't like it, so he insisted on kneeling and apologizing.

We are all gentlemen, and we all drank some wine in front of the girls, how could this be possible, and then we started fighting. "

Old Zhang nodded, that's all.

"Then did you win?" Shen Guanglin didn't care about right or wrong, only curious about this.

"You don't see whose home field it is, of course you won, or you can be locked up?" Old Wang looked like a ruffian, "I have to thank Lao Zhang for this. Director Zhang himself graduated from Nortel, although he has It's been two years since I graduated, and I still have a lot of friends, I guess someone helped me a little, otherwise those grandchildren wouldn't have jumped so fast."

But Lao Zhang didn't say anything, he was posing, as if to say, we are not the kind of people who like to fight.

Shen Guanglin didn't even bother to ask who made the first move. Judging by the way Big Eyed Old Wang is, it's probably him who made the first move.

"Isn't it over with an apology and an apology? Why isn't it over?"

"We think about it too, but they are not forgiving. They have to go to our unit. It doesn't matter if Lao Wang doesn't have a unit, but I can't get along with Lao Zhang. I'm still an excellent editor in my unit."

Old Marco has never thought about leaving the establishment to do business, and he likes this job.

In fact, Lao Zhang didn't care. After graduating from university, he was assigned to Guangxi Film Studio, and his household registration was moved to Nanning.

However, since he became famous, no matter "Old Well" or "Red Sorghum", the production and cooperation units are Xi'an Film Studio, and this is his hometown.

It's just that when this matter spreads out, the reputation is always bad.

Shen Guanglin laughed for a while before continuing to ask: "Did any of our people get injured? What was the specific situation at that time?"

"It's nothing serious for us, but the other party was opened a big hole by Lao Wang with an ashtray, and it probably needs stitches."

"No one died."

"That can't be."

"Then it'll be fine."

Teacher Shen is a person with clear grievances and grievances. He has always helped relatives and not helped them.

Since the three of them are my friends, they naturally have to help.

The ins and outs of the matter are already very clear. It is okay to say that they fight each other, and it is probably okay to say that they fight unilaterally.

And the reason why this matter has not been dealt with until now is because the other party is not a good person.

The guy who was beaten was the young son of a refinery director in the Ministry of Petroleum. He also went to Beidian to pick up girls, so he was beaten up, and he was naturally a little upset.

Shen Guanglin called the leaders of the institute: "I already know the matter, can I take them away now? Let's pay for the other party's medical expenses and let them make a price. Since the incident has already happened, the adjustment should be the main thing." no?"

Of course the leader has no objection, but Professor Shen understands the righteousness, so let's mediate.

As a result, as soon as he entered the mediation room, a woman with wool rolls yelled loudly:

"It's lawless, it's so lawless! I'm going to make a fuss until the leaders of their unit know it. If I don't fire them and give a result, I won't be finished."

Do you want to be so fierce, just fighting each other.

"I am the leader of their unit. Now I know the ins and outs of the matter. You can set a price for the medical expenses. We will pay for it. Don't mention the apology."

Shen Guanglin invested in the movie "Red Sorghum", and he can indeed be said to be their leader.

"You? Are you so young that the unit has received it?" The woman expressed disbelief: "What does your unit do? Let me tell you, these three people under your command beat my son to the hospital. Such people must be severely punished." , This kind of person should be severely punished, this kind of person must be imprisoned, and we will not accept mediation."

Shen Guanglin could understand the woman's emotions, but he could also see what kind of person her son was from her.

"Look, she doesn't accept the mediation, so can we go? Comrade police, the two sides fought, and we are willing to pay the fine if there is a fine."

"That won't work! You can't go, comrades in the police, you can't do favoritism."

The policeman on the side was already in a state of desperation. "We must do business properly. However, we are only a police station, not a court. I still hope that you can negotiate and mediate."

(End of this chapter)

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