Start with a college teacher

Chapter 512 Language

Chapter 512 Language
However, everyone has something they want.

Jiang Wen has the trouble of not being able to get it, even Li Rong is the same.

Li Rong and Shen Guanglin had been receiving the certificate for a long time. They thought their wedding would be held soon, but it was delayed and nothing happened.

Of course she knew that he actually cared about her.

However, she didn't know when he would give her everything she wanted.

At the end of last year, Shen Guanglin's coquettish operation directly caused many girls in the Organization Department of the Central Committee to quickly get off the list.

Not only single girls, even those who have a partner, as long as they are pretty, some of them broke up together and regrouped freely with researchers from Shen Guanglin's laboratory to form new partners.

The only thing missing is the example of divorce and remarriage, otherwise, Shen Guanglin would be a sinner of the Central Organization Department.

Love in this era is so plain, boring and boring.

There is nothing to blame for this, and don't think that other girls are utilitarian. It is not so easy to find a woman who shares weal and woe with you. Even the marshal's wife is sometimes unreliable, let alone ordinary people.

Don't think that people who are laboratory researchers are not emotional.They have a good education, high income, a big house to live in, and the ability to go abroad, especially to bring their family members abroad. What is there to be satisfied with?

With such conditions, not to mention that you are just an ordinary employee of a ministry, even a celebrity can marry.

Even in 2020, would you be tempted by a little brother who graduated from Beijing University, has a registered permanent residence in Beijing, and owns a house in Beijing?

Let alone the present in 1986.

As a result, things like this got out of hand as soon as they happened.

Since this year, researchers in Shen Guanglin's laboratory have applied for marriage one after another. Even youngsters who haven't graduated are asking whether they can get married first before graduating.

This is a difficult problem.

In this era, college students are not allowed to fall in love in school, except for those who get married before going to college.

But, as a researcher in Shen Guanglin's laboratory, you two want to get married?

Shen Guanglin happily approved this matter: I firmly agree!

None of this is a problem.

Not only is Shen Guanglin open-minded, but those people are really dead if they don't get married.

They had so much fun during the Chinese New Year, most of them didn't stop the car, and they didn't pay attention to the most correct way to open up the relationship between men and women.

Young people, when driving, they only know how to step on the gas pedal. They would rather hurt their bodies than their feelings.

You must know that a girl's puberty is very short. Once she has a child, her figure is often not your dream type.

Young people, they don't understand mature women, they just want to turn a girl into a sister-in-law.

1986 is the year of the tiger, and the tiger is full of power. This is an unforgettable Spring Festival.

For many boys and girls, the most important event in life happened around this Spring Festival.

Just after the Spring Festival, it's early February, and just after the day when the uncle's haircut won't kill him, many girls are surprised to find that the relatives they were supposed to come didn't come.

This is how to do?
This should be a good thing.

Finally, all the conditions are met. I have a registered permanent residence, a degree, a job, a house, and savings. Why not get married?Do you sleep for nothing every day?

Applying for marriage one by one is also troublesome, so Shen Guanglin suggested: You might as well hold a group wedding, the unit will pay for it, book a better hotel, let's get together and have fun.

Now, the commuter bus from Beijing University to the Organization Department of the Central Committee already has a few big bellies, and their topic is no longer talking about what clothes look good and what is fun, but what they are talking about now is how to raise children. Is the fetus moving?

No nonsense, can the fetus move after three months of pregnancy?

The sour taste hasn't gone away yet.

Of course, some people will ask Li Rong: Sister Rong, when do you and Professor Shen plan to have a child?

How else can Li Rong answer, her wedding hasn't been held yet, and she was preempted by these little rascals.

These women secretly talked about Li Rong sleeping with Professor Shen when they were girls.

Now that they have tasted human affairs and are pregnant, they envy Li Rong for knowing what it's like to be a woman so early on. They are really envious.

Watching Professor Shen run every day, I know that he must be in good health, unlike my own, what's the use of asking for a high degree.

Are you ashamed?
They are all women, what's the shame, who doesn't talk about men.

In fact, Li Rong didn't know what Shen Guanglin was thinking. He was indeed a man with a lot of achievements in biology, and he took proper contraceptive measures every time.

Li Rong sometimes wondered whether to prick a few holes with a needle during the dangerous period.

Let’s say that Shen is someone who is flirting with flowers and flirting with others, and he is not in love. He still works so hard every time he comes back to work hard, and he is also addicted to her gentleness. It seems that he has not lost his attraction as a woman. force.

However, if you want to say when to get married, it seems that he doesn't mean to give a specific date.

I still don't want to worry about these troubles. I heard that the famous movie star Liu Xiaoqing has come to the capital, so of course Li Rong has to go and see.

Of course, this second-married woman is not her threat, she understands that.

At the beginning, Zhou Yun was also aggressive. He became the spokesperson of Great Wall Electric for some reason. Many people thought that Professor Shen would be close to the water, but it turned out not to be.

That female star finally married Zhang Jianya, a Hu Jianren who often lived at the Great Wall base. I heard that she has recently gone abroad, and she has not even become the image spokesperson of Great Wall Electric.

These Yingying and Yanyan are nothing to worry about, she never deliberately manages him, such a man can't be tied down.

However, when Li Rong saw Li Yuanyuan, an actress from the crew of "Red Sorghum", she suddenly felt a little bad. This girl should be a threat.

This is also the first time Teacher Yuanyuan met Shen Guanglin's object, Li Rong, who is what they often call the proprietress.

The proprietress is not old, she has a graceful temperament, she is very generous, she is beautiful and has a temperament, she is very suitable for Professor Shen.

Professor Shen can have such a partner, no wonder he never messes around outside.

As soon as she met, she felt that she was defeated. Without saying a word, she knew that she had completely lost, and she didn't even need to ask Shen Guanglin what he meant, because she had no position at all.

With such a woman, if she was a man, she wouldn't mess around outside.

In fact, if Teacher Yuanyuan thinks this way, it means that she is not a man at all. Men messing around outside has nothing to do with whether they have a beautiful wife at home.

If you don’t believe me, you can ask the readers if they didn’t let the ugly ones go when they went to health care. Anyway, they paid for it, so they have to get their money back.

Li Yuanyuan felt that she was not as good as Li Rong, but she didn't know that when Li Rong met Teacher Yuanyuan, she felt that this girl was different from the vulgar fans she had seen in the past.

It's not that Great Wall Entertainment doesn't have beautiful women. Xiangjiang has a lot of votes, young and mature. Even if she is as beautiful as Guan Zhilin, she doesn't feel any pressure.

However, facing this girl named Li Yuanyuan, she still felt a little unusual.

Because, this girl is so good-looking is only one aspect, and, for some reason, Li Rong saw the temperament of her own sister from this girl.

This is fatal.

Old Shen would not make such a mistake.

The collective wedding of the employees has begun, and there is no shortage of well-known hosts.

Li Ping, who hosts the weather forecast on CCTV, is a personal choice, and Liu Xiaoqing, who has hosted the Spring Festival Gala, is also a personal choice.

In the wedding, other links are not important, but there is one link that is particularly important, which Li Rong specifically asked to add, that is, after paying homage to the high hall, there is also a link of thanking the teacher.

Both the master and the mistress are going to appear on stage, this is a kind of language.

(End of this chapter)

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