Chapter 513 Loan (1)

Language not only refers to speaking, but also uses body actions or an activity as language to convey information.

Group wedding is such an act, it can be said to be a show, but also a language.

Everyone broke the routine and adopted a luxurious and simple way to show the pride and feelings of Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

This not only shows the boldness, but also saves time. Saving time means saving costs.

At the wedding banquet, it is certain that there will be a large number of guests. There may not be delicacies from mountains and seas, but there is no shortage of big fish and meat.

In the age of lack of oil and water, it is enjoyable to have such a big meal!
What's more, this is a brand-new all-self-service banquet. Guests can choose their favorite food. Beef and mutton are enough, and the masters of Quanjude come to cook roast duck in person.

Such a wedding, such a topic, will not be outdated after 10 years of discussion.

This collective wedding ended amidst the bustle and bustle. Some people came to see the bride and compare which one was more beautiful; Good meal.

After a wedding, no matter the groom, the bride or the guests are very satisfied.

Before leaving, the guests packed the leftovers and happily went back to their respective homes.

The newcomers also lived in the family area of ​​the new material company directly, which will be their future home.

Now that the two are finally living legally, each girl has already decorated their new home and their dreams.

Once you get married, your dream will come true.

It's really good to follow Professor Shen, he behaved generously and generously, he even organized such a ostentatious wedding scene for the students, and the car that drove to pick up the bride is really magnificent, it really is enviable.

Moreover, among the students who were unwilling to continue to take the road of scientific research, or were not suitable for taking the road of scientific research, Shen Guanglin put them into the Great Wall Company. Bosses are also more loyal.

Through this wedding, everyone has their own harvest

Li Rong also used this language to tell an outsider that I am the mistress, and other people can only be small if they want to come in.

Shen Guanglin didn't know that Li Rong still had such thoughts. He didn't think about it at all. What he thought was that when the Great Wall Building was built, he would use one of the floors as a wedding proposal, and then formally propose to Li Rong.

Of course, for his younger sister, he also planned in the same way. It is also on one floor, just a different floor, so he is not afraid of fighting.

However, this building has 99 floors, doesn't it?
It is not impossible.

Oh, let's talk about this later.

Recently, he has been thinking about another thing, which is this year's fund use plan.

Great Wall Group is going to build its headquarters, so the budget allocated to the laboratory this year will be discounted.

Even, it will be like this in the next two or three years.

In this case, the laboratory also has to tighten its money to live, or, quickly find out a few hot topics to ask for money from the big guys, this is their right way.

Now, not only can the Great Wall Group not be able to donate a large amount of money, but Shen Guanglin has to find a way to find a place to borrow money for them.

There are so many people in the Great Wall Group, isn't it the same for your own planning?

There is something hidden about this matter, it would be better for Professor Shen to come forward in person.

They know him.

This is not really for borrowing money, it is for showing off that the Great Wall Group is rich.

There is an opportunity to show off blatantly, if Shen misses it, I am afraid that he will be angry in the future.

The thing is like this, in order to build the skyscraper Great Wall Tower, the financial managers of the Great Wall Group thought of another plan for the use of funds: that is to find a bank loan.

Shen Guanglin originally disagreed, but they said that this is the most cost-effective way, and the root cause is the exchange rate difference.

Moreover, they also designed a relatively new capital operation model. They reported, "We can try to use foreign exchange as collateral to obtain low-interest loans from banks in RMB."

What mortgage law?Is this a new routine?
of course not.

The plan of the Great Wall Group is to lend foreign exchange to a certain domestic bank or government, and then through them to lend the corresponding RMB from the bank for construction.

After a few years, once the RMB is returned, everything will be fine.

After all, it is a big loss to exchange US dollars for RMB now, and the construction of the Great Wall Building really needs a lot of RMB. It is impossible to use all of them in the dark. If you want to operate legally, you still need enough RMB to use it. More convenient.

What's more, the Great Wall Group's deposit certificates in overseas banks were all brought over, and they brought over 5 million US dollars in one go.

After the Great Wall Group really stripped this part of the funds, they actually have not much foreign exchange available to them. If they take out more, it is estimated that the normal production and operation should be affected.

Recently, many people have questioned whether the Great Wall Group can have enough funds to engage in the construction of skyscrapers. This is also a means to show its strength.

5 million US dollars is indeed a lot of money, and it would be better to take this money out and use it to break doubts.

All right, let's go out and pretend to be competent. Shen Guanglin decided to go to the bank's headquarters to inquire about the loan situation.

Be prepared to be rejected first, and then take out the cashier's check and slam it on the table. The other party looked at the cashier's check and trembled in fright.

To engage in construction, of course you have to go to the Construction Bank.

Lao Li's classmate is here. He is the vice president and his surname is Liu.

Shen Guanglin is no longer the unknown novice of the past. When he came to the headquarters of CCB, even if he had no relationship with Lao Li, he could easily meet this Vice President Liu.

In fact, Shen Guanglin didn't need to know anyone in the bank at all, he just needed to give his name.

Of course, the appointment to meet the bank leader was done by the secretaries. They directly said: Professor Shen Guanglin from the Shen Guanglin Laboratory of Beijing University wants to meet the bank leader.

When the leader heard it, no matter how busy the work is, it takes time. Welcome, welcome, warm welcome.

In later generations, the head office generally did not handle specific businesses, but now it is different. Their first floor is still a business hall, full of traffic and constant flow of people.

Everyone was queuing up in the bank lobby to do business, but Shen Guanglin was different. He took his assistant and followed the lobby manager directly to the leader's office.

This was specifically explained by the leader, and he almost went downstairs to wait. If it wasn't for Lao Li's relationship, he would have gone downstairs a long time ago. After all, this is Professor Shen who has researched the cloned cow.

"Professor Shen, I have known you for a long time. When I saw you today, you are indeed very young. Judging by your age, you are not as old as my children, but your achievements make us old men feel ashamed."

Vice President Liu is very enthusiastic. This is a middle-aged man with full hair. Sure enough, if you don't study science and engineering, your hair will be healthy.

Facing the compliment, Shen Guanglin could only smile modestly and accept it: "This is what I should do, I can't keep a low profile, my strength doesn't allow it, and neither does Lao Li."

The two looked at each other and laughed.

"Professor Shen, can I call you Xiao Shen?"

"Of course, you are Lao Li's classmate after all, and Lao Li is my father-in-law."

"Are you here today?" After exchanging a few pleasantries, Vice President Liu asked about Shen Guanglin's needs.

"I'm here to talk about a loan."

"Loan? Who doesn't know that your laboratory has a large deposit, and there is no shortage of money at all. How could you think of a bank for a loan?"

The loan business of banks in this era is very difficult. Generally, they can only lend to state-owned enterprises. If they want to lend to private enterprises, they need to have enough collateral.

Shen Guanglin handed over the interpretation of this matter to the assistant, and the assistant did not hesitate, and said directly, "Professor Shen is not here to represent our laboratory for the loan, he is to represent the Great Wall Group to negotiate the loan."

"Ah, Great Wall Group? It's Great Wall Electric. They produce pretty good refrigerators, washing machines, and TVs. However, you need collateral to get a loan. Otherwise, this matter will be difficult."

Vice President Liu didn't even want to receive them. Those who could find him must have come because of difficulties, and he didn't want to accept such trouble.

"Of course there is collateral. We have foreign bank deposit certificates. We can also issue corresponding Chinese certificates here."

This is the purpose of Shen Guanglin's coming. The loan is really secondary, mainly to promote that the Great Wall Group is rich, powerful, and has deposits.

"Of course it's possible."

The deposit certificates of foreign banks are mostly in English. If you want to use them in China, you have to go through a series of procedures.

Vice President Liu himself didn't handle specific business, so he could only take Shen Guanglin and others to a specific window to handle it, and then he slipped away on the pretext of having something to do.

In case, they don't have any decent collateral, and they still need a loan, whether to approve it or not, let the people below block it, so as to have a buffer.

After all, this is his classmate's son-in-law, it's better not to trap yourself in a pit.

The staff who have been in the window for a long time have a lot of exposure to foreign exchange, and they have long been accustomed to it.

Since it is a business entrusted by the leader, and the leader is not with him, it means that he can do business and have a better attitude: "Do you have overseas relatives?"

Shen Guanglin froze for a moment, "No."

"If you don't have relatives working overseas, how can you have foreign exchange deposits?"

"Oh, this is the company's deposit. Just help me open a Chinese version of the deposit certificate. I will use it as a loan document."

"Hey, what you said, since President Liu told you, it must be okay. Let me see how much it is, it starts with 5, 123456789, how many zeros is this?"

The clerk is already a little dizzy, is this certificate of deposit real?
"Eight zeros, nine digits, adding a decimal point is ten zeros, the money is not much, exactly 5 million."

The receptionist's hand trembled, and the pen pierced the paper.

(End of this chapter)

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