Start with a college teacher

Chapter 514 Borrowing Money

Chapter 514 Borrowing Money (2)

A $5 million foreign exchange deposit slip!

This matter is really beyond the window clerk's ability to handle.

He couldn't even understand what kind of company could have so many deposits.

And Shen Guanglin was not prepared that he could handle such a thing well.

Excited heart, trembling hands.

It's been a long time in a daze like this.

The clerk calmed down.

Helpless, the clerk had no choice but to bring Shen Guanglin and the secretary back to Vice President Liu's office.

At this time, Vice President Liu was already taking care of everything.

His attitude and expression of correcting the documents were so focused that he forgot that Professor Shen had come to visit him.

In fact, he probably hasn't left here since he went to work, and he doesn't know Professor Shen at all.

Anyone who is familiar with him knows that Vice President Liu has to deal with business.

Seeing a few people knocking on the door and coming in, he asked solemnly, "Xiao Chen, what's the matter with you?"

It seemed that he didn't know people like Shen Guanglin, even though he was the one who brought them down.

However, there is no audio or video recording now, you must be dazzled, my old Liu has never done such a thing.

The clerk named Xiao Chen carefully reported: "President Liu, this teacher Shen you brought here"

"Just do the work. There is no selfishness in front of the report. Do business normally. Just do what you want. Don't talk about it."

Vice President Liu interrupted Xiao Chen's words in a righteous manner, and did not intend to let him continue talking.

"Okay, I understand." Xiao Chen took a deep breath, and he still has a high level of leadership:

"Professor Shen has a certificate of deposit issued by Standard Chartered Bank, and they want to issue a Chinese version of the certificate of deposit. However, our bank does not have the ability to verify capital, so we have to ask the People's Bank of China, which has an office in Xiangjiang, for help. Just do it."

In fact, Xiao Chen already believed that the bank certificate was real, because they had processed a similar deposit certificate from Standard Chartered Bank, the text and format were exactly the same, but the amount was smaller.

Professor Shen is so famous, there is no need to come over and consume theirs deliberately.

"How much foreign exchange has been saved, and I still have to ask others for help?"

Vice President Liu was scribbling casually in his notebook, pretending to be careless and serious about his work.

"Five hundred million! It's still US dollars."


Vice President Liu's pen also tore through the paper on the table.

He repeated what Xiao Chen had done before.

"how much is it?"

"Five hundred million dollars! Our bank has never done such a large amount of business. It may not be done so quickly, and the required procedures still need to be considered by the leaders."

Of course, Shen Guanglin knew that this matter would not be done so quickly, and his purpose was not really to apply for a Chinese certificate. If he really wanted a loan, he probably could do it without this.

According to Great Wall Group's qualifications, it shouldn't be difficult to talk to the local government and get some loans.

He has long understood the purpose of his subordinates: by doing this, it is natural to publicize that the Great Wall Group is very rich.

It doesn't matter whether you want to get a loan or not.

Their main intention is: Great Wall Group still has 5 million US dollars in deposits, that's all.

The operation method is simple and crude.

Because the Great Wall Group was going to build a skyscraper for its headquarters, many people began to suspect that their money would not be enough, and whether they would embezzle customers' money and use it for themselves.

In particular, such rumors have begun to affect normal billing cycles and business transactions.

This time, they took out their savings and exposed them to the sun, just to eliminate the bad influence.

I'm afraid this is also the reason why those birdmen of the Great Wall Group asked him, someone from Shen, to come forward.

This opportunity to act aggressive must be left to the boss, otherwise he will definitely wear small shoes in the future.

Da Liu was very embarrassed by Shen Guanglin recently. Many people analyzed that Da Liu was too jumpy and stole the boss's limelight. How could this work.

You still know me best.

"Xiao Shen, Professor Shen, can you transfer this money to our bank account first, so that it will be more convenient to apply for a loan."

Vice President Liu has already decided to approve Shen Guanglin's loan.

This is 5 million U.S. dollars. If converted into RMB, it can be exchanged for more than 20 billion RMB.

If it is more flexible, it can be exchanged for more valuable things. With this money, what kind of building cannot afford it.

"Of course not." Shen Guanglin refused without thinking.

"We still have a lot of things that need to be imported. For the convenience of settlement, I have to keep these foreign currencies."

Shen Guanglin understood that he didn't come here for a loan, but to show off. If he really transferred the money to the CCB account, he would be pretending to be a villain.

"Then we have to verify for a while, after all, we have to verify the authenticity of this document."

Yes, this is what the title should mean.

Shen Guanglin was not in a hurry, left a copy for CCB to verify, and took his secretary back to school.

I still have a lot of work to do, for example, has the Red Sorghum crew started filming yet, and I am the producer.

The speed of news dissemination is always very fast. The fact that the Great Wall Group still has a deposit of 5 million US dollars has spread rapidly to a certain extent.

Even the city leader who was far away in Shanghai also called, "Xiao Shen, why did you go to the capital for the loan? It can be processed in our Shanghai?"

"Of course I know. Isn't it because some people questioned our strength? We are also ulterior motives. The 5 million US dollars is used for publicity."

Shen Guanglin explained that he was not afraid of other leaders, but he was afraid that the leaders of Shanghai City would misunderstand. After all, their leaders and deputy leaders will be very powerful in the future.

It is not easy to establish this friendly relationship, so it has to be maintained.

"You little slicker, I understand, this is an advertisement, right? This is a very good live advertisement."

The leader immediately understood what Shen Guanglin meant.

Both the Great Wall Group and the Shanghai government have been questioned to a certain extent during this period, but their determination to build skyscrapers has not wavered.

After pondering for a while, the leader had another idea:

"Xiao Shen, I also have an unfeeling request, but I'm too embarrassed to mention it."

"You say?"

Shen Guanglin instantly understood what leadership meant, and he also had this plan.

He must have missed his money.

"Can you lend your money to our city government? If you want RMB, you can take it at will. We can also use the toll rights of expressways or ports as collateral.

You also know that the whole country is short of foreign exchange. With this money, Shanghai can develop better.

I know that you also have difficulties, and the Great Wall Group is not your property alone, but "

The leader's reaction speed was really fast. Ever since he knew that Shen Guanglin's purpose was not a loan, he immediately thought of other uses for the money.

However, he also knew that the Great Wall Group might not have the final say on Shen Guanglin alone.

Therefore, he was only trying to test it out symbolically, and he tried his best if it didn't work out.

"Yes." Shen Guanglin answered with certainty.


"I said yes, this money can be lent to our city government, as long as we need support, you can give us a certain amount of support."

Shen Guanglin answered in the affirmative, he knew where this leader would go in the future, and supporting him now would be a smooth path for him in the future.

"Oh, that's great. If you were in Shanghai, I'd have to ask you for a few drinks."


However, before the leaders of Modu came to drink with Shen Guanglin, the old man of the Li family came to him.

Don't think about it, it must be a matter of money.

5 million US dollars is still cash, the Great Wall Group actually has so much money, and Shen Guanglin can control this money at will, which is incredible.

When Shen Guanglin returned to the capital this time, it was true that he hadn't visited the old man for a long time.

This time, he didn't take Li Rong there, but took his secretary with him.

Shen Guanglin knew that what they were talking about must be about money, so it was always right to bring the work secretary.

If you don't look at anything else, just look at the lineup of the old man here. There are several people who look like cadres here, and you know that today's work is not easy.

"Great Wall Group really still has 5 million US dollars in deposits?"

The old man knows what Shen Guanglin and the Great Wall Group have been doing during this period. They invested 5 million US dollars in industrial manufacturing in Guangxi, and another 7 million in advance funds for skyscrapers in Shanghai. Now there are [-] million US dollars left. As for the deposits, this adds up to [-] million U.S. dollars, and it should not be hurt.

The old man asked again, and the others were listening, all very attentive.

Is $5 million a concept?
Not to mention state-owned enterprises, the current foreign exchange reserves of the entire country are only over US$20 billion.

It is not that the country has not seen more money, but to develop the economy and maintain a balance of payments, every penny of foreign exchange must be used for practical purposes.

For the sake of economic development, the big leaders have decided to reduce the army by 100 million. It is very difficult to promote this matter, and the leaders can only bear the pain to start with their own troops first, and then carry it out.

If they knew that the 5 million US dollars was Shen Guanglin's personal assets, it would be unimaginable.

(End of this chapter)

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