Start with a college teacher

Chapter 515 Autumn Wind

Chapter 515 Autumn Wind (3)

Vice President Liu has worked in the bank for more than 30 years, and his journey has not been easy through ups and downs.

He was able to appear in Mr. Li's home in Xishan Villa, not because of his high position and weight, nor because he and Xiao Li were classmates, but because he was a witness of the Great Wall Group's deposit certificate.

The leaders of various departments were sitting around him, so he could only sit quietly and obediently on the chair behind the sofa, with his hands neatly placed on the folder.

Inside the folder is a certificate from the People's Bank, indicating that the Great Wall Group's deposit in Standard Chartered Bank is real and valid, and that the money has been deposited for more than a year.

This is a real $5 million. He has never seen so much money in his entire working life.

Now, any domestic company, even an oil import and export company, will not have so much money in their accounts.

Now, every cent of foreign exchange earned by state-owned enterprises has to be handed over. If you want to use it yourself, you have to return it from the higher authorities.

A game of chess across the country.

At the moment when the national economy is so difficult, it is a waste to have so much foreign exchange on the account.

However, the Great Wall Group is Hong Kong-owned, and the parent companies with cross-shareholdings are located in overseas islands. As for who the real boss is, it is really hard to say.

Shen Guanglin often came to Mr. Li's place, and met many leaders here. Some of them were still active on the screen after many years, and some disappeared in a certain wave.

Shen Guanglin was not in a hurry to speak either. He first greeted all the leaders, including Vice President Liu, and then replied: "Yes, the 5 million US dollars are indeed the assets of the Great Wall Group."

"You guys really want to use it as a mortgage?"

The person who asked the question was another middle-aged and elderly man, who was quite dignified, but with a kind tone. After all, Shen Guanglin was not only a well-known professor, but also the grandson-in-law of Mr. Li.

Shen Guanglin smiled, "Of course it's not true. If the Great Wall Group wants to take out a loan, which one of them won't give a loan in Beijing, Jinmen, or Shencheng? Besides, the Great Wall Group has quite a lot of fixed assets, and there is no shortage of collateral."

It is true that the Great Wall Group is already very large, and they have not had the slightest loan in any domestic bank, only deposits.

Wanting a loan is really just a matter of words.

However, the amount of their deposits has always been sufficient, and there is no need for loans at all.

However, these assets of the Great Wall Group are all scattered in various banking systems and have not been integrated.

Otherwise, with these deposits, it is enough to meet various domestic expenses.

The construction of the Great Wall Group headquarters base will cost a lot of money. Even so, it has not affected their pace of promoting the construction of university teacher dormitories in China. How could they really lack funds.

Everyone is human, and they immediately understood that the Great Wall Group was deliberately showing their strength.

However, everyone's purpose is not to help the Great Wall Group solve the problem of financial difficulties, but the idea of ​​making this deposit.

"Professor Shen, I am XXX from the Ministry of Machinery. Now all domestic enterprises are carrying out technological transformation in full swing, but if they introduce advanced production lines, foreign exchange will be seriously insufficient. Everyone knows that you are a patriotic scientist. Your Can you lend us this money for a temporary emergency? We will not use it in vain, and the interest will be paid, and we have RMB cash, so we can exchange what we need.”

Now, domestic enterprises, especially central enterprises, do not lack RMB. If they run out of money, they just print. What they lack is foreign exchange.

However, the ability of many companies to earn foreign exchange is limited. Therefore, in the face of 5 million US dollars, even if they are bigwigs, they really can't sit still.

Seeing that the people from the mechanical department were the first to attack, the others couldn't sit still and talked about their demands one after another.

Otherwise, Huaxia is a nation that is good at compromise. Shen Guanglin hasn't spoken yet. They have already reached an agreement, and the 5 million US dollars has already gone to its own place.

Moreover, they guaranteed that the Great Wall Group can use RMB anytime they want, and they are not short of money.

In a word, the Great Wall Group can use the 5 million US dollars to gain their friendship.

It is estimated that it is precisely because of this that the old man is willing to matchmaking.

It was also painstaking.

Shen Guanglin didn't know how to say this, he thought about it, and could only reject their offer, because their thighs were still not as thick as those of the two leaders in Shanghai.

"Thank you all the leaders for your attention. From the perspective of Grandpa Li, everyone is my uncle, but I have to refuse everyone here, because the Great Wall Group has already lent the money to the Magic City government. A daughter You cannot remarry."

Shen Guanglin talked about the strategic cooperation between the Great Wall Group and the Shanghai Municipal Government. They have already lent the money to Shanghai Municipality, and there is really nothing they can do to help.

"What? They threatened you. According to me, your building shouldn't be built there. It would be nice to build it in the capital. It will improve China's image and benefit a lot."

However, it is too late to say anything now. After the 90s, Shen Guanglin might indeed put his headquarters in the capital.

However, at this moment, the safest and most stable place is Shanghai.

"The Magic City government is an enlightened and open government. Of course they did not threaten the Great Wall Group. This is also the result of mutual assistance negotiations. The Great Wall Group is not my company alone, I am just a spokesperson. I understand that you need funds, but this The sum of money can only be counted if the city government says so."

Shen Guanglin thought about it, and felt that he still couldn't be so heartless. After all, the friendship of these people is also very important, and the old man's painstaking efforts should not be wasted.

"In this way, my laboratory, Shen Guanglin's laboratory at Capital University, currently has 4000 million US dollars in foreign exchange in its account. Although this amount is not much, it is still useful to lend it to everyone for emergency."

Oh, what an embarrassment.

Everyone knew that Shen Guanglin's laboratory had foreign exchange in the account. If Mr. Li hadn't been there, and if the big leaders hadn't said hello, the money would have been taken away by them.

Is there anything they can't do at home?

Now, Shen Guanglin offered to lend them for emergency use, which is really great, better than nothing.

As for the 5 million yuan, since it has been taken away by the Shanghai government, it may not be easy to divide it up, so we can only take one step and see.

In this way, Shen Guanglin left 1000 million US dollars for himself, and the remaining money was divided among various ministries and commissions, and those who saw it had a share.

Although the money is not much, it still has 600 million per family.

People don't take it for nothing, they really exchanged it for RMB and sent it over.

Moreover, in order to show that your laboratory will not suffer losses, even the exchange rate difference has been made up.

The name is also very nice, it is called supporting the development of science and technology, which is a donation to the laboratory.

For example, the Ministry of Agriculture has no money, but has land, so they ask: Does the biological company of Great Wall Group still need land?

Of course I want, but this time I can't ask for land in the capital or Jizhou.

The real good land still has to go to Qilu, which is one of the three largest orchards and three vegetable gardens in the world, which is especially suitable for vegetable cultivation.

There are pros and cons to things.

Ever since Shen Guanglin released the news that "Great Wall Group is extremely rich", there has been an endless stream of people who came to him for a fight.

There were those who threatened faintly, those who kept crying for poverty, and those who recommended themselves as pillows. Shen Guanglin was tired of coping and decided to go out and hide.

If you go out again this time, you won't be able to go out alone.

Madam has already said that the next time you go out, you have to go out together, and you can't take Xiao Sao hoof home casually.

When did we get Xiao Sao's hoof?

However, Shen Guanglin didn't dare to speak like that. He wanted to say that he and Teacher Yuanyuan were actually innocent, but there were still some factors of innocence in his heart.

Whatever my wife says, she is the biggest.

The itinerary planned this time is to go to Shanghai first, and then go to Xiangjiang after arranging work there.

Because, in a few days, around May 5th, the World Cup qualifiers will start.

The Huaxia team is in good form. In the last game against Xiangjiang, they will qualify if they draw.

(End of this chapter)

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