Start with a college teacher

Chapter 516 Chapter 538

Chapter 516 The Fifth Thirty-Eight Hospitality (4)

Shen Guanglin could go out anytime he wanted.

His position in Capital University is that of the later generations of state-owned enterprises who have no desires and desires.

These people are self-motivated, capable, and have seniority, but they have no interest in promotion and salary increase. Their greatest pleasure is to fish, and then have a place to retire when they are old.

State-owned enterprises, are they for profit? They are for retirement.

Perhaps, Shen Guanglin also thought the same way.

For example, the school once wanted to let him be the deputy dean of the School of Physics, but Shen Guanglin clearly refused, because he was unwilling to do such administrative work.

The school expressed its understanding, and would take the initiative to ask for his opinion whether it wanted to add burdens to him or had other ideas. If he didn't want to do it, the school let it go.

Shen Guanglin is a romantic and freedom-loving person. In order not to be controlled by the school, his laboratory is not even allowed to receive national research funding. This is obvious.

Even for the most famous laboratories in the world, their main source of funding is financial appropriation.

Of course, Shen Guanglin's laboratory is already a well-known laboratory in the world, currently ranked No.

See who is at the top of the list?

Los Alamos National Laboratory, of the Citigroup Department of Energy, most famously came up with the Manhattan Project;

Bell Labs, the telephone was invented by others;
The Broad Institute is a global leader in biotechnology and genetics.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory has only been established for a few years, and already has this ranking, which is not easy.

Now, it is easy for Shen Guanglin to ask for leave by himself.

However, after Li Rong started working, it was not easy to ask for leave.

What is her daily work, Shen Guanglin has never asked, it seems that she is doing file management, otherwise, what can the Central Organization Department do, collect thoughts and reports?
Anyway, it's not important, and it's not her turn to make the decision on the appointment of the big officials in the frontier.

The entire Organization Department of the Central Committee does not have such power.

However, for such a dispensable job as hers, she is extremely particular about organization and discipline.

Li Rong wanted to take a long vacation, but they didn't approve it, saying that there was no such precedent.

The leader said, if you ask for leave, you can ask for it for three to five days. This request will last for one month, and it may not be certain later. There is no precedent for how this will be approved by the leader.

Isn't there a precedent if it is approved? Does it have to be forced to leave the job?

How pitiful it is for a girl who loses her job at such a young age and wants to go to sea.

In particular, Li Rong still doesn't want to leave her job, she still enjoys a group of colleagues having various social activities around her.

Many of the female colleagues in the unit are female relatives of Shen Guanglin's laboratory. Will they not uphold the status and authority of the proprietress? How low is this EQ?

Therefore, Li Rong likes this job. She doesn't drive to work every day, but just follows the shuttle bus.

Helpless, Shen Guanglin could only use some small means of his own.

He, Shen, was invited by a well-known foreign university to invite him and his wife to visit together. Will you approve it?
If it is not approved, will you approve the invitation of the foreign head of state?
There is no way to do this, even if it is not approved, the foreign affairs department came to ask why Professor Shen was suddenly invited by the head of state, and did something happen.

Who knows, but Li Rong's vacation was approved.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin's behavior was even more extreme. He asked for leave for three months, completely ignoring the leader.

Because, he is really planning to take a long trip, not for other reasons, no, the World Cup is coming again, he wants to go out and have a look.

Maradona's hand of God should have happened in this World Cup, because he will be old in a few years.

In addition, Shen Guanglin also had an immature idea, and he also wanted to try it out.

However, Shen Guanglin mentioned that he wanted to go abroad for a few months. At such a critical time, he surprised some people, and also scared some people.

Those people who came to Shen Guanglin to beat the autumn wind before were quickly punished.

Even the big leaders were angry, and the consequences were serious.

The news that Shen Guanglin got was that the leader said in Xishu dialect: Comrade Shen Guanglin, he has paid so much, he has done everything he can for the development of the country's science and technology. We can't let the soldiers bleed and cry. Shen Guanglin is our He is a good comrade and a good scholar. When he is carrying the destiny of the nation and moving forward with difficulty, if anyone asks him to carry other burdens, I will let him take off the burden from his shoulders and let others carry it. "

These words are frightening and murderous, but full of warmth.

Shen Guanglin was very moved, and then ate another meal of dog meat and two taels of rice wine.

Fortunately, Shen Guanglin is not a person with low EQ. He never said any small things about others, but instead vowed that he has no pressure at all, and he is very happy.

For this reason, the leaders in Modu all called to thank them.

"Professor Shen, the conscience of heaven and earth, we really didn't persecute you."

"Of course, of course, no, I'm going to Shanghai now, let's meet and talk, I've always been very happy in Shanghai, everything else is just rumors."

It is very close from Beijing to Shanghai, and it is just a short flight away.

Shen Guanglin and Li Rong lived in the Peace Hotel as soon as they arrived. This is the treatment of top-level scientists, and the reception standard is good.

Of course, Shen Guanglin paid the fee himself, he didn't take advantage of it and let people gossip about it.

"Xiao Shen, come, try this beef."

Knowing that Shen Guanglin likes to eat, the leader in charge of the reception in Shanghai specially invited the national first-class chef to cook in person, and it is bound to make a meal that Shen Guanglin will linger on.

Magic City is a place where Chinese and Western blend together, and the chef's craftsmanship is also a combination of East and West, which is really amazing.

This first course is a roast beef, also known as grilled steak.

Shen Guanglin took a thick sliced ​​beef slice with a knife and fork, and put it in his mouth.

Well, not bad, very juicy, tender and firm.

But it's a pity to use such ingredients for this cooking skill.

Shen Guang Lin Xin said that he has better beef, and it is worthy of this skill to take it out, but it is not suitable to take it out now.

In Shanghai, Li Rong and Shen Guanglin were well received.

The next day, the leaders of Shanghai Metropolis met with Shen Guanglin, and they formed a group to inspect the construction site.

The progress is fairly fast, and the foundation is already being excavated.

Shen Guanglin said that this is not just a building, it is a community, and it is also the foundation of his future career.

From now on, the highest floor here will be reserved for Li Rong and her children.

After hearing this, Li Rong said, you should quickly take the child out to the old lady.

(End of this chapter)

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