Chapter 517 History (5)

A man's mouth, a liar.

Li Rong was deceived so willingly again.

It was years before the building was ready, but she was still young enough to wait.

Fortunately, Shen Guanglin doesn't have any other friends in Shanghai, so he won't pick flowers and mess with grass.

It turns out that there is also an advertising spokesperson here, named Zhou Yun, who has now terminated his contract and went to Citigroup.

Later he met two people named Li, Li Yuanyuan and Li Jianqun, but they went to Jizhou to shoot a movie.

Even the people from Modu Film Studio have returned to Xiangxi to continue the filming of "Furong Town". They must hurry up, Jiang Wen still has his next film waiting for him.

Someone asked, doesn't Shen Guanglin need to stay in the capital for experiments?

Of course not, only scientific apes do experiments exhaustingly, and there are too many examples of breeders traveling around the world to give speeches, and there is no shortage of him.

It would be great if Professor Shen can grasp the general direction. If everything is done by himself, then do we still have to live? This is not the daily life that a time traveler should have.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory, after several years of continuous construction, since it can rank among the top in the world, it is not for nothing.

Not to mention anything else, the equipment in his laboratory, not counting intangible assets, is more than 3000 million US dollars in fixed assets.

In China, the quality of any laboratory is not as good as his, let alone reach this level, even if it is lowered by an order of magnitude.

In China, if a laboratory can have a fund of 100 million yuan, it can barely be regarded as a first-class laboratory. Such a laboratory has the ability to stand alone and belongs to the level that can fill several domestic gaps.

If the amount of funds reaches 500 million yuan, or even 1000 million yuan, this is the top laboratory in China.Such a laboratory can go around the world, and it may not be able to develop new results, but it is still possible to follow the international advanced scientific research direction.

If this figure is converted into US dollars, if there are 500 million US dollars in equipment or funds, then it is really a force that can recruit and fight well.With this level of laboratory, it is possible to challenge the frontier of science and technology to a certain extent.

Of course, according to national conditions, domestic laboratories are basically not allowed to blindly challenge the frontier of science and technology at this stage.

This is not fearlessness, this is called wave warfare.

The original intention of the 863 Program is to track the international advanced technology and development direction. It is to track, not to lead.

In China, only Shen Guanglin's laboratory can truly lead the development direction of international advanced technology.

Only this one, no other branch.

It's not that we're not smart enough, it's that we don't have so much money to squander.

Of course, behind what everyone can't see, they won't know how many detours Shen Guanglin's laboratory has avoided.

A word from Shen Guanglin can sometimes save millions of dollars in expenses.

Shen Guanglin's decision can sometimes shorten the experiment cycle by three months.

With such a leader, how could it not be possible to win the scientific research competition.

Even krypton gold players can't do the comparison, there is no way.

Only those around Shen Guanglin know how powerful Professor Shen is, and they feel that it is no problem to work with him and challenge any difficult problems.

Shen Guanglin said that he wanted to discover new materials, and they believed them; Shen Guanglin said that he wanted to clone cows, and they also believed them; Shen Guanglin said that he wanted to study cancer, but they still chose to believe it.

In short, there is nothing that Professor Shen can't do, it's just that the time is not up yet.

Having only lived in Shanghai for a few days, Li Rong no longer likes to live in the Peace Hotel. She always lives in the hotel, which is not good at all and has no sense of belonging.

This matter is easy to handle, let's just buy a house.

That's what Li Rong meant.

Needless to say, Shen Guanglin has never thought about buying a house in Shanghai. If Li Rong hadn't mentioned it, he would never have thought about it.

Shen Guanglin already has many houses in the capital, including high-rise buildings and courtyard houses.

He didn't even deliberately buy the courtyard house, either because he couldn't or because he didn't want to.

When the number of assets reaches a certain stage, the pleasure brought by the appreciation of the house will decrease.

Moreover, when he really wanted to wait for the value of the house to increase, Shen Guanglin was already old.

However, in the future, the capital city will be a place where every inch of land is expensive. It would be unreasonable not to buy a few houses.

Although Shanghai is not as historically rich as the capital city, it is the oriental pearl of Shiliyangchang after all, and there are still many old buildings built during the Republic of China.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin proposed to the Shanghai Municipal Government that the Great Wall Group wanted to buy a real estate in Shanghai as an office space or a reception place. Is there any suitable one?
"What kind of property does Professor Shen want?"

"I heard that there are some old villas left in Shanghai, which are very famous. Do you have any recommendations?"

Of course there are, there is nothing else in Shanghai, only old villas.

The more famous villas such as Bai Mansion, Wang Mansion, and Jiang Song Residence are all historical and cultural relics.

Speaking of the Bai Mansion, there is a more famous Bai Mansion located in SPB, a mountain city. It was Baiju's villa, and later imprisoned many progressives, including Xiaoluotou.

Of course, the Bai Mansion in Shanghai is the villa of Bai Chongxi and his son. In 1986, it became a hotel called Yueyou Hotel. Shen Guanglin saw it and thought it was not bad and worth buying.

However, when he saw another villa, he immediately abandoned his original idea.

The villa they are optimistic about is also very famous. It was built by a well-known family in Xiangjiang. It is called Kadoorie Residence.

In the past few days, Shen Guanglin and Li Rong started their journey of looking for a love nest under the reception of the staff. However, what they value most is the Kadoorie Residence.

Without him, the area is big enough and brilliant.

That's what Shen likes.

Of course, today in 1986, its name is no longer Kadoorie Residence, it is called Magic City Children's Palace.

Kadoorie House originated from a sad story.

In 1919, Kadoorie's original house caught fire, and his wife was in a hurry to let the nanny escape, but unfortunately she died in the fire.

Later, the grief-stricken Kadoorie took the child back to London to relax, and then entrusted his friend Brown to help him build a new house in Shanghai.

Brown handed over the matter to foreign firms for contracting.The contractor of the foreign company deliberately pursued luxury, and it took a full four years to complete the building.

At that time, it cost 100 million taels of silver to build this villa.

When Kadoorie received the price of 100 million taels of silver, he was taken aback. However, the new house was indeed beautiful, and immediately became Kadoorie's favorite.

Today, the Kadoorie family is still the top family in Xiangjiang, and the wealth controlled by their family is still not comparable to that of Shen Guanglin at this stage. However, all this does not prevent Shen Guanglin from wanting to occupy this villa.

Shen Guanglin is a distinguished guest of the Magic City, and this building can be directly allocated to them for free use by the Great Wall Group.

It doesn't matter if it's free, Shen Guanglin doesn't want to take advantage of it.

"Well, let's invest 100 million yuan to rebuild a brand new children's palace, and then spend 330 million dollars to buy this building."

After all, the original cost of this building was 100 million taels of silver, and Shen Guanglin spent 330 million US dollars considering that the building area of ​​this building was 3300 square meters.

This price is really not low, as high as 1000 US dollars per square meter. According to the black market exchange rate of 1:10, this is a house of 1 yuan per square meter.

Shen Guanglin thought it was worth it. What he bought was not a house, but a piece of history and a future to brag about.

(End of this chapter)

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