Start with a college teacher

Chapter 519 The Water Is Too Deep

Chapter 519 The Water Is Too Deep

There are a few joys in life, but it doesn't seem to include the joy of housewarming.

Shen Guanglin was about to move to a new house, and it was hard to find even a friend to invite him to celebrate with him.

Because no matter who you invite, it seems to be showing off.

However, some people jokingly said that there are several great tragedies in life, namely: farting and excrement, wiping buttocks and picking torn paper, peeing on shoes, drinking soup and spilling crotch.

It is said that most of the judges have experienced such embarrassment, but out of shyness, they dare not dare to admit it.

Don't be afraid, if you don't dare to say something, just go "嗖", there are all big guys on it, and they are all your soul mates.

Leaving aside the matter of soul mates, the decoration of this villa has been completed, and it is indeed possible to move in.

The two are discussing how to move in, and they plan to stay for a few days before talking about it, without waiting for the paint to dry.

There are those construction teams who build skyscrapers, and doing some architectural decoration is not the same as playing.

Moreover, this is an antique building, and the decoration has always been there. Now the most important thing is not the decoration, but the decoration.

All the missing corners and unfinished places can be repaired and repaired.

In just half a month, the house was ready for occupancy.

It's just that there are only two people living in such a big house, so it does seem a little lonely.

Well, there are many students and colleagues from Teacher Li Yuanyuan in the Shanghai Drama Academy. They are in Shanghai, or not? .
Want to eat fart!

With Li Rong cooking, it's okay for two people to live together, but it's a bit empty.

Although Li Rong is very diligent, it is enough to clean up a big house of more than 3000 square meters every day, so there is no time to study life.

No wonder some people said, don't buy a villa that is too big, otherwise it will be for the nanny and security guards, if the work is too busy, even the hostess will be married to the bodyguards.

This is a bit vicious.

How could the hostess marry a bodyguard, maybe even a driver.

It is said that the boss of a certain cosmetics was so talented that he was worth billions of dollars at a young age, but died young at the age of 36, and then his wife remarried the driver with trillions of dollars in wealth.

Children's shoes, hurry up and get a driver's license.

In a few years, Li Lianjie will shoot a famous movie called "The Bodyguard of Zhongnanhai".

Sure enough, the male host kindly invited a bodyguard, but the hostess fell in love with the bodyguard immediately after turning around.

Do you bother?
The stories of the bodyguard and the hostess are all on the big screen. Let me ask you, are you afraid if you are the boss?

It's just that Christy Chung in the movie is at the pinnacle of appearance. How many young people have watched hard.

Now, Shen Guanglin is really considering recruiting some bodyguards, Zhongnanhai bodyguards are the best.

Of course, he recruited bodyguards only for a temporary act.

Because, he was going to go to Mexico for a while, and if there were no security personnel, he would always feel a little uneasy.

In fact, they have spent so much time in Shanghai, they should have made some preparations for the 1986 World Cup.

No, the World Cup is about to start. Even if Shen Guanglin is not a standard fan, he doesn't want to miss this event.

If it wasn't for the delay in buying a house and decorating it, Shen Guanglin would have taken Li Rong to South America long ago.

The people in her unit are all muttering, didn't they agree to go abroad, why did they go to the devil and never come back, is the magic capital already equivalent to going abroad?

Don't worry, it's coming soon.

For Shen Guanglin, since economic conditions and time conditions permit, the Olympic Games and the World Cup are wonderful moments that cannot be missed. He has to experience these histories, remember these processes, and try to make these moments remember himself.

This means that at this point in time, he, Shen Guanglin, has been here.

In the future, when he has a child, he will take the child to experience these major events and moments.

As for who gave birth to the child, does it matter?They are all a family, aunts, aunts and mothers, aren't they all the same relatives?

The matter of recruiting bodyguards is difficult and difficult, but also simple and easy. Fortunately, the old man is here, so I can lend him a few spares.

Shen Guanglin called for help, and the old man readily agreed.

The old man liked Xiao Shen very much. Shen Guanglin gave him a lot of face. In the younger generation, there was no better young man than him.

He is very satisfied with the man chosen by his granddaughter Li Rong.

In particular, for so many years, I haven't heard of him promiscuous outside, which is very good, suitable for the political arena.

However, the old man is also puzzled: You didn't fight in the past, and the president even sent you an invitation letter. Naturally, he attaches great importance to your personal safety, so don't be afraid.

Shen Guanglin wasn't afraid that he couldn't do it, because he decided to do something that he wanted to do last time but didn't do it.

This time, I finally couldn't hold back and prepared to implement it.

He really wants to be willful for a while.

This is already the 1986 World Cup, and Shen Guanglin remembers it very clearly. Didn’t it mean that Argentina will win the championship in the end, and there is also a trick of God’s hand to send England home.

Now, if Shen spends a certain amount of money and buys them, Argentina will win the championship. Starting from the first game of the World Cup, I don't know if it will change history and the final result.

This thing is simple and easy to verify.

If Argentina really wins the championship in the end, then Shen will have the money to build the skyscraper. He doesn't care about the life and death of the gambling company.

If Argentina does not win the championship in the end, it means that there are people who control the rules of this world. He Shen must be in awe and be careful in everything in the future.

History, maybe it is used to change, who knows.

During the days when he was giving lectures and teaching part-time at Jiaotong University, Shen Guanglin was also paying attention to the competition system and odds of this World Cup. As a physicist, he has made up for the shortcomings of mathematics.

Of course, just study the odds, you don't need the computational thinking of a mathematician, as long as you can graduate from elementary school.

After all, it is easy to calculate how much money you invest and how much you can earn when you win.

For this reason, Shen Guanglin prepared 3000 million US dollars of mobile funds for himself, and made a complete escape plan.

He decided: complete the betting before the start of the game, and then entrust different people to receive the prize. He just wanted to see if he could change the final result of the game.

This is an experiment about fate and games, which should be very interesting.

The first pot of gold of many reborn or traversers is obtained by buying lottery tickets.

In fact, this is unreliable, especially China's lottery.

Suppose, you really go back to the day before you were reborn, you bought tens of hundreds of jackpot lottery tickets in a rush, and the results of the lottery really come out, can you still be the winner?
Boy, don't you think about it, why didn't the lottery draw take so long after the lottery sale ended?Why is the lottery process never broadcast live?

Some people have said that they are live broadcasting.

If it's really a live broadcast, why don't you dare to put a news program next to it as evidence;
If it is really a live broadcast, why the trajectories of the big screen and the small screen in the 2004009 period are inconsistent.

Many people have said this, but no one answered you at all.

Therefore, everyone who is going to time travel and rebirth, it is better not to buy lottery tickets, the water here is too deep, you just can't grasp the rebirth.

This matter has to be done by Mr. Shen. He has accumulated and is not afraid of losing money.

There are risks in verifying tricks, and Shen Guanglin himself does not want to risk himself.

Anonymous lottery buying is a must, and he is prepared to bring enough bodyguards, in order to be able to guard against local emergencies, such as a gangster merger, such as a robbery.

Let's be honest, what time is the front line every day, whether it's a hotel or a stadium, and we are determined not to go to those dangerous places.

After all, the water in this world is also very deep.

(End of this chapter)

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