Start with a college teacher

Chapter 520 The Minister's Daughter

Chapter 520 The Minister's Daughter (3)

The bodyguards have been selected and the air tickets have been booked.

According to the travel plan, the large troops will gather in Shanghai, then depart from Shanghai, fly directly to Los Angeles, the city of angels, and then transfer to Mexico City from there.

Of course, the arrangement of the whole itinerary was planned by the assistant to help Shen Guanglin.

Boss Shen, how could he do such a thing.

Boss Shen, he can only do things to make people.

Since Shen Guanglin said that he wants to go to the football game, well, all the hotel accommodation, itinerary, local transportation, everything must be planned by the assistant in advance.

Since it is going abroad, a professional security team is extremely important.

According to the arrangement of this trip, the main players watching the game are 2 people, Shen Guanglin and Li Rong.

However, there are a total of 10 people including the secretary and the security team, which is enough to form a special tour group.

Among them, only 1 is a secretary, 3 are domestic security personnel, and 4 are from Xiangjiang's security team. It is said that they are retired from the Flying Tigers.

It's not that the domestic security team is not good, they may be more agile and better at fighting.

However, their international travel experience is insufficient after all, and Xiangjiang's team may be better in this regard.

Besides, it's not really going to war, it's just for security.

Xiangjiang's security team is configured with 2 men and 2 women. Considering that there are female guests, there are 2 female bodyguards. This configuration is indeed more reasonable.

Of course, their fees are also more expensive.

Anyway, these people were found by Da Liu. It doesn't matter whether they are reliable or not, as long as they can be used.

The reason why Shen Guanglin took so many people out was because he was afraid that it would be unsafe. In addition, since he was a celebrity and was invited by the other party's president, he naturally had to have the pomp he deserved.

Shen Guanglin never thought that his salary was already so high that he could be specially invited by the president.

At that time, it was not easy for Li Rong to ask for leave. He really just asked his assistant to test it out, asking if the other party could send a letter to invite Professor Shen to watch the game.

As a result, the other side really seriously and solemnly sent out the invitation, which was sent through diplomatic channels, just like a state visit, very formal and sincere.

Shen Guanglin himself didn't know that he was really a well-known international scholar.

In China, his peers squeezed him out, deliberately not mentioning his greatness and his goodness.

However, internationally, both political and business circles are full of welcome and expectations for Professor Shen Guanglin.

Da Liu asked Shen Guanglin what to do with so many people?

Go watch the ball.

real or fake?Then let's go together.

The travel team will add two more people, but Da Liu's hostess is not Sister Bao. They have been having trouble recently, but they haven't reached the point where their marriage broke down.

However, this time Da Liu came to Shanghai and did not continue to bring Liu Jialing with him. The last time he brought her was for public relations, but he found that Boss Shen didn't need to be attacked like this, so he gave up.

This time, he took the Beauty Pass.

I haven't played golf yet, and I haven't had fun yet.

Now Liu Jialing is still too young to understand the style, and the beauty pass is more flavorful.

A woman who has been divorced once knows the true taste of life better.

After Shen Guanglin moved to his new house, he actually started to clean up by himself in a decent manner. Of course, Li Rong also helped some behind.

However, that night, Shen said that he was too tired to work during the day and his back hurt, so let's not continue at night.

You can stay still, let's play a game of picking carrots.

pluck the radish, pluck the radish

Hey, hey, pull out the carrot, hey, hey, you can't pull it out,
Come on, old woman, come on, let's pull carrots together.

Then, the turnip almost broke.

Going to the magic capital, everything is different.

No matter when the two of them do things on a whim, this family is so big, they can cultivate their sentiments everywhere.

Anyway, it is the beginning of May now, and the weather is starting to turn hot. I wear short sleeves to go out during the day. As long as I don’t spend the night in the wild, I don’t have to worry about catching a cold.

Besides, this villa is not high, and she accidentally fell into the grass on the balcony, unlike Uncle Benshan's female apprentice who fell from a height and killed Qingqing.

However, Li Rong still knows how to love Teacher Shen.

No, the next day, Li Rong found an aunt who specializes in cleaning from outside. Don’t you feel tired? You don’t need to do it after cleaning. I will cook the food. What excuse do you have? Bring it up together.

Shen Guanglin was so moved that he didn't dare to move, so he could only continue to go to work at Jiaotong University, and catch fish by the way.

Teacher Shen's lectures at Jiaotong University are still very popular, and every time there are no seats left.

The visiting professor of Jiaotong University is well worth it, and he didn't spend any money. He taught so many courses for free. Professor Shen is really a good person.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Shen Guanglin didn't have time to invite a chef to cook at home. Li Rong is a good hand at this job.

In all honesty, Li Rong doesn't have any of the stink problems of the sons of high-ranking cadres. She can do everything from laundry to cooking. She is really a good wife and mother.

It's not that Shen Guanglin has never seen other high-ranking children. Even in the 80s, they are still too delicate, or they always feel superior to others, which makes people dislike them anyway.

When all the people arrived, they were not allowed to live in Kadoorie's residence, but a hotel.

Before leaving, Shen Guanglin still decided to invite all the people in charge of the project to come over and have a meal at the Peace Hotel or something.

In fact, although there are so many people, the Kadoorie Residence is not too big, but Shen Guanglin feels sorry for Li Rong and feels that she has worked hard, so there is no need to wrong her.

My wife, just cook for myself.

But Li Rong is fine. "There are more people, just grab a few more rice. You can ask the people from the restaurant to deliver some food. There are more people here, and it will be lively."

That's fine, let's treat everyone to a meal here, and look kind.

Now that the decision has been made, let's buy some good wine and good food, and then invite a few chefs from outside, and Li Rong'an will be the hostess quietly.

Not to mention, there were quite a few people who came, including those from the Third Bureau of Construction, some from Chinese buyers, and some staff from government departments responsible for docking.

The wine is good wine, the food is good food, and there are female celebrities present, but she is not serving.

This was a very serious banquet, and even Meirenguan couldn't serve it.

Shen Guanglin raised his glass to thank everyone for their dedication to this project. Everyone drank as much as they wanted, white wine and white wine, red wine and red wine. In short, everything was enough.

Sometimes, things on the wine table are quite interesting.

Everyone humbly expressed their gratitude to the Great Wall Group for their hospitality.

Shen Guanglin is the chief scientist of the Great Wall Group, and Liu is the CEO of the investment company of the Great Wall Group. The headquarters of the Great Wall Group can be said to be managed by the investment company.

But in fact, Shen Guanglin has the final say on all of this, and everyone has come out with it.

When people drink a little wine, they are easy to get on, and some people start to brag about being on it.

He knows the official, which chairman he has met, in short, everyone can be listened to by God.

Shen Guanglin doesn't talk, just drinks, eats, and chats with you.

It's not that he doubts whether there is any false element in these people's words, he has already passed that stage, and everything is taken lightly.

"Professor Shen, you teach in BJ, do you often deal with ministers and other officials? Are there any ministers you are familiar with?" Some people suddenly asked this question because they were afraid of neglecting Professor Shen.

"I don't have much contact with the minister, but I do have a lot with the minister's daughter." Shen Guanglin looked at Li Rong who was greeting the guests as the hostess, and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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