Start with a college teacher

Chapter 521 Chapter 543

Chapter 521 The Fifth Forty-Three Departure (4)

Magic City is different.

All civil aviation aircraft have changed their guns, and all international flights use Boeing 767.

In this era, the relationship between China and the United States is extremely good, and it is almost a sweetener. The aircraft imported from China are all Boeing series, and there is no such thing as Airbus.

This is a new plane introduced last year. It is brand new. Shen Guanglin saw it before getting on the plane. Compared with other planes: it is very big, so there is no need to worry that it will not fit so many people.

In the waiting area, Shen Guanglin and Da Liu sat in one group, and the other visiting groups sat in another. Everyone did not communicate with each other, and everyone was secretly looking at them.

Because the others are middle-aged and elderly travel groups, they are the youngest, and there are 4 young women among them, two of whom are very good-looking.

Those two are movie stars from Xiangjiang, right?I have seen their movies.

They must have been mistaken.

How could Li Rong go to make a movie?

However, men like young and beautiful women.

Even if his body is bad, his heart is still good.

At least, there are hands and tongues.

Kato Taka understand, this year is only 23 years old, fledgling oh.

It didn't take long to wait, the boarding started, and the first-class passengers got on first, which is the rule.

Shen Guanglin was of course in the first class, and when the others got on the plane, he had already been sitting there for a while.

He doesn't care about the surprised eyes of those middle-aged cadres, why can't I fly first class when I'm young, what's wrong with me taking a beautiful woman out?Next time I will take two.

We are all men, I know what you mean very well, and I am very proud of it.

You don't care who paid for it, you didn't see yourself paying for it when you took the plane.

Every time he goes abroad, Shen Guanglin can always see all kinds of middle-aged study groups going abroad. This is also the characteristic of this era, and he is used to it.

Of course, apart from study groups and students studying abroad, in this era, there are only a handful of people who can fly.

There are not many seats in the first class, and they are all occupied by a few young people.

In addition to the four of them, the secretary and the security guard also had a place. Naturally, Shen Guanglin would not treat his subordinates badly.

Shen Guanglin sat in his seat, side by side with Li Rong. He carefully looked at the door of the cockpit. It was indeed very flimsy. It was not as thick as the door of the toilet. No wonder the brothers were able to make things happen.

Let's hope it's not a flight to the Twin Towers.

Gradually settled down, the plane began to fly smoothly, Li Rong was talking to Shen Guanglin in a low voice.

"Brother Guanglin, this international flight is different. I used to be unable to straighten my legs on an airplane, but now I can lie down and sleep."

Li Rong is also very satisfied with the arrangement of this trip, especially, her feet can be placed on the front step, which is very comfortable.

She has a comfortable experience, and she doesn't feel that the air ticket is expensive.

Anyway, the Great Wall Group paid for it.

Shen Guanglin has a lot of bad debts here. His consumption is either on the account of the laboratory or on the account of the Great Wall Group. Anyway, he has no money in his hands.

In fact, the account of the Great Wall Group is not really paid by the Great Wall Group, but by the Great Wall Biological Company. No wonder this company does not make much profit, and Shen Guanglin spends it all.

This is his little coffers.

"In the future, I'll buy you a private jet with custom-made seats, special air seats, you can lie down however you want, and do whatever you want." Shen Guanglin boldly made a promise, thinking about the future Happy days on the plane.

"Really?" Li Rong didn't believe it.

"Private jets are not expensive." Shen Guanglin replied arrogantly. He can build skyscrapers now, so he is naturally qualified to buy private jets, but it's just that he can't be so high-profile for the time being.

Li Rong thought about it, and it seemed that it was really true.

According to the current assets of the Great Wall Group, it is indeed possible to buy a plane. I never thought about it before, but now that I think about it, it is really not difficult.

However, Li Rong suddenly realized another thing: "What do you mean by 'you' in your words just now?"

"you know."

"I know you big-headed ghost!" Li Rong pinched Shen Guanglin's waist fiercely.

Of course she understood this, and she had accepted the fact in her heart, but she couldn't say it out of her mouth.

Li Rong sighed, what an enemy, his sisters fell into his hands: "Brother Guanglin, do you still remember the first time we met, from Jinling to the capital, the journey took two days, and the train was rattling all the way?" Loud, you just stared at his thighs, and you are a rogue with a glib tongue."

"Nonsense, I just wanted to remind you several times because I saw that you were wearing thin clothes. I was afraid that you would be cold." Of course Shen Guanglin couldn't admit his obscene behavior.

Not to mention, even though Li Rong was wearing a simple green military uniform at that time, her legs were straight and straight, which was really alluring.

"You can watch it if you like it, I'm not angry. Now let you watch it, you don't even want to watch it." Li Rong sighed again. Her figure has not changed, but his aesthetic has changed. You can see it by secretly looking at the beauty pass.

Meirenguan and Da Liu sat in the row in front of them, with the secretary in the middle. This was necessary for work, and they listened to the boss's teachings at any time.

"Brother Guanglin, I still want to ask you something?" Li Rong was lying next to Shen Guanglin's ear, talking quietly, his ears itching.

"You ask?" Shen Guanglin put his hand on her thigh, it was still so tight, who said I don't like it anymore, I will never get tired of it in my life.

Li Rong opened the salty pig's hand, and then whispered:
"I observed you peeping at Guan Zhilin quite a few times. She also pursued you when you were in Xiangjiang, why didn't you steal it?"

It's hard to answer this question.

Shen Guanglin glanced at the scenery outside the window. At this time, the plane should be in the territory of the Soviet Union, and there is a virgin forest below. Their beeches will not come from the forest, right?
In 1983, the Soviet Union shot down a plane in the country of Bangzi, killing 269 passengers.

Shen Guanglin thought about his choice of words: "I'm a clean freak, you know, clean freak, she's good-looking, but she's a good-looking person, but I'm afraid she won't be able to take it off if she sticks to it."

What Shen Guanglin said was also true. At that moment, he was really moved and thought about some scenes that he shouldn't have thought about.

However, after thinking about it later, I realized that such a woman can't get involved. It's better to spend 598 for a big health care. The officials are very familiar with this job. There are 298, 598, and 998.

"If there is something that can be shaken off, can it be stuck?"

"That can't! It must not."

This topic can't go on anymore, Li Rong didn't ask about Li Yuanyuan, neither did Shen Guanglin.

The temperature of the air conditioner on the plane was a little low. Shen Guanglin helped Li Rong ask for a blanket, and then his hands moved more frequently.

The sneaky experience on the plane is really different.

Next time, charter a private plane.

To fly from China to Citigroup, the plane has to cross half of the world. The way to cross the route is not to fly across the Pacific Ocean, but to fly along the continental line.

Bypass the Bering Strait from the North Pole, and then go all the way south along the coastline, Alaska, Canada, and then to the cities on the east coast.

Shen Guanglin saw the Soviet Union where the plane was flying over, and thought of all kinds of things in this country.

A few years ago, Huaxia and them were at war with each other, but the relationship seems to have eased a little in the past few years. They haven't been dancing for a few years, it's time to go here to pan for gold.

After watching the Olympics, I will go here for a stroll.

Now it's one year closer to 91, and I don't know how Shunzi is doing there.

Shen Guanglin's salty pig hands searched up and down for a while, but couldn't take any substantial action, and gradually became tired, and the two of them gradually became sleepy.

I slept all the way, and when I woke up, the plane was already preparing to land.

Los Angeles has arrived.

The car that greeted Shen Guanglin was at the gate of the airport.

Shen Guanglin's fanboy is in Los Angeles, and the landlord is warmly entertaining him, so it's not good if he doesn't stop for a while.

How about giving a lecture and harvesting some leeks before leaving?
According to the plan, they would spend the night in Los Angeles first, and then take a flight to Mexico City the next day.

Anyway, there are still a few days before the start of the competition, and there is still time.

(End of this chapter)

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