Start with a college teacher

Chapter 522 Waterloo

Chapter 522 Waterloo (5)

Hometown revisit.

This is my sister Li Li's hometown, not my sister's.

What Shen Guanglin has taken here, he knows best, only his sister is still in the dark, thinking that this is an ordinary city.

In fact, this place is not ordinary at all.

No, in just half a day, she felt the popularity of Professor Shen Guanglin in the city of Los Angeles.

This is where Shen Guanglin became famous!
The place where they stayed was a hotel near UCLA. Since Shen Guanglin promised to give a lecture the next day, the entire campus was boiling.

Posters were soon posted everywhere.

It was printed: The Great Oriental Shen will give a lecture at 10:[-] am tomorrow, and then the location and viewing requirements.

That's right, tickets are required, and they are not cheap. It is indeed an evil capitalist country, and listening to lectures is not free.

Therefore, if Professor Shen charges $5 for a class, he can almost earn back seventy-eight eighty-eight, and even a small surplus.

Here, they don't need to mention the name at all, just say "Dongfang Shen", and they will know that it is Professor Shen Guanglin.

Of course, there were also people who specifically re-confirmed whether it was that Huaxia's Dongfang Shen.

of course.

Although, Shen Guanglin has not been here for more than a year.

However, he seems to be more popular.

This year is not an ordinary year. There are many new developments in the scientific and technological circles this year. The biggest development is the explosion of nanotechnology proposed by Shen Guanglin.

Simply amazing, isn't it!

Huaxia is calm, but Citigroup is turbulent.

Shen Guanglin's name has been cited far more times than his papers.

In the papers of many people, it is written: After Dongfang Shen proposed the nanometer theory, I conceived
In particular, the preparation method of nanomaterials proposed by Shen Guanglin is simple and crude, and everything can be broken.

Even, some people had fun and mixed various nano-hybrid materials at will, and then verified their physical and chemical properties one by one.

Entrepreneurs are the most sensitive. Some companies have launched new nano-materials in a timely manner, making their counterparts who use traditional materials retreat steadily and have no power to fight back.

Some people even started to say: Professor Shen alone promoted the third industrial revolution.

Now, isn't the third industrial revolution the era of information technology?

Well, computer technology is really not good enough now, and it still needs some time to develop.

In particular, the vigorous development of software technology is the sign of the maturity of the third industrial revolution.

However, in the past two years, the development of nanotechnology can really be described as rapid.

Various preparation methods of various new nanomaterials emerge in endlessly. In addition to low-end grinding, there are also high-end vapor deposition, which directly leads to the emergence of more mysterious materials one after another, and also allows some magical materials that have been kept secret for countless years to be easily discovered. crack.

In fact, nanomaterials have existed for a long time, and the application of this technology has also existed for a long time.

However, this layer of window paper was pierced by Shen Guanglin, and the entire theoretical system was also constructed by him.

He is the well-deserved father of nanomaterials.

What is greatness is greatness.

Professor Shen is here!
Many people rushed to tell each other, because otherwise it would be too late, only half a day, and it would be serious to sell the tickets quickly.

The time is too tight, there is no time to warm up in advance, we can only mobilize some people to sell on the street, just like a singer holding a concert.

Li Rong saw that many Chinese donated money one after another, and they didn't think the fare was too expensive.

Los Angeles is also known as the City of Angels, the capital of the Chinese, and there are a lot of Chinese living here.

However, China is relatively weak now, and the motherland is not yet strong, so they are closer to Wanwan.

In the past, most of the famous scientists were from Wanwan or were inextricably linked with Wanwan.

Yang Zhenning is, so is Li Zhengdao, and Ding Zhaozhong is still.

No way, this is a foreign country, they need a strong support, but no one can give them yet.

By the time Shen Guanglin was studying abroad, the Wanwan international students would have no status at all. Even the native banana people would call themselves Chinese.

What's wrong with being a Huaxia, Huaxia is getting stronger and stronger, and being a Huaxia is getting more and more proud!
However, it is still 1986, and countless Chinese in Los Angeles have begun to be proud of Shen Guanglin's achievements.

Even, many Chinese media learned that Professor Shen had come to Los Angeles, so they rushed over to interview him.

Shen Guanglin refused. He is a low-key person. He has a lecture tomorrow. Today is too tiring. Let's take a rest first and accept the interview tomorrow.

It's not easy to get jet lagged on the plane, especially because he has a lot of hand movements. Now, the two of them still need to take a rest in the hotel.

However, none of this affected getting up the next day.

The next day, after breakfast, Shen Guanglin went to UCLA on time.

The lecture started as scheduled, and the audience gathered in the audience, including some elderly professors and lecturers. This is a different situation in China.

In China, although Shen Guanglin's lectures are also very popular, teachers and professors seldom listen to them, as if this is a shame.

Today's lecture should be very successful, and everyone has gained a lot from listening.

However, if you want to ask them carefully what Professor Shen said, they can't tell.

I just think that Professor Shen is very powerful.

Shen Guanglin still talked about dry things, although there was a lot of moisture and private things in it.

He talked about how to open up your mind and find shortcuts to scientific and technological discoveries.

Are there shortcuts to technological discovery?Many people are asking.

Of course there are, otherwise how could the great Professor Shen achieve such fruitful results.

Shen Guanglin said that he is not a genius. Many people are better at math than him, many people are younger than him, and many people are more handsome than him. However, most of these conditions are not as good as him.

The students in the audience laughed.

Humor is an essential skill for a successful scholar, and Shen Guanglin has mastered it very well.

However, how to take this shortcut requires keen thinking.

For example, he asked someone to study insect-resistant cotton, thinking about how to make cotton bollworms die when eaten, but humans and animals are fine after eating them.

Searching in this direction, he finally found such bacteria and decomposed such gene fragments.

For example, someone Shen wanted someone to study cloned cows, and he thought that mammals are no different from oviparous animals, how can the nucleus be extracted stably?

After much deliberation, it is still easier to extract unfertilized egg cells.

The same is true when studying nanomaterials.

What he thought about was what it would be like to shrink matter to the physical limit, what methods could be used, and would its physical and chemical properties change?

Proven to change.

This is how Shen Guanglin achieved success.

In everyone's reluctance, 5 US dollars arrived.

Even Meirenguan lamented that Professor Shen's method of defrauding money is better than her. For so many days, Mr. Liu would not give her 5 U.S. dollars.

Professor Shen just told a few short stories, and he was willing to offer tens of thousands of dollars and expressed his sincere conviction.

At the end of the lecture, Shen Guanglin also presented another accidental discovery of his, which was also the first Waterloo he encountered.

Why, Professor Shen also encountered Waterloo?Everyone became interested in an instant
Of course, although Professor Shen is handsome, he is not a god after all.

The thing is like this, Shen Guanglin said that when his laboratory was conducting research on insect-resistant cotton, he himself once imagined the technology of amplifying nucleic acid sequences in vitro, that is, PCR.

This technique is actually not difficult, but no one has done it before.

So, he, Shen, didn't care and missed it.

Of course, in practical applications, he had people use this method to amplify nucleic acid sequences, and then the research was successful.

However, this technique of amplifying nucleic acid sequences in vitro happened to be developed at the same time by Mullis, a chemist from Sister Corporation.

This technology is very useful, and his Shen Guanglin laboratory has developed to the second and third generation of technology, but the patent of this technology was registered in advance by Sister Company.

Professor Shen has too many achievements worthy of the Nobel Prize. He will not compete with Mullis for the invention and discovery rights of PCR.

Now, he just hopes that Sister can disclose or share the technology of this project.

Because Professor Shen's laboratory has more mature and better technology, but because there is no first-generation patent, no one can use it.

It is a pity that such a good technology cannot be popularized and used by itself, and Sister Company cannot move forward.

In fact, Shen Guanglin organized people to study after others published articles and patents. As a comparison, it is only natural that he made faster progress than others.

Now it's time to force the palace.

This is Professor Shen's Waterloo.

So shameless to say.

(End of this chapter)

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