Start with a college teacher

Chapter 523 Feelings

Chapter 523 Feelings (1)

"Since it came to the world, every pore of capital is dirty and bloody, and it will expand outward at any time." This sentence comes from Lao Ma's "Das Kapital".

Lao Ma is a sensitive word, and it is easy to enter the dark room by saying the full name.

However, Ma's words profoundly revealed that the essence of capitalists is plunder and shamelessness.

Shen is a person who knows the essence and knows the three flavors.

As early as last year, Shen Guanglin sent people to Sister Company to purchase PCR patents, but the negotiation process was not smooth, and they ignored them.

Now, everyone can see the bright future of PCR, and they use a small company from afar to explain it in particular.

In particular, the Nobel laureate Dalbeco is vigorously advocating genomics. He proposed the Human Genome Project as early as last year, clamoring to sequence human genes and completely conquer cancer and tumors.

To be good at work, you must first sharpen your tools. PCR is an important tool of the Human Genome Project, which should not be missed.

Its bright future, everyone knows.

Of course, according to Shen Guanglin's point of view, it is still too early to mention the sequencing of the human genome in this period, and we can wait for the technology to improve a little bit.

Because, in the era he lived in, the work could be done for only a few hundred dollars, and it didn't take $30 billion.

Tools are important, and very important.

Shen Guanglin wanted to possess this tool.

For this reason, Great Wall Company submitted a request for the acquisition of PCR to Sister Company, but they did not sell it, and they would not sell it anyway.

What can I do if I don't sell it.

They are a Huaxia company, a Huaxia company from Xiangjiang, how could they take it by force? This is unrealistic.

However, Gradually, Sister Company also discovered something was wrong.

Because the PCR technology is really good, and the replication efficiency is also very high, and scholars have widely praised it after using it.

However, if this technology wants to develop in the future, the road has really been blocked by people.

Not a single fork in the road was left, and the Great Wall Company also paid a lot of money.

So aggrieved!
The Great Wall Company persisted and applied for many patents in Citigroup in one go, even including the patents for primers. These patents were blocked at the gate of Sister Company, and they could not hide or get around it.

It is true that Sister Company is a bit slow in developing PCR technology and paying attention to it a little late, but you don't have to develop so fast, right?

Will it give people a way to live?

What Shen Guanglin said in the lecture was indeed true. His Great Wall New Material Company colluded with Great Wall Biotechnology Company, which had already blocked the way to go after PCR.

Shen Guanglin's attitude is also very obvious, if you don't sell the patent to me, I will let you have nowhere to go.

At worst we die together.

It depends on who consumes more energy than whom.

Big deal, I'll wait until your patent expires before using and developing this technology. I'm still young, so I'm not in such a hurry. It's you people from Citigroup who are in a hurry.

Such examples are not uncommon. For example, Kodak invented digital camera technology and patents. They should have suppressed this patent for 20 years. When the patent expired, Kodak went bankrupt.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin's tactic is not just to set up technical barriers, I also want to stand on the moral high ground and condemn you mercilessly.

We want to promote the development and progress of biotechnology, how about you?Only you won't let go for dirty money.

At the meeting, Shen Guanglin said that his laboratory and Mullis had independently developed the PCR technology.

Because, I didn't know this person before, and I never got any information or intelligence from Mullis.

However, he was also to blame for this incident. It was him, Mr. Shen, who did not pay attention to this technology at the beginning, and Mr. Mullis took the lead in completing the work of publishing the paper.

But this is also a good thing. Mr. Mulis's work is very good, and he admits defeat.

It doesn't matter, because he, Shen, has made enough scientific research results, and he doesn't want this honor. He really doesn't want to grab other people's honor, which is boring.

All that Shen did was not for money, but really just to promote the development and progress of biotechnology, which is the sentiment of a scientist.

Shen Guanglin said so, and everyone believed it.

This is the difference between a globally renowned scientist and an average chemist.

Although this is Mulis's home court, everyone still felt that Shen Guanglin was actually flattering Mulis by raising Mulis to the same level as himself.

Who is Shen Guanglin, and who is Mulis.

Throughout the article, Shen Guanglin did not say a single bad word about Mullis, and his mouth was full of praise, but he regretted that capital had engulfed technology and hindered the progress of technology.

Shen Guanglin's prestige is too strong, he steals a chicken once in a while, others just think he is modest.

Modesty is a virtue in the East, but not in the West.

Everyone was very angry and avenged Shen for injustice.

The lecture is over, the impact is not over, it has just begun.

Even, early the next morning, many people knew about PCR and Sister Company.

In this way, Shen Guanglin made a living advertisement for them.

Many people began to ask, what exactly is PCR, and why is it so respected by "Oriental Shen"?

After everyone understood its principle, they suddenly felt that this is indeed a good technology, and it cannot just be buried.

Many supporters of Shen Guanglin stood up and said that this achievement should belong to Professor Shen, and the humility of the Orientals is a major shortcoming. At least, two people should share this honor and discovery equally.

Shen Guanglin is not that shameless.

The media interviewed Mr. Shen, and Mr. Shen did not mention his parallel discovery of PCR, but readily admitted: This result is confirmed to belong to Mr. Mullis himself. There is no doubt about it. Please don’t repeat it in the future. Argued.

Now, let's talk about how to promote this technology. The current obstacle is here.

As soon as this remark came out, countless big companies came to the door and offered advice one after another.

The first to bear the brunt was Citigroup's largest biopharmaceutical company - Ruihui. They were the first to come to the door and showed the most sincerity.

Everyone knows that Professor Shen doesn't like money, he has no interest in money.

What Ruihui came here to talk about is not about money, but about feelings, how to promote the development of technology and the progress of society.

However, they also said that Ruihui is committed to the development of global biotechnology and is willing to donate 5000 million US dollars to Shen Guanglin's laboratory to support their research and development.

This is not a binding condition. This donation is not limited in direction, and Shen Guanglin's laboratory can use it at will.

Shen Guanglin quickly felt the sincerity of Pfizer.

He said, let's set up a partnership company, our laboratory only holds 30% of the shares, but the shares cannot be diluted.

The remaining shares can be held by Pfizer or other companies. It doesn't matter, everyone will jointly develop the new technology of PCR.

Moreover, the money obtained from the shares will only be used for the development and construction of Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

No way, great scientists are so sentimental.

(End of this chapter)

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