Chapter 525 Interview (3)

Shen Guanglin likes the Brazilian team, but he bet on Argentina.

If Maradona knew that Professor Shen from China was so optimistic about him and his team, I wonder if he would be moved and cry.

When Shen Guanglin was in Los Angeles, he had already arranged the lottery purchases. What needs to be verified now is whether his milk can make the Argentine milk live.

Now, after playing in Los Angeles for a few days, they are going to Mexico City, which is a purely fun trip.

Thinking about it this way made me feel a lot easier.

He is not fighting alone, and the whole process of buying and redeeming lottery tickets does not require his presence, which is very safe.

On the same side of the Pacific Ocean, the distance between Los Angeles and Mexico City is very short.

In the sway of the plane, Mexico City arrived.

There are two waves of people coming to pick up the plane.

Shen Guanglin originally arranged a ground pick-up vehicle for his team, but he was picked up by the people from the state office.

Of course they know which flight Shen Guanglin took, because your visa always needs to go through the consulate, and their information is the same.

It's hard for them.

In order to welcome Shen Guanglin, a big sign was specially prepared, with a strong calligraphy writing: Shen Guanglin.

Don't you add a professor to your title?

Shen Guanglin was able to enjoy the treatment of being picked up by the office, and he soon knew the reason: it was because the head of the Mexican government wanted to meet him.

Or is it true or false?

Of course it is true. They sent a diplomatic note, sincerely inviting Professor Shen Guanglin to visit Mexico City. Now that you are here, of course they have to meet you.

Everyone wanted to meet the famous scientist.

Well, someone Shen is playing big.

There is no need for bodyguards to protect his own office. Shen Guanglin told Da Liu that they should go to the hotel and wait first, and then he would take Li Rong to the embassy to report.

When he arrived in Mexico, Shen Guanglin left a very different impression.

Quite a bit like people of this era feel the same when they come to Iraq.

He had this feeling when he was still on the plane. Mexico is a very rich country.

It was not the turbulent and barren appearance Shen Guanglin had imagined.

This is not at all in line with Shen Guanglin's expectations on the Internet and in his mind.

Aren't they rampant with gangsters and drug dealers?

I didn't see it, but I felt that it was thriving and thriving.

In fact, Shen Guanglin thinks too much. The current stage is the most prosperous period of Mexico's economy. They claim and position themselves as a moderately developed country. Even by 2020, their per capita GDP will exceed 1 US dollars.

Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times.

When we arrived at the parking lot of the airport, the embassy's car was very ordinary, far less luxurious than the car rented by Shen Guanglin.

However, Shen Guanglin said that he is not a person who pays attention to material conditions.

Therefore, he didn't care about these, but the staff in the office were a little unhappy when they saw the car they rented.

The application seemed to say: How can you use such a good car?This is a waste of foreign exchange of the country.

Everyone got into their cars and parted ways in the parking lot.

The car got on the main road and merged into the traffic flow into the city.

At this time, an elderly staff member said seriously: "Comrade Shen Guanglin, are you member D?"

"Not really."

Shen Guanglin was a bit puzzled when he was asked, he had never joined an organization at all, and he had never written a thought report or application letter.

However, all this does not prevent him from being patriotic.

It is enough for his wife Li Rong to be a member of the organization, she can understand the spirit.

He, Shen Guanglin, doesn't join a state-owned enterprise or take an official career, so there's no need to care about these things.

The middle-aged cadre was caught by the flash, he coughed, and then continued:

"Let me introduce myself. I am Counselor Niu from the office. Before the leader of the other party meets you, I will give you some foreign affairs and etiquette training."

That's what happened.

The car was a bit restrained, but Shen Guanglin still stretched out his hand, "Hello, Counselor Niu."

Only then did Shen Guanglin understand that they didn't come to pick him up for nothing, they were afraid that he would be ashamed and thrown abroad, so he explained the organizational discipline and precautions to him in advance.

Shen Guanglin said that he understood his purpose and asked him to continue.

Counselor Niu took out a document and said solemnly: "Since the Sixth Plenary Session of the Twelfth Central Committee, the Plenary Session has passed the "Resolution on the Guidelines for the Construction of Spiritual Civilization." The "Resolution" stated that the fundamental task of the construction of spiritual civilization is to Adapt to the needs of modernization, cultivate citizens with ideals, morality, culture, and discipline, and improve the ideological, moral, and scientific and cultural qualities of the entire Chinese nation.

Specifically, in terms of foreign policy, we have been conscientiously implementing the principles and policies on foreign affairs in the new era, striving to adapt to the new situation of reform and opening up, and actively carrying out foreign affairs in line with the principle of serving production and construction and serving technological transformation."

Is this a news feed?
In a trance, Shen Guanglin fell asleep.

Many people have this problem. They don't get sleepy when they are driving, but when they are in a car, they are easy to get sleepy, and they can't be stopped.

The middle-aged cadre was talking vigorously, when suddenly, there was a rising and falling snoring sound from the car.

Shen Guanglin actually snored!

Li Rong was a little embarrassed, she woke up Shen Guanglin, and hit him hard, pay attention to the impact.

Shen Guanglin was quick-witted, and realized that he was impolite, so he could only express his apologies.

"Please continue."

Middle-aged cadres don't want to continue anymore: "I'm done talking!"

The tone of this declarative sentence is a bit heavy, and it also has a nasal sound.

However, Shen Guanglin is a high-quality crowd, even if the tone is not good, he is not angry, but still nodded with a smile, "You speak very well."

Then no one spoke.

The car was quiet for a while, and the middle-aged cadre broke the silence again.

"Professor Shen, it is said that you often go abroad, so I won't talk about some foreign affairs disciplines. Looking at the people who have gone abroad over the years, most of them are loyal to their duties, strictly observe discipline, work actively, and complete the work satisfactorily. mission abroad.

However, there are also a small number of groups and personnel who did not strictly follow the relevant regulations of the state and the approval documents issued by the examination and approval authorities to carry out missions abroad, and were disorganized and disciplined, causing adverse effects and embarrassing the country and the people.”

Shen Guanglin doesn't like to hear these words, is he alluding to himself?
Isn't it just sleepy, as for not?
Counselor Niu continued:
"This time, it is an honor to be interviewed by a foreign head of state. I hope you can know what is in your mind, keep a clear mind, and behave properly. I have a few documents here. I hope you will study them carefully, and it is best to memorize them. Stay and be alert at all times."

Oops, said Shen Guang and Lin Xin, have you read "Journey to the West"?

However, this is people's work.

Helpless, Shen Guanglin took it over and looked at it roughly.

Here are the customs and folk customs of Mexico, as well as the specific requirements of social activities and various rules and regulations.

"Okay, I know."

Shen Guanglin's answer was very perfunctory, he was already a little impatient with so many red tapes, even when meeting the leaders in China, it was not such a trouble.

"It's not enough just to know, you also have to remember that when you contact foreigners, you must report in time, who you met, what you said, and what you did. "

"Okay, I get it, I'm not a professional diplomat, so don't let me know so much."

Shen Guanglin couldn't take it anymore. Who has he become? He has gone abroad so many times. Who ever took care of him like this.

"Professor Shen! The head of state is going to meet you, what's your attitude?" Counselor Niu was already a little angry. If you were my subordinate, you would definitely be punished for your attitude.

"I can choose not to see him! If he wants to see me, I have to go up the pole and show him. I'm losing my temper, so I won't go, I'll go back to the hotel."

Shen Guanglin was also forced to vent his anger. Isn't he just a president, and he doesn't have much meat when he meets him.

Amidst the chatter, the office arrived.

Otherwise, the importance of the secretary is reflected here.

Shen Guanglin didn't explain it at all, but there was still a car parked at the gate of the office. It was arranged because Professor Shen didn't have a car when he wanted to use it.

What are you waiting for, let's go!

"Professor Shen, you can't go, you have to wait for the arrangement and the notice."

"I don't think the president is that important. If he wants to see me, he can go to the hotel where I stay and wait for my interview."

(End of this chapter)

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