Chapter 526 Jet Lag (1)

"You are not allowed to leave! Arrogant, disorganized and disciplined, you are shameless if you give me face, I will detain your visa and let you"

Counselor Niu was really angry, and signaled the staff to stop them, what kind of professor is he? He has to listen to himself when he is on his own territory.

However, they were disappointed.

You have people, I have people, and I have guns.

Guns are not banned in Mexico, and Shen Guanglin's bodyguards are also equipped with guns. They came a few days in advance just to go through legal procedures.

Do you dare to shoot?
The bodyguard actually opened the safety and put his finger where it should be
The two groups broke up unhappy.

"Shen Guanglin, you will regret it!"

Counselor Niu shouted from a distance.

Shen Guanglin walked so capriciously, and he didn't forget to stop Li Rong's waist. Since it's a trip, a couple should act like a couple.

He wants to leave, but no one can stop him.

Is it really not a fire?Even if there are armed personnel in the office, they can't do this kind of thing.

Counselor Niu was so angry that he couldn't speak, and pointed at the men and women who had gone away, trembling all over, filled with grief and indignation.

In the buzzwords of later generations, this state is called: qi shaking and coldness.

It is said that this kind of ignorant scene happened to Shen Guanglin really rarely.

But the problem is, no matter where Shen Guanglin goes recently, no matter at home or abroad, he is like a star-studded existence.

He has also been praised for a long time, and he can't bear to be treated so differently all of a sudden.

Moreover, you are just a counselor. What a leader, even the principal of Capital University has never said such a thing. Shen Guanglin really can't accept his attitude.

"It's totally disorganized and undisciplined! When he applies for a visa to go abroad in the future..." Counselor Niu was very angry and wanted to say a few harsh words, but then he found that he couldn't continue talking.

Although Mexico has the best economy in South America, Professor Shen may not come here again in the future.

Moreover, even if it is really coming, who can stop it?Is it really not a visa?
In fact, in this era, the usual working attitude of the foreign affairs department is so tough and arrogant. Only when a big leader comes, their attitude will change.

However, why is this posture okay for others, but it is so uncooperative for Shen Guanglin?

Without him, Shen Guanglin is rich.

Shen Guanglin has worked so hard for so long in order not to be controlled, in order to be able to have freedom to a certain extent, and to gain the respect of most people.

In the past, there were examples of well-known professors in China leading teams to go abroad. When they actually went abroad, they were as honest as they wanted. It is really rare to see someone as rebellious as Shen Guanglin.

Counselor Niu and the staff were so angry that they tried to stop but failed, losing face all over the place.

Shen Guanglin took Li Rong into the car he reserved, but he didn't see that he was really angry, so he just said calmly: "Let's go, let's go back to the hotel."

"Brother Guanglin, let's just pass what happened just now. I heard that the attitude of the people in the office is not very good. But this is also their job responsibility. You fell asleep halfway through." Li Rong said I wanted to laugh, Counselor Niu was talking about discipline over there, while Shen Guanglin was already snoring here.

Li Rong also felt that Shen Guanglin was a little allergic, wasn't he just a stubborn old man who followed the scriptures, and what to do with his general knowledge.

Shen Guanglin didn't think so.

What if he intentionally tried to give himself a bad name?Didn't he become a stepping stone?

"You don't understand. I don't think he is completely stubborn. He deliberately wants to find some sense of superiority in me. Tell me, he should know who I am. According to my current achievements, enjoy some Privileges and preferential treatment should also be right.

As for him, if he adopts a business-like attitude, does that mean he has achieved political achievements?There is also a reason to brag?

Even one day, when he retires and recalls the present, will he say: Back then, Shen Guanglin was trembling under my subordinates. "

If you think about it, this is really the case.

Logically speaking, did Counselor Niu do something wrong?It seems to be right, this is the responsibility of others, even if the tone is a little bit worse, it is due to the times. You are a famous scientist, so I don't have to buy you.

However, when it comes to Shen Guanglin, his personal feelings are not so good. He is treated like a prisoner, which is the last thing he can bear.

I, Shen, have always done things for fame and not for profit. You are hurting my reputation.

Moreover, who knows if you did it on purpose.

You put on a straight face and taught me, Shen, in a reprimanding tone. Shen will not be used to you. Even if it wasn't intentional, this kind of work attitude should be changed.

The hotel is not far away, and the car will arrive soon.

Shen Guanglin went through the check-in procedures, everyone washed up briefly, and then went to eat together.

No, before everyone gathered for dinner, the staff from the office came after us again.

The people who came this time were at a higher level. This is the director of the office, at the director level. It is not bad for a country like Mexico to have a second-level office.

"Hello, Professor Shen, I am the director of the office. My surname is Zhang. I am a few years older than you. You can call me Lao Zhang."

They came fast enough, and the director acted familiar, very close to the people.

Shen Guanglin didn't deliberately put on airs, and shook hands with Leader Zhang: "Hello, Director Zhang."

"We have received quite a few groups from China, and this is the first time I've seen someone staying at the Marriott. The conditions of this hotel are really good." Leader Zhang didn't cut into the topic, but started with a few words of homework to open up the situation.

But what he said was also true. Groups from China who can stay with stars are already at the leadership level. There are almost no people staying in five-star hotels.

"I don't want to either. We originally booked the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, and the Marriott is sponsored by Pfizer. There is no way, we don't need money, so we just reluctantly stay here."

This is irritating. They are all five-star. Is there any difference? Is the difference that one requires money and the other does not?

"I heard that you and Lao Niu had some unpleasantness just now, right? His temper is just like that. He doesn't talk about ways and means of doing things, so don't take it to heart. After all, a slap can't be slapped. When you go abroad, you still have to talk about some foreign affairs disciplines." Yes, let’s just smile and wipe out our grievances, okay?”

"Who was wrong then?" Shen Guanglin interrupted the Director's eloquence and asked an abrupt question.

"What, wrong? What's wrong? Professor Shen, what do you mean?"

"I'm asking, which of the two of us is wrong?" Shen Guanglin was very serious, he felt that this was not a small problem.

"That's right. He is here for work. You have just arrived abroad and don't know the local customs. There may be some misunderstandings." The director is still in the middle of the conversation, and he doesn't want this matter to rise to the diplomatic level.

"It is said that you claim to be public servants, don't you?" Shen Guanglin suddenly said a word that is not often spoken in this age.

"What?" Director Zhang didn't understand.

"You are public servants, I am the people, you are servants, and I am the master. Is this how servants and masters talk?"

Shen Guanglin asked a question that he had held back for a long time, everyone is serving the people, why the people don't feel that they are being served well.

Spending money on health care can make you happy physically and mentally, and spending money on servants to do errands, but they often make things difficult and ignore them.

"Professor Shen, you are a well-known scholar in the country, so don't worry about this trivial matter. Let's talk about the business. Let's check the process for the meeting with the Mexican head of state."

"No need, I won't go!" Shen Guanglin refused.

"What? He is the head of state, so he can think about meeting you, yes."

"Yeah, I don't want to see him, can he still force me? I came here to watch the football game, not to participate in the country but to visit, I don't want to see him now."

"No, we are a country with an ancient civilization and a country of etiquette, if we do this"

"I didn't feel that you are very polite. Let that old cow come over and apologize, otherwise don't talk about the next topic. I'm tired and have jet lag."

"There's no time difference from Los Angeles."

(End of this chapter)

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