Start with a college teacher

Chapter 527 Can't Be Provoked, But I Can Hide

Chapter 527 Can't afford to provoke, but I can hide (2)

Jet lag is, of course, a joke.

But Shen Guanglin really didn't go if he said he wouldn't go.

Professor Shen's dignity needs to be maintained.

The hotel has a buffet, do you want to eat together?The steak is enough, and it's free. We bought a lot of coupons.

When it comes to dignity, the director said that he would not eat the food that came from him, but he did not let Shen Guanglin go away easily.

Good girls are afraid of pestering men, while scumbag girls love hooligans.

The director is also very powerful, he didn't even mention the matter of asking Lao Niu to come over to apologize, and kept telling Shen Guanglin to take the overall situation into consideration and be civilized and disciplined.

Shen Guanglin couldn't laugh or get angry, he was the biggest official in the office, and his attitude was pretty good, and he was two extremes with Lao Niu, how could he treat him, didn't he seem impolite.

The director here repeatedly moves with emotion and understands with reason.

The entanglement was really unbearable, so Shen Guanglin took a step back and called the secretary over: "Let's contact the head of state's office through the channel last time, and said that Professor Shen Guanglin only accepts private meetings and does not accept public interviews. Therefore, diplomatic The channel is no longer used."

"Okay." The secretary took the order and went, the boss said, the biggest.

"You can't do this. Meeting with foreign heads of state is a big event, and it must be approved by the foreign affairs department. This is an iron discipline that no one can violate."

The director's face finally became serious. This was a matter of principle. He couldn't even imagine how he could casually meet someone's head of state without going through the foreign affairs department.

Makes sense.

Shen Guanglin was naturally obedient to things that made sense, so he called his secretary back.

"Well, we resolutely abide by foreign affairs discipline. If so, then I will not meet with them. Inform them: Professor Shen thanked them for their kind invitation, and there is no need for meetings. We are only here to watch the football game and do not accept political activities. , Therefore, the meeting is cancelled."

"You! Do you do things like this?" The director didn't know what to say. He simply regarded the invitation of the head of state as a child's play. Besides, the purpose of the director was not like this. Professor Shen pretended to understand confused.

Shen Guanglin laughed angrily, "It's not like you do things like this. Counselor Niu has such great authority, you don't even mention it."

"He has a bad temper, is still old-fashioned, and has a bad attitude. Let's not mention him. I came here to solve problems, not to create conflicts. We can't affect the overall situation because of internal unhappiness. Now."

Very long-winded to say.

This is your overall situation, not Shen's overall situation
In short, no matter what you say, Shen Guanglin just doesn't get in, and froze here.

Shen Guanglin had already understood that the director might not be able to hold back the Counselor Niu. He came here to solve the problem he wanted to solve by making peace with him.

However, this is not possible and does not work.

Things are not that simple, Professor Shen just doesn't want to fight for steamed buns.

The topic came to an end here, and Shen Guanglin didn't want to continue arguing any longer. He called other people to have dinner together, and if the director wanted to go, he would follow.

The director could only temporarily leave in resentment.

It's not that he didn't want to punish Shen Guanglin harshly, nor did he want to order him to do things by force, he was really powerless.

As a well-known scientist in China, Shen Guanglin's reputation abroad is actually greater than his reputation in China.

Not to mention Citigroup, even in Mexico, when many local scholars talk about Huaxia, they will also talk about the great "Oriental Shen".

Shen Guanglin's achievements are all over the world. It is estimated that those who have never heard of his reputation are those countries in Africa that don't care about technology at all.

Of course the director knew all these things. When he heard that Professor Shen was coming to Mexico, he originally wanted to get to know him better.

I really didn't expect that Professor Shen would have a quarrel with Counselor Niu, and Counselor Niu's background is indeed very deep, and he is not someone who is easily subdued.

However, scientists always have various strange problems, and the director can't help it for a while.

Shen Guanglin knew that this matter would not pass so quickly.

Sure enough, the next day, the director came again.

Still the same problem, people still hope that Professor Shen can understand the general situation and take into account the overall situation.

However, facing Shen Guanglin's question of why Counselor Niu didn't come, he still avoided answering.

Shen Guanglin has already lost his temper. I canceled the meeting with the head of state of the other party. What are you going to do?

"You asked to cancel the meeting, but the other party sent an invitation to the office, saying that they still want to meet with you. After all, you are a well-known scientist all over the world."

How to choose is a matter for the office, and has nothing to do with him or Shen.

On the third day, the director could not come in.

Shen Guanglin complained, and he complained to the headquarters of the Marriott Hotel. Your hotel's privacy situation is very bad, and guests are always harassed.

So, when the director came with someone again, he was stopped as soon as he arrived in the lobby, and he couldn't make a phone call. The phone number in the guest room is confidential.

The director had no choice but to report the room number, "Oh, that guest has already checked out."

The staff said that Shen Guanglin's car was parked in front of the hotel, and they remembered the license plate number.

Oh, so angry!
If the director knows that there will be a mobile phone in the future, he must buy one for Shen Guanglin, and then hit the phone.

However, Shen Guanglin really did what he said. He didn't have an appointment to meet the head of state, and he really waited in the hotel for the game to start.

Good wine and good food are ready, everyone cheers up.

Then, the game really begins.

The first match was between Italy and Bulgaria. Shen Guanglin and Da Liu watched it in the hotel, and they planned to watch the next match live.

Italy is the defending champion and the favorite to win the championship. Alessandro Altobelli, Bruno Conte and Carlo Ancelotti are all well-known stars.

Shen Guanglin didn't know the final result of this game, he bought some at random, and Italy won, and then they tied 1-1.

Oops, it's a bad start.

"Professor Shen, I heard that you spent a lot of money to buy Argentina to win the championship?"

After the first match, Da Liu approached Shen Guanglin mysteriously and asked him this question quietly.

Don't you need to hear that this matter was handled by Liu himself. Although he only went to a certain country, Shen Guanglin bets on a lot of gambling companies.

"Yes, I think Argentina will definitely win the championship. I have calculated the overall odds, and it is about 13 times to 15 times." Shen Guanglin has already designed a lottery purchase plan. According to his purchase procedure, in fact , as long as Argentina can enter the quarterfinals, he will not lose money.

As for whether you can win the championship, it doesn't matter.

"Okay, as long as you are happy." Da Liu shook his head and walked away. He thought that Professor Shen was really a god of gamblers, at least Shen was very good at blackjack.

Therefore, Da Liu followed Shen Guanglin to buy a lot, and all went in at a loss.

What he's thinking now is that when he bet for Shen Guanglin, he also bought Argentina to win the championship. Is there still time to refund the part that has already been bet?

(End of this chapter)

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