Start with a college teacher

Chapter 528 Chapter 550

Chapter 528 Chapter 3 Believe in evil ([-])

Travel over thousands of mountains and rivers, sleep over thousands of rivers and mountains.

Water is good water, and mountains are good mountains.

Many book friends have such ambitions.

Only limited by the economic and energy constraints, he lived in a small apartment and lived a life of exhaustion by relying on his Taoism.

With a pack of Vader in hand, he traveled all over the world.

Shen Guanglin came to Mexico to play. Of course it's not interesting to stay in a hotel every day to hide and seek. He still wants to go out and have fun.

Since we are here to relax, we should take a good look around and give the bodyguards some room to play.

If you don't go out, people can't carry out their work, and there is no sense of accomplishment for taking money for nothing.

Mexico City, let's go!

Mexico City is located in the plateau area of ​​central Mexico, is the capital of Mexico and the political, economic and cultural center of the country.

The city is surrounded by green hills. Due to its high terrain, it is very cold in winter and never too hot in summer. Flowers bloom in all seasons and are covered with green all the year round. The scenery is beautiful.

Therefore, come here to play a wave, it is not a loss, there are many beauties in green clothes and big straw hats, it depends on whether you are willing to discover and discover.

If you don't have money, you can discover it; if you have money, you can discover it.

After a few years, their economy has collapsed and law and order are no longer good. If they come back again, they will really not be able to enjoy themselves.

There is also Iraq with the same and similar situation.

Iraq is also very rich now. If they didn't have to wrestle with Iran, they might not be richer than Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia is very smart. In the past few years, their sense of security was not enough. Still under Shen Guanglin's matchmaking, they placed an order to buy a few Dongfeng Express. Now their confidence has hardened immediately. I am afraid no one will dare to bully him anymore.

Shen Guanglin has already decided to go to Iraq to take a look in the near future.

After all, it is the birthplace of the Mesopotamian civilization. If you don’t visit the great Mesopotamian civilization, you may not be able to see anything after being carpet-bombed.

Of course, there is also the Bamiyan Buddha in our neighboring country, which seems to be worth seeing. After the bombing, there is nothing left.

It's just that Lao Maozi has no plans to withdraw his troops until now. It is true that the law and order there is not good. Traveling is risky, so you need to be cautious when traveling.

Mexico City is very safe now, so there is no need to worry about security issues.

Shen Guanglin made a lot of preparations before he came, but he was actually overthinking.

When the economy is booming, law and order are usually good.

Mexico City is also a famous historical and cultural city. There are still many places of interest in this city. The most important point is that wars, especially World War II, did not spread to South America.

However, here is a bit of historical cold knowledge: During World War II, Mexico participated in the war.

Mexico originally wanted to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

However, in 1942, two Mexican tankers sank in the Gulf of Mexico. After investigation, the Americans said that the two tankers were sunk by German submarines.

Mexico can not but believe it.

If he dared to believe it or not, there would be more ships sinking.

So, he could only believe it.

They then joined the war on June 1942, 6.

Generally speaking, they performed well on the Pacific battlefield. They made a lot of efforts in the battle to liberate the Philippines and wiped out many devils.

However, after all, this war did not take place in the mainland, so various historical relics and buildings are well preserved.

The relics of the ancient Aztec culture and the European-style palaces of the Spanish colonial period are all places worth visiting, so hurry up and include them in the itinerary;
Of course, Chapultepec Park is also a must-see place, which is called "the lungs of Mexico City, of course you have to breathe;
When it comes to Mexico’s tourist symbols, the Pyramid of the Sun and the Pyramid of the Moon are both mysterious and attractive. Let’s see how they are different from the Egyptian pyramids!

Therefore, there is still a long time until the end of this World Cup, and we can slowly watch the past along the way.

Therefore, there are also many beauties in green clothes with big straw hats in this country, and you can slowly push them all the way.

Earlier this year, Mexico experienced a major earthquake that killed tens of thousands of people.

However, they held on and held the Olympics as scheduled.

From the atmosphere of the scene, Shen Guanglin didn't feel too much sadness, what was left was courage and strength.

For this reason, he couldn't help but think that many years later, his own country will have a similar experience. We also handled it well, were not overwhelmed by difficulties, and held the Olympic Games as scheduled.

Shen Guanglin can only lament how difficult it is to rejuvenate the country.

The second game of this World Cup is the game that the hosts participated in. Mexico played against the European powerhouse Belgium.

Shen Guanglin didn't know which of these two countries was more powerful, it seemed that both were quite strong.

However, out of respect for the hosts, he bought Belgium to win.

After all, in Shen Guanglin's concept, Mexico's performance has never been too outstanding, and Belgium is even stronger.

At least, in Shen Guanglin's era, Belgium's strength on paper was very strong, with a gathering of stars, and it was once known as the most expensive team in the world.

It's just that I don't know how Belgium is in this era.

In fact, Belgium in this era is of course not bad.

In real history, after qualifying in the group stage of this World Cup, they first eliminated the Soviet Union 4:3, then eliminated Spain in the quarter-finals, and finally lost to Argentina [-]-[-] in the semi-finals.

In a World Cup, how many teams can reach the semi-finals?They only have one, and even the Brazilian team didn't make it to the semi-finals.

Watching the battle live, the atmosphere is really different.

The Aztec football stadium is crowded with people, especially when the host is participating in the game, the atmosphere is even more enthusiastic.

Shen Guanglin's ticket was bought in the neutral zone, but most of the surrounding fans were also from Mexico.

Seeing the faces of the East, they knew they were not enemies, so they asked enthusiastically, "Are you Korean?"

Because South Korea entered the World Cup, they were only placed in the first group, in the same group as Italy, Bulgaria, and Argentina, with little hope of qualifying.

Shen Guanglin replied solemnly, "No, I am Chinese."

"I heard about your country. Your team almost entered the World Cup. It's a pity that our country played a friendly match with you. You have good skills."

Shen Guanglin was a little surprised by the Mexican fans' answer.

Unexpectedly, China football in this era is really not a weak team, and there are fans in foreign countries.

China's football team in this era is certainly not a weak team.

In the previous Asian Cup, the Huaxia team almost won the championship.

A whistle sounded, and the game started, and the scene suddenly boiled.


Another whistle blows and the game is over.

Shen Guanglin's feeling was not accurate at all, Mexico won, 2-1.

He is a bit of a prophet.

Da Liu regretted it and believed in his evil again.

(End of this chapter)

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