Start with a college teacher

Chapter 536 Inventory

Chapter 536 Inventory

For neutral fans, no matter who wins the championship, everyone is happy for them.

After all, everyone has worked hard. The right time, place and people are indispensable. Being able to win the championship is a manifestation of strength.

Except for neutral fans who bought lottery tickets.

Da Liu is the kind who is not very happy.

No matter which game, his face was relatively dark, and he successfully missed every due victory, and he didn't bother to buy those obvious victories.

In this World Cup, he has already lost millions of dollars. How many houses can he buy?How many girls can this hold?
Even for a woman like Meirenguan, he only spent a few hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars before and after, and he can already make her submissive and obedient to whatever she wants.

With 100 million US dollars, what kind of female star can't take it?
Da Liu was thinking, Boss Shen's luck should not be very good, you know, he invested 3000 million, or US dollars, and he helped him do it himself.

Now that Argentina lost, Boss Shen's heart is bleeding
Thinking of this, Da Liu's mood immediately improved a lot.

At least, this can also prove: Boss Shen is not omnipotent, he can lose money, and he loses a lot.

Even Li Rong said,

"Brother, you seem to have guessed the wrong result."

"It's okay, this is another result I expected." Shen Guanglin smoked a cigar with his legs crossed, as if he had accomplished a great event, and he was very happy.

No frustration at losing money at all.

"Brother, let's not buy this kind of lottery ticket in the future. This is not the life that a decent person should have." Li Rong knew that Shen Guanglin had made a lot of money, but she was also afraid that he would become addicted and lose himself.

"I know, I just want to verify a conjecture, I don't have any other thoughts, so don't worry."

Li Rong was indeed a little worried, but it was hard to say anything else.

Big deal, go back to teach after you have nothing. If you have a skill, you won’t starve to death no matter what.

The game is over, the Argentine team supported by Shen Guanglin and bought Football Lottery won the No.2, isn't he sad?

The first is meaningful.

Second, reflected in spinach, that is a completely different result, that is zero, that is nothing.

However, Shen Guanglin acted as if he was really happy, he didn't seem to have any worries about losing the game, and he kindly invited everyone to have fun together at night.

Mexican tequila is still very good and worth tasting.

Everyone was puzzled, what happened to him?
What's up with him?He changed history with money.

They don't understand this dark coolness.

Sure enough, money can turn ghosts around!

Shen Guanglin felt that he was very powerful. With only 3000 million US dollars, he moved history and changed a major event.

In fact, this is not a matter of 3000 million US dollars, it is already a matter of hundreds of millions of dollars, because if Argentina wins the championship, he will win hundreds of millions. For this, other gaming companies have to struggle.

It is not so easy to really change history, but it is not so difficult to change the history of football, and it does not cost so much money.

For example, in the 02 World Cup, Bangziguo successfully eliminated Spain and Italy with only a small amount of money.

Spain's two goals were not counted, and Bangziguo's own own goal was not counted. The Italian fell into a dog and no one cared. Totti also threw a red card.

Boss Shen said that he has successfully completed a social science research project, and he is already very satisfied with the current results.

Fig leaf!
This is the fig leaf!

Everyone understands.

Boss, he cares about saving face, everyone can understand.

If someone has money, it doesn't matter if they lose a little.

As early as the beginning of the competition, before the first match started, Shen Guanglin said that this World Cup belongs to the old horse. The old horse will lead Argentina to win the championship, and he himself will become a football player king.

As the process of the World Cup progresses, looking at the trend, Lao Ma's team is indeed rushing to win the championship.

Everyone felt that Mr. Shen was really powerful, it was as if Liu Bowen was still alive.

However, in the end, Lao Ma and the others were overthrown by Sid.

The people around him are only known to Liu. Shen Guanglin bet heavily in this World Cup. This is the lottery ticket that Liu asked someone to buy.

Li Rong knew that Shen Guanglin had asked someone to buy lottery tickets, but she didn't know how much he bought.

Although, none of them supported Shen Guanglin spending so much money on lottery tickets, and felt that this was not a good phenomenon.

However, Shen Guanglin said that this is a scientific proposition, and he is studying a paradox, so no matter what the result is, it is a harvest.

In this World Cup, Shen Guanglin made a compound bet with a very clear goal, pointing directly at the old horse's team will win the championship.

Of course, if Argentina can really win the championship, it can be said to be a huge profit, dozens of times the profit, and take off directly on the spot.

Now, the dust has settled.

The old horse ran around and did his best, but he could only regret that he didn't know who killed him.

After beating and kicking, only one No.2 was taken in the end.

As far as Liu is concerned, he naturally doesn't care about the feelings of the champion and the runner-up. What he cares about is: How much did Mr. Shen lose?Say it quickly and make people happy.

Is the money really wiped out?
That being the case, let's open your eyes!
Shen Guanglin took out the lottery tickets purchased from various countries, and asked people to start calculating the amount.

Da Liu really worried too much.

On the whole, Boss Shen didn't lose too much. After all, Argentina has come to the end, isn't it?

Now that they won the runner-up, there will naturally be many victories ahead.

After calculation, Boss Shen spent a total of 3000 million US dollars to buy lottery tickets. In the end, he recovered 3100 million US dollars.

I go!Sure enough, I still made a profit!
Very precise mathematical model.

Is there any reason?
Does this work?
Of course, this is really a mathematical model made by Shen Guanglin. Although he is a physicist, he has learned mathematics well. Even without the help of the bald Zhang Cheng, he can complete the calculation of the results.

If Argentina really wins the championship, how much will the prize money be?
It is more than enough to build another skyscraper in Shanghai.

Now, the money to build the building can only be relied on by oneself.

The game is over, everything has returned to calm, and they should leave. This is the ancestral land of the Indians and the birthplace of the Mayan civilization. It is indeed worth visiting, but it is not worth nostalgia.

The great rivers and mountains of the motherland are still waiting for someone from him to build them.

Huaxia has a complete industrial system, while Citigroup is going through an era of de-industrialization. Now is the best time to transfer production capacity and should not be missed.

It was only when I arrived in Mexico that I realized that in this era, the development of Mexico also played the role of Citigroup's foundry base in many cases. In the future, they will be China's competitors.

Now, the results of the verification should be verified, and the mind that should be relaxed is over. It is time to go back and clean up the old mountains and rivers.

(End of this chapter)

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