Start with a college teacher

Chapter 537 Students

Chapter 537 Student (1)

The four-year drama is over, and everyone has gained something and is preparing to go back to their respective homes.

Da Liu left with Beauty Guan, and Lao Li went straight back to the capital. Shen Guanglin bought him a first-class ticket.

Father-in-law, it's rare for him to return to China, so the treatment will naturally be different.

Shen Guanglin even wanted to assign his female bodyguard to Lao Li. Anyway, Li Rong was here, so it was useless to keep it for himself. His mother-in-law was not around, and only Lao Li was the one who was the tallest and farthest from the emperor.

There are many good places in Los Angeles, if Li Rong wasn't there, I would definitely take him there.

Look how filial this son-in-law is.

Is the road getting wider and wider?

When Lao Li saw that it was such an expensive air ticket, he was reluctant to part with it, even if Shen Guanglin paid for it, it was all his family's money, and he was determined not to waste it.

However, he quickly followed Shen Guanglin's persuasion, and he didn't refuse any more.

Because, this can be put on the account of Great Wall Company.

Since it is a pending account, of course it is necessary to enjoy it for a while.

Thinking about it this way, Lao Li felt much more at ease.

Eating the public house, drinking the public house and sleeping in the public house, of course not.

This Great Wall Company is really a good company. When Lao Li was in the capital, he often went to the Great Wall Biological Base to eat and drink. Now that he is traveling abroad on business, Great Wall Company even sponsors first-class air tickets.

If he didn't know that Shen Guanglin had the final say on this company, Lao Li wouldn't dare to be so bold.

However, first class, this is indeed a level and treatment that Lao Li has never enjoyed.

Domestic visiting groups, even if they travel on chartered flights, are not eligible to sit in first class according to Lao Li's level. Mr. Li still has this possibility.

However, the old man will not go abroad easily. As a person of the older generation, he may also be afraid of some accidents on the plane.

In history, there are too many accidents about flying.

Old Li left, but Li Rong didn't go with him, she came out rarely, and didn't plan to go back in a short time.

She also planned to follow Shen Guanglin for a walk, take a look, and take a trip to the Xiangjiang River by the way.

How long has this been out?
If this highland does not continue to be occupied by itself, it will be occupied by others.

Of course, as Shen Guanglin said, they will not consider going back until they have recuperated in Los Angeles. For nothing else, they also need to talk about cooperating with Pfizer to produce PCR.

It's rare to come out for a trip, and there must be something that has really landed.

The one who bought the lottery ticket really doesn’t count. He spent 3000 million U.S. dollars, and in theory he got 3100 million U.S. dollars. After paying taxes, he might even lose a little bit.

pay taxes?Boss Shen forbids other people to pay taxes, otherwise, the wise and mighty Teacher Shen, who is victorious in all battles, will not be able to stand up.

July is midsummer, but the temperature in Los Angeles in July is not high.

Here is a typical temperate Mediterranean climate, with a mild climate throughout the year, dry and little rain in summer, and only some continuous winter rain in winter.

Moreover, this is a plain after all, with an average altitude of only 84 meters, which is much more comfortable than the plateau environment in Mexico City.

People don't feel so tired in such an environment.

This is Mr. Shen's personal experience, which is very scientifically based.

When I was in Mexico City, after just a few sprints, I was out of breath, and I always looked like I was unable to do what I wanted in middle age.

This time, after coming down from the plateau and arriving in Los Angeles, Mr. Shen's back was no longer sore, her legs were no longer hurting, and she walked with strength. Li Rong even started begging for mercy.

Shen Guanglin felt that he was not enjoying himself enough watching the World Cup. Part of the reason was that it was still a bit cold in Mexico City at night, not to mention the fiery Olympics, and he had to wear a coat.

It's okay during the day, but at night there is no atmosphere to watch the battle.

Even the girls cheerleaders wear a bit too much clothes.

The temperature in Los Angeles is always higher than that in Mexico City. Although the temperature here should not exceed 30 degrees, it finally feels like summer.

The climate in Citigroup is a bit comfortable.

This made Professor Shen, who always felt that foreign countries were bad, a little bit reluctant to say anything.

However, if we don't mention this crop, it's over.

Returning to Los Angeles this time, it is naturally impossible for Shen Guanglin to continue to give lectures. We are not short of that little money, and we have no leverage to knock.

Boring ah, fake it.

Walk in Chinatown, experience the customs and customs, and observe the various ways of life.

With bodyguards around, why are you afraid that the law and order in Chinatown will be bad?
Summer night snack culture is an important part of a city's fireworks, and the night in Chinatown is like this.

What goes best with summer?
Of course it’s crayfish, beer, and skewers.

However, the way to eat spicy crayfish has not yet been invented. Moreover, can this foreign country have a decent barbecue culture?
Really, beer, fried chicken, barbecue, these are regardless of national boundaries.

In fact, in this era, the late-night snack culture has not yet become popular in China, but in Citigroup, it has developed for a long time.

Instead of eating a good hotel meal, Shen Guanglin insisted on eating barbecue and sitting outside, so as to have a summer atmosphere.

You are the boss, and everyone listens to you.

Everyone sat down, regardless of professors or bodyguards, and everyone ate and drank together, which made them happy.

Although pretending, Shen Guanglin is a person who deliberately pursues equality. At least, he has enough respect for the staff around him, which is why many people are willing to work with him.

"Teacher Shen!" an Asian boy suddenly called out to Shen Guanglin's booth, his tone full of surprise.

However, before he rushed over in surprise, he was stopped by the security guards. This is a professional attitude.

He has followed him abroad for so many days, and it has been useless. This time someone rushed over, so he had to show the presence of the bodyguard door.

It seems that there are acquaintances everywhere.

The next move of the bodyguards was stopped. The young man in front of him, Shen Guanglin, didn't recognize him, but he also looked familiar. He hesitated and said, "You are?"

"Mr. Shen, I'm Jiang Kai, Jiang Kai from the 79th class, you taught us English."

In a foreign country, the young man was very happy to see Shen Guanglin. After all, this was his teacher, and he felt like meeting an old friend in a foreign country.

"Student Xiao Jiang (Jiang), it's you!" Shen Guanglin was also very happy, he finally had peaches and plums all over the world.

In fact, until now, he has not remembered who this classmate is, but this does not affect his happiness.

"Come on, sit down and have a glass of wine."

This young man was of course very happy to meet Shen Guanglin, but he still said coyly, "Mr. Shen, I have a friend with me, can I?"

"Of course, let's call them together!" Of course Shen Guanglin would not refuse, isn't it just a matter of a pair of chopsticks.

After a while, classmate Xiao Jiang brought over a pretty girl.

Oops, the girl looks good!But he was blind to such a person, his looks don't quite match with Xiaojiang.

Of course, Shen Guanglin didn't say such low EQ words, he smiled very kindly, "Is this your partner?"

Jiang Kai nodded shyly but happily, "Yes."

"Hello, Professor Shen, I've heard of your name. You are the pride of our Chinese." Naturally, the girl had also heard of Shen Guanglin's name, and she was very excited to meet her here.

"Sit down and talk, eat and talk."

Everyone sat down again, waiting for the opportunity to serve, Shen Guanglin asked softly, "Student Xiaojiang, why did you come to Los Angeles?"

But Jiang Kai began to feel embarrassed: "Mr. Shen, I'm sorry, I failed your expectations and teachings."

"Ah? What are you talking about? What did you do?" Shen Guanglin felt a little inexplicable for a second. An inexplicable student suddenly started to apologize inexplicably, which made him a little confused.

"I dropped out of school."

It seems that this is an unspeakable thing.

"Oh, you mean you came to study abroad, but you have dropped out now, right? What's so embarrassing about it?" Shen Guanglin probably understood what he meant, but he didn't quite understand it.

"However, before I went abroad, I swore that I would return to China after my studies and go back to build the motherland and hometown. I couldn't stick to it, and I couldn't keep my promise. After graduating from graduate school last year, I didn't continue my studies."

So that's the case, Shen Guanglin said, "What's the matter, everyone has their own choice, as long as they don't steal or rob. Besides, you can still have your motherland in your heart, which is already very good."

(End of this chapter)

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