Chapter 538 Visiting (7)

After drinking, a group of people staggered out of the hotel.

Xiao Jiang was the first to pay for the bill, but Shen Guanglin refused.

This meal cost a lot of money, Shen Guanglin didn't dare to let them treat the guests, and then go back hungry for a long time.

At this time, after a meal of conversation, Shen Guanglin looked at Xiaojiang in the way that an old father looks at a child.

Even though Shen Guanglin may not be older than the two of them, their respect and admiration for Shen Guanglin revealed a lot inside and out.

Teacher Shen is very happy, this kind of flattery from the heart is the most comfortable.

Originally planning to leave now, Shen Guanglin insisted on going to Xiaojiang's residence to take a look. He still hasn't figured out that Xiaojiang's family name is actually Jiang.

The teacher is concerned, so you can't refuse, just go, the ugly daughter-in-law is afraid of seeing her in-laws?
Shen Guanglin was explaining and making arrangements, it was enough for Li Rong to follow, and it was enough for the bodyguards to go back, leaving only one to follow.

In other words, Xiao Jiang was a little embarrassed to go to the residence, but she still led the way.

Shen Guanglin still doesn't know what Xiao Jiang's girlfriend's real name is. Everyone calls her "Dianmei", which is a nice name, but he doesn't know which "Dian" it is.

This is the same as Mr. Lu Xun's "Ah Q", just because I don't know whether it is "Agui" or "Agui", I temporarily read it as Ah Q, and once I read it, I will live my life.

"Why, I want to go to the place where you live. Is there any problem?" Shen Guanglin asked very bluntly.

After all, this is my student, and I met him in a foreign country, so I should go to see the living conditions and care about it.

Xiao Jiang could only smile wryly, "Mr. Shen, the place where I live is a bit dilapidated, maybe it's not that good. I'm afraid that if the hospitality is not good, I will be rude."

"Nonsense, I'm your teacher, what are you afraid of." Shen Guanglin also drank some wine, and when he stepped up, he took on the airs of an elder, and he was very stable.

Let's go.

Los Angeles is not full of row upon row of buildings. There are also three- to five-storey small tube buildings and low buildings, and even one-story bungalows. Xiao Jiang took them to a world that was different from other places.

Probably, this is the slums near Chinatown in Los Angeles.

Shen Guanglin was already mentally prepared.

"How can there be such a place in Los Angeles?" Li Rong was very surprised. She always thought that Citigroup was very rich. Although Shen Guanglin had been brainwashing her, she didn't really believe it.

Can you believe Teacher Shen's words?

Before Shen Guanglin started answering the conversation, Xiao Jiang had already begun to smile wryly, "Master, I have been in Citigroup for several years, and I am familiar with Los Angeles. In Citigroup, if you have money, you will feel that you are In heaven; without money, probably hell is no different."

As the few people walked, Xiao Jiang introduced: "

It's not bad here, it's a Chinese area, surrounded by gangsters, the law and order is not bad.In areas where other ethnic groups live, the conditions are even worse. At this point in time, if you are still walking on the road, robbery is already rampant. "

Shen Guanglin nodded, it seemed that Xiao Jiang had grasped the essence of Citigroup.

"Well, where is the worst law and order?" Li Rong asked.

"Of course it's a black area. It's best not to go there for Asians. There are roadblocks and robberies in broad daylight." Xiao Jiang said, he didn't dare to go there himself.

Shen Guanglin suddenly remembered a sentence, and then he said with emotion: "In Citigroup, everyone hates two kinds of people the most, one is people with racial discrimination, and the other is black people. Black brothers oppose racial discrimination, but they only oppose Discriminate against black people."

Xiao Jiang and Dianmei nodded frantically: "Mr. Shen, your summary is very incisive."

Shen Guanglin is quoting someone else's words, it is not original, and it is not something to be proud of.

Several people were talking like this, and they also met gang members who were watching the night on the road. Fortunately, they also knew Xiao Jiang, so there was no embarrassment.

Walking and talking like this, the distance and time passed quickly, Xiao Jiang and Dianmei stopped in front of a rather dilapidated low building.

This is the apartment where they live.

This is not a good building. With the lights on the road, you can see the colorful graffiti on the wall. This is the unique graffiti culture of Citigroup.

The inside of the corridor was also pitch black, there were no lights, and they did not bring flashlights.

However, seeing that they were already familiar with the road, Xiao Jiang led the way, and Dianmei could only stretch out her hand to lead them forward.

Fortunately, they didn't live in the basement, but on the second floor.

Go upstairs, this is a two-room house.

The living room is okay, at least there is a sofa, and the kitchen is open, and there is a toilet.

However, the two of them live in a very cramped and small room, but they don't know who lives in the other room and how the conditions are.

Because it was night, their noise was very low, probably because they were afraid of waking up the people next door, and they moved lightly.

Entering the door, there are very few things in the room. There is only a bed, a wardrobe, a chair and a table. Books are placed on the ground in the corner, and there is nothing else.

Shen Guanglin was already a little distressed: how could this student's life be so difficult.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Shen, the place is really small, you and my wife can sit on the sofa outside."

Taking advantage of Shen Guanglin's inattention, Dianmei was a little embarrassed to cover the clothes left on the bed with a blanket, including a small close-fitting cover.

Shen Guanglin knew at a glance that this was probably to cover up the traces of the young people's fighting, but fortunately, the room as a whole was relatively clean, and there was no special smell.

Shen Guanglin took Li Rong to sit down and began to look around.

A TV, a few pots of garlic full of garlic as green plants, even under the lights are lush.

It's summer, but they don't have a refrigerator here, Xiao Jiang just took out a few warm canned Coke from the corner, "Mr. Shen, I still remember the Coke you invited us to drink. That's the best drink."

Shen Guanglin himself had forgotten these things, but his students remembered them clearly.

Shen Guanglin took the Coke, but didn't open it, drinking the Coke to kill sperm.

He just looked at Xiao Jiang, waiting for him to continue.

Seeing Shen Guanglin looking at himself, Xiao Jiang continued: "Do you want to ask, why do I mess up like this? No way, I'm poor. I just graduated from graduate school last year, but it's not easy to find a job. Without a PhD, I can't find it." I work in the research institute, I am currently selling second-hand cars, but I haven’t fully started yet, my performance is not stable, and I haven’t given Dianmei a good life.”

The major of physics does have its particularity. It is a basic theoretical discipline. No matter which country you are in, there are actually certain difficulties in employment.

It's okay in China, we can package assignments, and we don't have to worry about work problems.

However, in Citigroup, you really have to rely on your own ability to go out and find a job.

"Then why didn't you continue your Ph.D." Li Rong helped Shen Guanglin ask a question, she knew what he wanted to ask.

"It's for me." Dianmei interrupted suddenly, "Because I'm still studying, he didn't want me to give up my studies, so he gave up and continued studying."

Dianmei paused, and continued: "It's different here than in China. In Citigroup, if you study physics, you want to find a good job. If you don't have a doctorate, it's very difficult."

This is the truth, Shen Guanglin didn't say anything else, after pondering for a while, he was ready to leave.

"What are your plans in the future? Are you really selling second-hand cars all the time?" Shen Guanglin asked, and he was also wondering if he should help him.

"Of course not. I'll wait for Dianmei to graduate, and when our economy is a little better, I will go to read out the PhD. At that time, it will be a good choice to enter a research institution or study in an overseas school, just like Love Stein Isn’t your big brother also a teacher in an overseas school?”

It seems that Xiao Jiang's plan is still very clear, he is not blind.

"Well, I'll write you a letter of recommendation tomorrow, and you go to Caltech to find Professor Charlie." Shen Guanglin made arrangements.

"No need for Mr. Shen, I don't think about these for the time being. What I think about now is how to make money to support my family and give Dianmei a stable future first."

At this moment, the door of the next room opened.

What came out was an Asian girl, squinting her eyes, and said in a crooked tone, "It's so late, you guys don't sleep, it's okay to just whisper, the sound is getting louder."

She was woken up by them in the room, and came out to criticize a little unhappy. This little Jiang often brings outsiders back to live, especially those poor students who have just gone abroad.

"Oh, sure enough there are other guests. Don't talk about it. They are poor relatives from China again. Girls can sleep with me for a few days, and boys can only sleep on the sofa. It's not cold today."

It seems that this person is not completely unreasonable, he probably has a knife mouth and a bean curd heart.

There are foreign students from China who need help and are homeless. Xiao Jiang often brings them or them back. The men live in the living room, and the women sleep with Wanwanmei.

This is how Dianmei was picked up by him. Originally, Wanwanmei thought that she and Xiao Jiang had developed a lot, so she was given the upper hand.

Xiao Jiang quickly introduced and clarified, "This is our shared roommate, named Wu Yu, single."

"It's needless to say that I'm still single. This guest seems to have a target at first sight. If you bring a female companion, you also go back to get it. You don't know that you brought back some high-quality and rich men." Wu Yu's speech was fast, and it looked like he had done a lot of things like this, which also showed that they were indeed very familiar with each other, after all, they were roommates.

This is getting further and further away.

Shen Guanglin also knew that disturbing people's dreams is not good, so he said sorry and left.

(End of this chapter)

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