Chapter 539 Car (3)

Shen Guanglin left and left an address, asking Xiao Jiang to find him here the next day.

Teacher Shen wanted to give him a future, just by the way.

Xiao Jiang was a little embarrassed. He was simply happy to see his university teacher, but he didn't think about what he could get from the teacher.

However, since I met a teacher in a foreign country, it is fate, and if I can help, the teacher will definitely help.

Since they can study abroad, everyone is not stupid, there is no need to be hypocritical, Xiao Jiang still gave the note to his subordinates.

"Thank you, teacher!"

Shen Guanglin took Li Rong away.

Before he had gone far, Wu Yu, the Wanwan girl, was asking, "Who was that pretty boy just now? Seeing how respectful you are, could it be the child of your leader? She looks good, and that girl is also good-looking. She really is a rich man. Possession is too strong”

Her ability to make up brains is no one else. After saying this, she opened the Coke that Shen Guanglin hadn't drunk and took a sip, "If you want me to say, you are all going abroad now, so stop thinking about and enduring your domestic affairs." Those powerful dictatorships have oppressed people, and the most important thing is freedom."

"What is our country? You are also from China!" Xiao Jiang pointed out her mistake. He did not allow her to talk about her country and her teacher.

"That's not what I meant! I'm different from you, we're bent"

This may not be what Miss Wanwan actually thinks in her heart. The education she has received since she was a child is discrimination and blackening of mainland China. Therefore, she feels that she is superior to them.

In the eyes of Miss Wanwan, only Xiangjiang people can compare with them.

This is the same as the people of Modu in later generations. They feel that only people from the capital can be compared with them.

However, people in Beijing don't think so.

"What's the difference? If you think you're not from Huaxia, you can go back and tell Xiao Jiang about it." Xiao Jiang also replied unceremoniously.

In fact, speaking of it, people in this era really can't talk nonsense, their control is very strict.

During Xiao Jiang's period, Wanwan's economy developed rapidly, but their control was also very strict. It's a good thing that the talented students who came back from the Soviet Union had a way.

Xiao Jiang and Dian did not tell Wanwanmei that it was Professor Shen, a world-renowned scientist, who came yesterday, and they knew that this woman had a big mouth and was open-mouthed.

Moreover, this Wanwan girl is not ugly, but she is short, which is why Xiao Jiang likes Dianmei but not her.

Early the next morning, Xiao Jiang really put on her most handsome clothes, and under the control of Dianmei, she dressed up a lot, and then she was ready to go out.

Hearing the noise, the Wanwan girl from the next room came out again, "Where is the car tycoon going, is he going on a blind date? Don't worry about letting him go, sister. Could it be that he is a cowherd?"

"You can't spit ivory out of your mouth! I went to Caltech to visit Professor Charlie. The teacher who came yesterday recommended me to be Professor Charlie's student."

Xiao Jiang didn't want to get to know her, so he decided not to let go of this opportunity, because Mr. Shen said that to be a student of Professor Charlie, there is a stipend, and at worst, he will continue to work and study.

"Really? Which Professor Charlie, in Citigroup, there are 200 million people named Charlie instead of 100 million. Your friend is not fooling you, right?"

Wan Wanmei doesn't believe it, this kind of good thing that falls from the sky should be cautious. In Citigroup, the worst people are often Chinese.

It is said that the Chinese do not lie to the Chinese, but the Chinese, especially those banana people, they like to deceive their compatriots the most.

If he could kill someone, it wouldn't hurt him at all to be slaughtered.

Xiao Jiang knew that Wan Wanmei had good intentions, but he didn't honor her for questioning her teacher: "

This is of course true. My teacher's status is not what you imagined. If you don't believe me, you can go and have a look together. "

Dianmei also nodded, he didn't lie.

"Then let's go together!" Wan Wanmei agreed so easily.

Why invite her!
Sometimes, you really can't let the words go, otherwise it will be very uncomfortable to be interrupted by others.

Helpless, Xiao Jiang had no choice but to take Dianmei and Wu Yu out together.

Not far downstairs is the driver, the bodyguard who followed Shen Guanglin yesterday.

"Jiang Sheng, Mr. Shen asked me to pick you up."

The bodyguard's Mandarin is not standard, but he can still hear what he said clearly.

"Yo, your teacher still has an assistant? It seems that the cost is not small. Does the handsome boy have a girlfriend? Is he from eastern Guangdong?" Wan Wanmei was still skeptical. After all, this is Citigroup, Xiao Jiang's. What influence can a teacher have?
"No, I'm from Xiangjiang. Mr. Shen is my boss, I'm not an assistant."

After saying this, the bodyguard opened the door of a car next to him. It was a brand new Cadillac. Before CT4 appeared, Cadillac was still a luxury car.

Wanwan girl Wu Yu glanced at the car strangely, and then at the person, "Yes, pretty boy, this is a one million car!" When it was over, she turned her head: "Jiang Zai, I'm afraid this is not a car from your dealership, is it? You are going to make mistakes if you do this, and although I speak harshly, there is no need to do this in front of me."

Hey, she also misunderstood it, and took this car as a thing for Xiao Jiang to compare.

Of course not, but it's not easy to explain.

After all, Xiao Jiang herself does work in a car dealership, and it is not uncommon for people who work in a car dealership to secretly drive luxury cars out to flirt with girls.

"This car is quite new, and the refurbishment is good."

Seeing the bodyguard get into the car, Wu Yu, the Wanwan girl, got into the co-pilot directly. She wants to see how long this Xiangjiang native can last.

People from eastern Guangdong are just from eastern Guangdong, so pretend to be from Xiangjiang.

"Little boy, how old are you?" Wan Wanmei greeted her in broken Cantonese.

As a result, the driver replied directly in very standard English, "I don't speak Mandarin very well. I can converse in English. I am from Chaozhou. I was born in Xiangjiang when I was a child. Xiangjiang people are not something to be proud of. I don't know Mandarin. Sooner or later I will be dismissed." disuse."

Then, he stopped talking and concentrated on driving.

Wanwanmei felt bored and began to look at the car.

The refurbished technology is really good, and the center console is really new, just like a new one.

Of course, this is a new one. It is a free ride specially provided by Pfizer for Shen Guanglin. Shen Guanglin sent it here to pick up his students.

Inadvertently, Wanwan girl Wu Yu looked at the dashboard, looked for the odometer, and then began to be surprised loudly: "You guys are too fake! 300 kilometers, who would believe such an odometer!"

Indeed, some used car dealers do have a tradition of adjusting the odometer.

It's just that it's really a bit too much to adjust the mileage to three digits.

Feel free to be astonished, Xiao Jiang and Dianmei are silent, even the bodyguards are concentrating on driving, let her talk.

(End of this chapter)

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