Start with a college teacher

Chapter 540 Politeness

Chapter 540 Courtesy (1)

Vehicles move through the city.

Sometimes it is arranged in a single word, and sometimes it is arranged in a zigzag.

Luxury cars are different, interspersed with them, fast and stable.

The distance from Xiaojiang's residence to Caltech is quite far.

Along the way, I only heard my sister Wu Yu chattering noisily there.

However, there is always only one person talking and no one is cheering, and sometimes I will realize that the situation is not right.

No, it's cold while talking.

It was halfway through the itinerary, and she finally had some self-knowledge and awareness. She felt that the topic could not be opened by herself, and she had to bring others along.

"Liangzi, are you really from Xiangjiang?"

Not to mention, the driver's facial features are sharp and angular, and his arm muscles and pectoralis major muscles are relatively prominent. It looks like he has been exercising regularly, which is really coveted.

"Yeah, what is there to be proud of? It's just a poor family in Yau Ma Tei."

The driver and bodyguard had nothing else to do. He occasionally stared at the map, but most of the time he was still looking ahead.

After all, this is Citigroup, not Xiangjiang, and he is not familiar with the city traffic routes.

Although he has already memorized this city map very hard, this is also the duty and homework that bodyguards should have.

However, people are not machines after all, and they still need to rely on roadside reference objects to confirm the correct direction.

"Tch, just look at the pair of glasses you're wearing. It's expensive. It must cost at least a few hundred dollars. If you have money to buy glasses, you still say that you are an ordinary person? Who would believe it! Tell me, which school did you study in?" ? Sisters don’t covet your money.”

Wan Wanmei is a bit knowledgeable. The bodyguard man's sunglasses are indeed very expensive. They were a gift from someone Shen after they came to Citigroup. Everyone has them, and everyone who sees them has a share.

Professor Shen's generosity is reflected in various aspects.

"Beautiful girl, who said I'm still studying? These glasses are a gift from the boss, and I'm sure I'm not willing to spend so much money on them.

After graduating from high school and finishing Form [-], I stopped studying and went to join the army. You may have heard of the Xiangjiang Flying Tigers.I started working part-time after I got out of the army, and I just started working with my boss recently. "

The bodyguard was telling the truth, but with him, he said what he could say, and he didn't say what he couldn't.

Wan Wanmei was dubious: "Then who is your boss? So generous, what is the origin? Let me tell you about the lace news, after all, the journey is so long."

These words of the bodyguard have successfully aroused the curiosity of Wan Wanmei. It is so expensive to give away a pair of glasses. This boss is really generous.

"I can't tell you the specific situation of the boss. We eat this bowl of rice. Besides, I really don't know the boss's situation. We are not allowed to inquire about the boss's situation. This is a taboo in the industry."

The driver is in gear, the car is good, and the driving skills are not bad, it's just smooth.

"Okay, then let's not talk about your boss's personal situation, so as to save you from making taboos.

Let's just talk about this car, it's so new, isn't it really a car rented by a car dealership? "

Wanwanmei has already begun to believe that this is not a farce directed and acted by Xiao Jiang herself. She feels that such a car dealer may not be able to produce it.

"I don't know if this is a car from a car dealership, but there are several cars parked in the hotel we stayed at, and they all have consecutive numbers. one."

"Has it been refurbished and the mileage has not been adjusted?" This is very important. She always thought it was a refurbishment, but she couldn't find any traces of the refurbishment. Instead, she found that the car film had not been completely torn off in some places.

"What do you do to adjust the odometer? This is a brand new car. Even if it is rented by a car dealer, it is still a brand new car. However, this should be sponsored by a large pharmaceutical company. You have to ask your friend Mr. Jiang Kai for details. Isn't he a student of the boss, he should know better."

The topic shifted to Xiao Jiang, and the boss really had something to do with him.

Wan Wanmei hurriedly turned around: "Is what he said true?"

In fact, Xiaojiang and Dianmei listened to it with gusto along the way, and they didn't know that their teacher was so good.

Now Wan Wanmei turned around and asked, Xiao Jiang was also dumbfounded.

"I don't know either. You also saw it yesterday, and that is my teacher and teacher's wife. He was our teacher when I was in college. After graduation, I came to study abroad. I don't know much about the situation behind. "

When Xiao Jiang was studying, he knew that Teacher Shen probably had studied abroad, but Shen Guanglin rarely introduced himself, so he was not particularly aware of the teacher's situation.

And Dianmei did not graduate from Beijing University. All her news about Shen Guanglin came from Xiao Jiang, or from newspapers and media.

Therefore, it is one thing to build a respect for Teacher Shen, but it is another thing to really understand him.

Wanwanmei immediately shifted her interest to Shen Guanglin, even though she didn't know who Shen Guanglin was.

"Hey, Xiao Jiang, is your teacher married? What's his last name, and what is his background?"

Sure enough, it was the three consecutive questions about household registration, and every sentence was on point.

"I'm not particularly clear about the teacher's marital status, but, didn't you see that the one who followed him is my teacher's wife? They were together when I was in college, so you should not have other thoughts."

What Xiao Jiang didn't say was that, not to mention Teacher Shen, even Xiao Jiang himself didn't like this curvy girl with high eyesight and low hands. She went to an ordinary school and studied finance, so naturally she wasn't a good match.

Wanwanmei is not aware of her own situation:
"Tch, what ideas can I come up with, but I don't think they look like they are married. According to my guess, they are not. Do you think I still have a chance?"

The nympho has started to flood again, this curvy girl's mood changes very quickly.

"You didn't!" Xiao Jiang replied firmly.

"Why, I'm not ugly." Wan Wanmei was very confident in herself.

"You are not ugly, but you are short." Xiao Jiang's words were a little bit harsh, and hit her where she hurts.

"Hmph, you don't understand aesthetics. My name is Xiaoqiaolinglong."

After that, the whole car was silent for a long time.

Xiao Jiang successfully killed the topic with a sentence of truth.

Caltech is here.

I made a phone call at the school gate, and within a short time, a white man with the appearance of a young student came out to greet him.

"Jiang Kai, right? Please come with me, Mr. Charlie is already waiting for you." The young white man was quite polite and spoke very politely.

"Okay, thank you. Who are you? What should I call you?" Xiao Jiang said hello as she walked.

"I'm Professor Charlie's assistant. My name is Daniel. Professor Charlie is waiting for you in the office. Let's go." Daniel is tall and burly, walking very fast, looking in a hurry.

"Mr. Daniel, you are so handsome. Do you have a girlfriend? Also, is Professor Charlie a professor at Caltech?" Wanwanmei's curiosity broke out again, and she would say anything she saw.

"Oh, this honorable lady, I don't have a girlfriend. Women influence us to do scientific research. Professor Charlie is a tenured professor of our school and a fellow of the Citigroup Physical Society. If you are in physics, you should know that he It's this industry."

Speaking, Daniel also raised his thumb. He is very proud of his boss.

"How about comparing with his teacher?" Wan Wanmei pointed to Xiao Jiang.

"Oh, you said Dongfang Shen, that's not a level, please don't make such an analogy."

Daniel, who was originally proud and proud, suddenly felt that this topic was not good, and Wanwanmei immediately asked him what he didn't want to talk about.

However, Wanwanmei didn't realize it, she was just curious: "Is there a big gap between Dongfang Shen and Professor Charlie? Xiao Jiang always said that his teacher is very good, I don't believe it."

In fact, Wanwanmei's words were a bit belittling to Xiao Jiang. Whoever made him say that his teacher was good all the way, Wanwanmei refused to accept it.

Daniel didn't want to talk.

But Wanwanmei kept asking persistently.

"Humph! I've always heard that you Orientals are very humble. Why is it different from what I heard! I admit that Dongfang Shen is indeed great, but why do you use him to humiliate Professor Charlie? It's impolite !"

(End of this chapter)

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