Chapter 541 Finance (2)

"Wu Yu, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand."

Xiao Jiang felt a little embarrassed. He knew the achievements of his teacher Shen Guanglin. In physics, no one would be willing to compare with him.

Although Professor Charlie is very good at Caltech, his achievements cannot be compared with that of Mr. Shen.

"Why, did I say something wrong?"

Wanwanmei still has a ignorant expression, although Professor Charlie is a tenured professor at Caltech and an academician of physics at Citigroup.

But, didn't you say that your teachers are very good? Since your teachers can write recommendation letters for you, they shouldn't be very bad, so why can't they be compared?

"You didn't say anything wrong, but it's really impolite for you to say that." Xiao Jiang stopped Wan Wanmei from continuing, and he turned to Daniel and said, "Sorry, Wu Yu is my friend, she is not I don't know who Professor Shen is, Dongfang Shen is my teacher, but given my current situation, I don't have the face to mention my teacher, so it's no wonder she doesn't know."

"Oh, that's it. You have a teacher like Dongfang Shen. What a thing to be proud of. Why are you embarrassed to say it?" Daniel expressed his incomprehension.

In fact, this is the reason for the cultural differences between the East and the West.

Xiao Jiang is a bit ashamed, he has not made some achievements, and his teacher's international reputation is growing, which makes him even more embarrassed to mention that he is Shen Guanglin's student.

Fortunately, Professor Shen did not hate the poor and love the rich, and was still willing to help and support this former student, although he had long forgotten who this student was.

Seeing that she said something wrong, Wan Wanmei hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry, I was wrong, although I don't know where I went wrong, but through your conversations and expressions, I know I was wrong."

After listening to Xiao Jiang's explanation, Daniel stopped being angry. He knew that Wanwanmei didn't mean to ridicule intentionally, so that's fine.

However, he still explained: "Although I personally feel that even though my boss, Professor Charlie, is worse than Dongfang Shen, he is inferior in chemistry and biology, and not so far behind in physics. However, Professor Charlie himself He doesn't think so, he thinks he is just a primary school student in front of Professor Shen. Therefore, as students and assistants, we can only follow Professor Charlie."

The meaning of Daniel's words is very clear.

Although Wan Wanmei is very slow, she can still tell that Xiao Jiang's teacher is Professor Shen. This professor looks really good, and Professor Charlie admires him very much. Therefore, the boy named Daniel in front of him reported to his teacher. It's unfair, but it doesn't help.

"You're not kidding, are you?" Wan Wanmei still can't believe it. Is that professor named Dongfang Chen really so powerful?
"Of course not. Don't you really know who Dongfang Shen is? Have you never heard of his deeds?" Daniel felt that this girl was not smart, not only a jerk, but also a bit stupid. If she was his girlfriend , A slap has already been slapped.

Oh, I don't know how to find a girlfriend, this will affect the speed of my thinking.

"Madam, you came here with Jiang, and you said you were their roommate, don't you even know who his teacher is, are you one of those fools who study finance? You know money all day long!"

Daniel didn't know what kind of stimulation he had received, so he insisted that anyone who studies finance is a fool.

I don't know how it's such a coincidence, Wanwanmei is studying finance.

"Yes, I study finance, but I'm not a fool." Wan Wanmei forcefully explained for herself, your injury is too accurate, and you know that you are studying finance just by saying it casually.

Daniel didn't care, and continued: "Oh, in my place, seven or eight out of ten people who study finance are fools. They can't even do a mathematical model well, so why talk about dominating Wall Street."

Daniel successfully killed the topic again.

The road from Caltech's gate to Professor Charlie's office was not as long as expected.

After a short period of effort, they arrived at their final destination.

Professor Charlie was waiting for them at the door of the office. He was very happy to see Daniel bringing someone in.

"Oh, you are my dear Mr. Jiang Kai, you are indeed a talented person!
Well, my lab is short of a special assistant, and I think you're perfectly capable.Although the income is not a lot, there is no way to do it. Within the scope of my authority, I can only give you a monthly salary of 4000 US dollars.

After all, you haven't passed your PhD yet, but it doesn't matter. You can study for PhD while working.You don't think it's bad. "

Professor Charlie not only likes to lick Shen Guanglin, but he also talks a lot. This string of words is full of information, and he doesn't give others a chance to intervene.

Jiang Kai was so delicate, he thought that Teacher Shen had given him a chance to recommend him to study, but he didn't expect to solve all his difficulties.

"No, of course I don't think it's bad. Caltech is a much better school than Beijing University. How could I think it's bad? This is my dream school."

In this era, Caltech's international ranking is indeed better than that of Beijing University, and Jiang Kai's graduate school is considered average, not as good as Caltech.

Professor Charlie disagreed with Xiao Jiang's point of view: "NO NO NO, young man, your point of view is wrong. Capital University is the best university in China, none of them. In Citigroup, the best universities are Harvard, Yale, and Stanford, it's MIT, not Caltech"

Xiao Jiang has been taught, he knows that Professor Charlie must not have thought of this, but his teacher Shen Guanglin must have said it, and he is ashamed that he did not protect the reputation of his alma mater.

"Did your teacher, Mr. Shen, say that?"

"It is indeed what he said. I once planned to invite him to teach at Caltech. He didn't say yes or no. However, from his eyes, I knew what he meant."

"What? Some people think that such a good school as Caltech is bad?" Wan Wanmei listened for a long time, and finally couldn't help but want to interrupt.

"Of course, we are not ranked first in the country after all."

"Their Capital University is not ranked first either."

"In Shen's mind, Capital University is ranked number one. As he said, it is not the number one school. If he wants to invite him, he will not agree."

Professor Charlie was also speechless, but Shen Guanglin did have the capital to look down on others.

"Oh, Xiao Jiang, who is your lover, this talkative and small lady?"

Sure enough, he is a man of science and technology, and he is still very good at summarizing the characteristics of women, which immediately makes Wu Yu speechless.

"No, this is my lover. Her surname is Zhang, and her name is Zhang Yudian. I call her Dianmei."

"Dianmei, don't say that!" Dianmei was still a little shy, after all, the two were just lovers and not married yet.

"Very pretty girl. Are you a PhD student? Jiang Kai is doing great. Young people have a good relationship with each other. Shen supports it, and I support it. Which school do you study in? Do you want to transfer to Caltech? "

"The school I went to is not very good. I haven't graduated from graduate school yet, and I don't study physics. I study biology." Dianmei said with some surprise in her tone.

"That's okay, come on, no problem, I'll write you a letter of recommendation, and your student status will be directly transferred to Caltech." Professor Charlie took care of everything. In Citigroup, letters of recommendation from well-known professors are more useful than anything else. .

"Then can I come too? I'm also a friend of Dongfang Shen." Wan Wanmei was also tempted. Caltech University is a prestigious school, and it will be more face-saving for her to speak out in the future.

"Small beauty, of course you can come, as long as you are not those idiots who study finance, you can come. Tell me, what major do you study?" Professor Charlie is very kind. I guess Daniel said that The financial jerks come from him, in the same vein, with the same tone.

"I'm just an idiot studying finance."

(End of this chapter)

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