Chapter 542 Fate (1)

"Thank you, Teacher Shen."

After being admitted by Professor Charlie of Caltech, Xiao Jiang finally moved to a new house.

He specially set up a banquet to thank the teacher for his kindness.

You treat me to dinner, then I invite you to drink.

Shen Guanglin came with drinks. After so many years of edification and exploration, he found that Moutai is really delicious.

Although those famous foreign red wines are more expensive, they really taste very ordinary.

Therefore, no matter where he goes, as long as there is a social occasion, Shen Guanglin will prepare some Moutai wine.

Now this wine is not too expensive, Shen Guanglin's hoarded wine at home, even if he drank a case every day, he would not be able to drink it all his life.

How much are these wines worth in later generations?Who cares about this.

For Shen Guanglin's help, Xiao Jiang is very grateful. He finally has a suitable and yearning job, and he no longer has to work a few jobs in Chinatown.

In fact, he didn't want to do this either, and there was nothing he could do about it. The tuition fee for his girlfriend's younger sister was too expensive, and her period of public funding was over, so she didn't go back.

At this time, if you don't get the school scholarship, you can only pay for it yourself if you want to continue your studies.

Self-pay is not a simple sentence.

It is definitely not enough for a person to work part-time to earn tuition fees, and someone needs to work full-time to help her earn tuition fees.

Tuition is not so easy to earn.

Speaking of part-time jobs, it’s okay for people like Xiao Jiang and Dianmei who have status and background, at least they are legal people, and they can find decent jobs in Citigroup, it’s just the difference between having more money and less money.

The most difficult and bitter ones are the gold diggers brought here by the smugglers. They sold everything in the country, sold everything they could sell, and floated here desperately. As a result, they lived an even more miserable life.

These people originally thought that when they went overseas, gold was everywhere, and they could earn a month's wages in China if they worked here for a day.

However, things are far from as good as imagined. Without an identity, one is smuggling, and without a legal identity, there is no legal job.

They never expected that these yellow-skinned compatriots are actually even more unbearable.

Those Chinese who came earlier and have established a firm foothold in Chinatown, the most exploited are these newly arrived compatriots who have no roots.

When Shen Guanglin came to this era, he heard that there were many such things abroad, and he had no intention of changing this situation.

It's just that I ran into my former student by chance, so it's okay to help out with a little effort.

As for the living conditions of other people, he really can't control it that much.

This is a chatting party of Mr. Jing, neither Li Rong nor Dianmei attended.

The two first reminisced about the past, and reviewed some days of studying and living in Peking University, and then they talked about the topic.

In fact, there is nothing serious about it, it's just chatting.

"Student Jiang, have you ever thought about going back to China?" Shen Guanglin asked.

"I don't know either. When I came out, many teachers advised me not to come back if I could go out, and some students also had the same attitude. They felt that the gap between China and the West is so big, how can we catch up? How can I catch up. Therefore, I admire you very much, and I especially admire you. With your own efforts, you have opened up a world for the Chinese."

Xiao Jiang said, filled a glass of wine with both hands, and brought it to Shen Guanglin respectfully.

A toast, for the teacher, but also for the seniors.

Shen Guanglin took the wine and drank it enthusiastically.

Xiao Jiang's words, Shen Guanglin, really love to hear them. Only praise from the heart is the most comfortable and intoxicating.

Shen Guanglin is busy with these things, what is he drawing, isn't that all.

Shen Guanglin pretended to have nothing else to say, but just waved his hands casually: "Everywhere, this is what I should do, and I haven't done enough."

I can't hold back that arrogant look.

Xiao Jiang didn't notice it, he was still immersed in his own topic:
"The more this is the case, the more difficult it becomes for you. In the past few years abroad, my ambition has changed a lot from before. Now I can't decide whether to go back or not, and at what stage I can go back."

This is Xiao Jiang's sincere words.

His own mood was also very contradictory. If he hadn't met Shen Guanglin, he might have continued to struggle for several years.

Until one day, he finally got a PhD degree, found a university teaching position in Citigroup, and then taught and researched at the same time, and lived here for the rest of his life.

If it wasn't for a special opportunity, I probably wouldn't have returned to China in this life.

This is the future development path of most international students.

Shen Guanglin expressed his understanding: "Everyone has a way to go. No matter what you choose, teachers should support you."

"Indeed, the country has sent a lot of overseas students over the years, but not many have returned. At the beginning, I was very angry because I hoped that they would go back to China for construction like I did. Now, I am much calmer.

After really understanding this era, I realized that if I were in their position, I might not have the courage to return to China.They are not necessarily coveting the wealth and splendor overseas, most of them are taken away by the prosperity of others.

They feel that the gap between China and the West is so big, and they may feel a little uncomfortable when they return to the poor and backward China after they have seen advanced and developed countries. "

This is Shen Guanglin's summary of the ideological dynamics of the academic elite of this era.

It is undeniable that they have patriotic feelings, but after they come out, they may not really plan to go back.

Xiao Jiang nodded frantically, he just meant what Teacher Shen said.

In fact, he really wanted to go back in his heart, especially after meeting his idol Shen Guanglin, he wanted to go back to serve the motherland even more, but now he can't go.

"Mr. Shen, it's not that I don't want to go back to China, it's that I haven't acquired enough knowledge and ability. If I go back now, I feel like I just graduated from university. So, I still want to stay and settle down."

"It's good for you to think so, and I wish you success in your studies. Generally speaking, the teaching conditions in Citigroup are still better than those in China. Perhaps it is also a way to lose some students in exchange for the country's technological progress. History must."

Shen Guanglin knew that these people hadn't returned to the country now, but that didn't mean they weren't patriotic.

If the opportunity is right and the chance coincides, they may go back and contribute their own strength.

Chinese people have unceasing family and country feelings.

"Stop talking about that, let's drink!"

Shen Guanglin raised his glass again and touched Xiao Jiang.

"Xiao Jiang, do you know how many students from Beijing University are still here in Los Angeles, let's call them together another day, I still have some influence in Citigroup, and my recommendation letter can still help some busy."

Shen Guanglin suddenly thought of this!

Shen Guanglin feels that relying on his own laboratory cannot cultivate too many talents, and Citigroup is the real talent cultivation base.

There are a lot of people from Capital University who come to Citigroup to study abroad, and there will naturally be many people who come to California and Los Angeles. If they can be gathered together, how much human wealth is this?

With these talent pools, are you afraid that your company will lack talents?

This was just a momentary thought, but the more Shen Guanglin thought about it, the more he felt wise and powerful.

Teacher Shen is really wise.

Xiao Jiang also felt that he understood Mr. Shen's good intentions. He nodded hard, "I don't know many people myself, but there is a fellow country association here, and Capital University also has its own organization. I will find the president. , he knows many international students from Peking University."

That feeling is good.

"It's just, Mr. Shen, is it okay to be from other schools, or not from my class?"

Xiao Jiang thought that Shen Guanglin was showing kindness. Teacher Shen wanted to understand everyone's life and study conditions, and then try to help everyone.

In fact, Shen Guanglin wanted all the heroes in the world to fall into his trap.

However, this kind of behavior is also rather indiscriminate.

For an organization to have cohesion, there must naturally be a reason and a reason.

Being an alumnus of Capital University is a good reason, and being a student of Shen Guanglin is a good threshold.

If the threshold is too low and the number of personnel is too high, the students will not have a sense of superiority, and they will not feel proud to join this organization. This is not advisable.

"Xiao Jiang, I'm not a saint, I'm just an ordinary teacher. If I didn't graduate from Beijing University, if I didn't have students who have listened to my class, then they shouldn't be my students. I think I have a good relationship with them. If we haven’t arrived, let’s cherish the fate.”

(End of this chapter)

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