Chapter 543 Party (2)

Shen Guanglin really chose the right starting point.

Los Angeles is a good city with many famous schools.

California, also known as the Golden State, is the most economically developed state on the western Pacific coast of Citigroup.

Although its capital, Sacramento, is not particularly famous, there are many famous cities in California, and even more famous schools.

Shen Guanglin originally said that he would not give lectures again in a short time, but he quickly broke his promise, and it was on purpose.

Moreover, he even publicly announced his speech itinerary. Like a certain singer, he wants to hold 32 concerts. Shen Guanglin wants to hold 32 lectures in a row, with lectures all over California.

Why are there so many lectures?

for money.

Shen Guanglin publicly admitted: it is for money, to earn more money that can be used for free consumption.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory has raised donations from some organizations and foundations, but if Shen Guanglin wants to consume by himself, he needs to make more money.

Is Professor Shen so short of money?
There is something inside this, let me tell you all about it.

Of course, there is another news that is not public. Professor Shen is going to organize the Capital University Alumni Association in Los Angeles. Anyone who has attended Professor Shen’s courses during their studies and considers themselves to be Shen Guanglin’s students can come to the party. .

Moreover, the schools they attend are not limited to Los Angeles, but all over California. As long as you graduated from Beijing University, as long as you were a student of Mr. Shen, come on.

With Xiao Jiang and others promoting the campaign, the secret of Mr. Shen making money spread among the international students.

Professor Shen Guanglin has been doing crazy tours in various parts of California recently, not for publicity and popularization of knowledge, but just to make money.

As for his purpose of making money, it turned out to be to help the international students of Peking University who were trapped in poverty.

Professor Shen himself is a person who has achieved financial freedom. He usually spends money without paying by himself. He has a laboratory and sponsors, but the reason why he works so hard is to help as many students in Beijing University as possible to solve problems. Some economic and other issues.

And such a thing?

Yes, 32 lectures, all over California, finished in 16 days, with an average of two lectures a day.

But, can Teacher Shen's body withstand it?
Some people were even moved to tears.

If you can't stand it, you have to stand it, isn't this more touching?

There are many famous schools in California, such as Stanford University, Caltech University, UC Berkeley, San Diego, Los Angeles and other branches.

Shen Guanglin has to go to these prestigious schools, which is already his public itinerary.

In fact, Shen Guanglin is already familiar with holding lectures.

However, this is the first time that such intensive lectures have been held.

Shen Guanglin is also afraid of gossip. His schedule has already been arranged. Teacher Shen has no bad money. Each of his 32 lectures has a different topic and content.

If some good people can follow along and listen to it all the way, he will find that these courses will not be repeated, and they are all popular genres.

According to the plan, there are several lectures on quantum communication, some on the standard model of theoretical physics; some on football thinner; on carbon fiber, on superconductors, on nanotechnology, and on cloning organisms .

Professor Shen is never afraid of not having a research direction when he wants to start a class.

This is the first time Shen Guanglin admits that the reason for his lectures is money.

This has formed a good story, and Xiao Jiang is one of the protagonists of the story.

The content of the story is as follows. Xiao Jiang used to be a student of Shen Guanglin. He has been studying in Citigroup for 4 years. It is very difficult. Now he has to interrupt his studies to make money first.

Shen saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart. He sponsored and supported Xiao Jiang, and gave him the opportunity to help and continue to learn.

Professor Shen heard that there are still many people in need of help, and his compassion is offended, but he can't use other people's donations, which are used for scientific research.

Therefore, Professor Shen plans to give more lectures to earn more money and support those students who need it more.

What a noble sentiment!

In the sound of everyone's discussion, the lecture began.

Sure enough, Shen Guanglin didn't paddle the whole time. His speech was polished by the secretary, and the appeal was still very strong.

The speech was well written, and some particularly boring professional knowledge became interesting after being narrated by someone from him.

Everyone was fascinated, and these universities also felt that it was really worth spending 5 US dollars to listen to Professor Shen's lecture.

However, there are two lectures every day these days, which is really a test for Shen Guanglin's physical fitness.

Shen Guanglin even had the illusion that a star was running for publicity when the movie was released.

Fortunately, after the baptism of the World Cup held in Mexico City, a plateau city, Professor Shen's physical strength has really improved a lot.

This is scientifically based. Altitude training can improve the physical fitness of athletes. This is not nonsense.

Shen Guanglin insisted on exercising for a long time, even in foreign hotels during the Olympic Games, he did not relax.

By the time he came down from the plateau and returned to California, his physical fitness had already undergone a quantitative change and exploded.

This is also the confidence that supports him to complete 32 lectures.

Time passed day by day, and lectures were held one after another.

Hard to get a vote.

Although there are 32 lectures, Shen Guanglin's design is very reasonable, and no class is repeated.

The tour is over, and Shen Guanglin has returned to Los Angeles.

Not in vain, he successfully raised 160 million US dollars.

This is his tool to buy people's hearts.

Although Shen Guanglin already had a lot of money, the money he earned was too easy and meaningless, so it must not be able to buy people's hearts.

It is through special efforts that these hard-won money can move people's hearts even more.

Now, everyone knows that Mr. Shen earned 160 million US dollars to support the international students of Beijing University.

If it's not enough, he can earn more.

The day of the party is coming, and the alumni who signed up are very enthusiastic.

Everyone is not for Shen Guanglin's money, they admire Professor Shen's charisma.

It is really our honor to have such a teacher Shen.

Several alumni of Capital University were doing reception work, and many students from Stanford and other schools also arrived one after another. Shen Guanglin was to reimburse their round-trip air tickets and travel expenses.

Of course, this money is specially sponsored by the Great Wall Group, it's different.

The $160 million that Shen Guanglin earned will have even greater utility.

Capital University deserves to be the cradle of training engineers for Citigroup. In just one place in California, Shen Guanglin successfully organized a gathering team of nearly a hundred people.

Of course, this is also the result of repeated screening, because some people are not familiar with Shen Guanglin, and those who have not listened to his courses have already been stopped by their classmates.

For example, there was a classmate who studied finance and economics. He also admired Professor Shen very much and wanted to meet him face to face. However, they were blocked by the organizers, and Shen Guanglin let them in on purpose.

This kind of gathering was the most boring. Everyone was a proud person, that is, Shen Guanglin. He had been his teacher before, so it gave him face.

Shen Guanglin did not put on airs like a teacher, he originally only wanted to arrange a symposium, just to learn about the living conditions of the students.

Now, he doesn't think so anymore.

The party started, and Shen Guanglin began to talk about the relationship between master and student.

"I'm very happy and honored. How old am I? I used to be everyone's teacher." These were Shen Guanglin's opening words.

There was a warm applause from the audience, which was for Shen Guanglin's support.

"There is a saying in ancient times that a master and a student are like a father and a son. If I say the same thing, am I taking advantage of everyone?"

Everyone smiled knowingly. After all, Shen Guanglin is a world-renowned scientist. They are also very happy and proud to have such a teacher. They are willing to recognize this teacher.

"The master-student relationship is a very traditional cultural relationship. This relationship is an important factor in maintaining social development. But in fact, we are all people of the same age. I am honored to be your teacher for a year or two. It’s not that I’m good at being a teacher, it’s really because of fate.”

(End of this chapter)

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