Chapter 544 Work (1)

The Ritz-Carlton Resort Hotel has beautiful scenery and expensive fees.

Even in Los Angeles, Shen Guanglin chose this hotel again.

This is the case with Shen Guanglin. He complained to Marriott twice, but he still chose Ritz-Carlton, which belongs to the same company.

If their hotel group has an intranet, it must be marked in it: this product is a master.

Speaking of which, their hotel has never hosted so many Chinese. This is the first time, but it won't be the last time.

Of course, they have seen Asian gathering groups before. For example, it is very common for Fusang people to stay in groups.

In this era, the Fusang people have become so rich that they are unscrupulous.

No matter in Citigroup or in Europe, obasans are shopping like crazy everywhere, just like the Huaxia aunts decades later.

However, for Chinese people to be able to freely stay in hotels like Marriott, it still takes time and wealth to accumulate.

Now, everyone can stay in such a luxurious hotel thanks to the sponsorship of the Great Wall Group, and it is all thanks to Professor Shen's face and credit.

In a large-scale gathering, the success of the event organization and the content of the speaker's speech are of course important, but the talent who makes the speech is the most important factor.

It was also because the person who gave the speech was Shen Guanglin that everyone was patient and willing to listen carefully.

However, Shen Guanglin didn't talk too much at the meeting. He just said: We are alumni, classmates, I am a teacher and even a friend. When we go outside, we must unite and help each other.

This is different from the impression of his past that people who are familiar with him have.

Probably, this is also human nature.

When studying, students are always a little afraid of the teacher.

Although I may not agree with the teacher's earnest instruction, I dare not refute it.

After really graduating, or after graduating for many years, I found out that the teacher is still different from the person I thought in the past.

One midnight, the detention center.

"Teacher, why did you come in?"

"PC caught."


The people who came today were all students who were familiar with Shen Guanglin, at least they were students who had listened to his lectures. They were all alumni, and they could not pass the preliminary examination if they were just pretending to be fake.

Therefore, this gathering still has a threshold, and those who can come have a sense of honor and a special bond.

In everyone's previous impression, although Professor Shen is "young and promising", he is a "narrow" patriot, and he is often very poor abroad, and he has a future in China.

Therefore, in everyone's impression, he should be a person who opposes students studying abroad.

Now, everyone didn't follow Teacher Shen's instruction and came out. I don't know what Teacher Shen would think.

Abroad is indeed not as beautiful as imagined before, and it is even worse than what Mr. Shen said at the beginning.

However, with regard to the bright future of the country, everyone has not really seen it.

So it's confusing.

Now, everyone's feelings for Shen Guanglin are at the stage of both respect and fear.

When these people came to Citigroup, sometimes they knew that Professor Shen was also in Citigroup, but they still didn't dare to look for him because they were afraid that Shen Guanglin would continue to criticize them.

In fact, they are thinking too much.

Shen Guanglin never objected to students studying abroad, he just objected to the kind of people who insist on saying that everything abroad is good, and thus belittle domestic people without a bottom line.

In today's speech, Shen Guanglin talked about a very realistic topic related to our future, that is, the environment and opportunities.

Where does the opportunity lie?
Many people take it for granted that it exists in Citigroup, which has an extremely developed economy and military.

However, Shen Guanglin didn't think so.

In Shen Guanglin's view, opportunities exist in China.

The reason is also very simple.

Huaxia has an infinitely huge potential market.

Moreover, according to the current economic development trend, Citigroup is deindustrializing, but which country can undertake industrialization?
Naturally, China has a solid industrial foundation and a complete range of industries.

The old Maozi's country may have better hardware conditions, but they are on the wrong track.

One step wrong, step by step wrong.

"Let's not talk about the international environment, but about personal struggles. As a Chinese, if you are in China, Europe, Citigroup, or Africa, if you put in the same level of effort, where is it easier to get results?"

Shen Guanglin raised such a question, he felt it was time to talk to them about his personal future.

"I know what some of you think, and you definitely think the opportunity is in Citigroup because they're richer, more economically developed, and more free.

However, I don't think this is really the future. "

If you think that the future refers to the business of washing dishes to earn wages and engaging in manual labor, Citigroup’s income must be higher than that of Huaxia, even in the next few decades.

But if people want to do business, engage in trade, gain social status.Once you give up the advantages of language and social relations, it may not be a good thing to go abroad for development. "

Shen Guanglin's words can be said to be speaking from a neutral standpoint, and he has indeed achieved impartiality.

Everyone is the pride of heaven, where is the advantage in development?Everyone should think clearly.

If you just want to do ordinary scientific research and don't pursue social status, Citigroup is indeed a choice. However, when a person reaches a certain stage, in addition to scientific research achievements, he naturally needs social recognition.

In an environment like Citigroup, can the scientific research achievements of Huaxia people be recognized?
Citigroup is an immigrant country, and it is also stratified. Asians and Hispanics are at the bottom of society, just like Dalits in the three countries of Afghanistan.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Guanglin made a bold conclusion.

Those in Shanghai, in the capital, sold their ancestral properties and houses in order to go abroad.

When they work hard for decades and return to China with all their wealth and prepare to return to their roots and become masters, they may find that the wealth they have accumulated is no longer enough to buy the house they sold at the beginning.

If this is the case, do you think their efforts in this life are still meaningful?
This is impossible!
Everyone doesn't believe it.

However, this can wait and see.

All groups of immigrants who have left the embrace of the motherland and become super rich simply relying on the overseas environment to obtain wealth, Shen Guanglin has heard of very few, or even none.

But most people still rely on their domestic connections to earn domestic money, and even scold their domestic mothers when they're done.

Obviously made money in the environment of reform and opening up, turned around and transferred the wealth abroad, and then began to look down on the domestic economy sourly.

Don't have too many people like this.

However, that is the future.

Let's focus on the present.

Everyone is a student of Teacher Shen, and everyone is a student who graduated from Beijing University. This is a double bond, and everyone must use it.

It is not easy to go out, and Mr. Shen has limited ability, so he can only provide everyone with the help within his ability.

Not much to say, next, it's really time to send money.

This matter does not need to be done by others, Shen Guanglin and his assistants are responsible for it themselves.

Shen Guanglin's team is still very meticulous in their work, basically grasping everyone's demands.

The easiest way to study and lack money is to just give money.

Some people earn money in work-study, but lack a better study environment.

That's okay, Teacher Shen can help you write a letter of recommendation.Shen Guanglin didn't have anything else, but he still had some face. Even people who didn't know him would consider Shen Guanglin's recommendation letter carefully.

Can those who graduate from Beijing University and be recommended to study abroad be mediocre?
There is another kind, a bit similar to Xiao Jiang, who have studied abroad and graduated from graduate school, but they don’t want to continue their studies and want to work, but they haven’t integrated into society yet.

This still needs to be well planned.

Are you willing to consider the job opportunity of Pfizer?

(End of this chapter)

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