Chapter 545 City Grace (1)

Pfizer's status and influence in Citigroup is like Great Wall Group's status and influence in China.

Not to mention world-famous, but also very important.

In China, there are almost no TV watchers who don't know about Great Wall Company. At least, they have seen Great Wall Company's commercials.

Few of the people who can study in Citigroup have never heard of this company. At least, they have taken the medicine produced by this company.

Although Pfizer has yet to invent a magic weapon for men, its influence in the pharmaceutical field is still outstanding, even top-notch at the global level.

And the degree of wealth of the pharmaceutical company is really enviable by the real name. This company is richer than the Great Wall Company at this stage.

Of course Shen Guanglin knew what the ingredients in Viagra were, wasn't it sildenafil?

However, Shen Guanglin really didn't want to touch this drug, even though it could bring tens of billions of dollars in profits.

Fried Murad earned the title of "Father of Viagra" because he completed the theoretical foundation preparation work for the successful development of sildenafil.

Although he won the Nobel Prize for this achievement, he was not happy, and even said angrily: "The father of Viagra is an extremely stupid title. If I go back in time, I would rather I never lead to the invention of this drug." .”

For a great scientist, the reputation of his life's scientific research has been put on the "Xiasan Road", which is really not very pleasant.

Imagine, Professor Shen Guanglin, a great scientist in China, the father of Viagra.
Oops, I lost my life.

This thing is really making money, but is Mr. Shen still short of money?
Of course missing!
He still has too many dreams waiting to be realized, all of which require money. After all, Huaxia is still very poor at this stage, and research requires a lot of money.

Dreams need wealth to support them.

No money?

Even Xie Xiaomeng said, if you don't have money, how can you detain a girl.

Otherwise, let's find someone to instruct and let him invent sildenafil, shall we?

After all, the principle is just that sentence: nitric oxide can promote cardiovascular expansion.

Let someone in your own laboratory perfect this theory, and then let your own laboratory and Pfizer work together to complete the development of sildenafil?

The original intention of the project setting can also be to study and treat heart disease.

However, according to this principle, no medicine for heart disease was produced, but a friend of men like Viagra was produced. This is beyond his control. Is this a surprise?
History is littered with inventions where the end result was not the same as the original intention, and there are notable examples of both good and bad.

For example, the Viagra we mentioned earlier.

This drug was originally planned to be used to treat cardiovascular and angina pectoris. After it was developed, in clinical trials, statistics found that its efficacy in treating cardiovascular was not obvious, but its side effects were more useful.

Hello, me too.

This is a good invention, and there are even worse inventions.

For example, heroin.

The original intention of this kind of thing was to get rid of the addiction of opium and morphine. Unexpectedly, it became the real king of drugs.

"Heroin" originally meant "heroine", but this heroine is really harmful.

In fact, the party can be regarded as a successful end here.

Shen Guanglin said that this is the first meeting of our Peking University international students, but it will not be the last. If you have any difficulties, please bring them up. As long as you can help, you will do your best.

The meeting was about to adjourn, and Shen Guanglin really asked everyone if they would like to work for Pfizer.

Everyone's first reaction is: Can we really go to work in such a company?

Of course it is possible, please don’t belittle yourself, we are from Beijing University after all, we can go anywhere.

From a certain level, since everyone is a graduate of Capital University, don't be afraid.

Now, we can still say that we are shareholders of Pfizer.

This title really wasn't given by the Great Wall Group, it was brought by Shen Guanglin's laboratory at Capital University.

Because, Pfizer did set up a new department called the PCR Medical Device Division, and Shen Guanglin Laboratory of Beijing University accounted for 30% of it.

This is no longer a small shareholder, this is one of the big bosses.

It is precisely because of this that Shen Guanglin recommends some people to work in it, which is as it should be.

None of this is exercising shareholder power.

However, it is not Shen's style not to exercise power.

Long before the party, Shen Guanglin said that he hoped that Pfizer would help, at least to give his students a chance to practice.

Shen Guanglin's request is not high, just give us a chance to compete fairly.

What can't be agreed to? After all, it is the request of the world's most famous scientist.

Even, the company still thought, you'd better recommend some scumbags to come over, I want to admit him, it depends on your face, Shen Guanglin.

Moreover, people have already prepared it, and the people from Pfizer are standing next door to the meeting.

This is also pre-arranged work.

Pfizer has been very eager since it got online with Shen Guanglin.

They also made a systematic analysis and understanding of Shen Guanglin's scientific research results, and they all agreed that Professor Shen is the combination of Einstein and Edison, and this is really a once-in-a-century genius.

As long as Professor Shen is interested in the field, the results must be the fastest.

They understood from the side, the closer people are to Professor Shen, the more they feel his magic and greatness.

The same problem, when everyone is at a loss.

When it comes to Professor Shen, even though he hasn't figured out the ins and outs of the problem.

However, as long as it is the advice and direction he gave, everyone can walk along this road, and it is really possible to go through!

If this kind of keen judgment is not a genius, then what is a genius.

After Shen Guanglin's recommendation, some students who plan to stay and work will join Pfizer to start their new careers.

Moreover, not only the PCR Medical Device Division, but also other units of Pfizer that lack talents, they will also recruit them.

In short, the more the merrier.

This is not just a good relationship for Shen Guanglin, and his unit is not stupid, these are the top talents in China, even if the majors are not suitable, if they are trained in the unit, can't they become talents?

The diligence and high IQ of the Chinese were probably established from the overseas students of this era.

And these people are really capable, otherwise they wouldn't be sent abroad.

Sometimes, learning and test-taking ability is also a kind of ability.

Most of the people who say that others have high scores and low abilities every day are caused by a kind of jealousy.

It is undeniable that there are people with high scores and low abilities, but more people not only have high scores, but also high abilities.

Everyone made a worthwhile trip to this gathering, even Li Rong was very rewarding.

As one of the organizers of this party and the chief financial officer, she solidified her caring, kind and gentle image as a teacher's wife, which left a deep impression on the students.

Because, it was she who organized the assistants to complete the file registration of the students; it was she who arranged individual rationalization suggestions for each student;

At this party, Shen Guanglin spent all the 160 million US dollars he earned.

Li Rong personally accompanied every speech, and she personally took out every check.

Although Li Rong had never seen so much money in her life, she did not show any pettiness at all, and she was not merciless in distributing the money that should be spent.

Live in the air, nourish the transplanted body.

Li Rong, who was born in a wealthy family since she was a child, is really not a greedy person. She knows that Shen Guanglin has made a lot of money, and she also knows that sometimes it is not easy to make money.

However, Li Rong was not at all ambiguous about the money that should be spent and the expression that should be given.

After all, with so many people, only a small part of the students came from Los Angeles, and more students came from California or other cities on the west coast. Although the transportation fee is not much, every amount is very important.

Moreover, Li Rong also prepared personalized small gifts for everyone, taking care of everyone's needs, and there is also an option to choose 5 out of 3.

The list of gifts was given to everyone in advance, so that everyone can take it away when they leave. Only choose those that are useful to you, and leave the ones that are not suitable for you to others.

Many years have passed, and everyone still remembers that at the party organized by Professor Shen in Los Angeles, the most dazzling person was not Shen Guanglin, but the teacher who did not know her name.

(End of this chapter)

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