Chapter 546 Listed (2)

Famous schools cannot guarantee the upper limit of life, but they can set the lower limit of life.

As long as he can be admitted to Capital University, he has already guaranteed a stable job and an enviable resume.

Even, how many years have passed, it can still bring glory to the family.

And being able to have the opportunity to study abroad adds a touch of good grades to this resume.

At least, from a personal point of view, at this stage, there is basically no problem in realizing the dream of the middle class.

If you want to have a higher pursuit, it depends on your personal efforts and opportunities.

If this person can choose to return to China at the right time, his achievements may be even greater.

Of course, if he chooses right every time in his life, then he is simply the standard template for a perfect life.

This is rare.

In China, Ye Shuai seemed to be the only one who made the right choice every time he had to make a choice.

It is not that there is no fairness in the world, it depends on whether you have the ability to fight for fairness.

Shen Guanglin arranged opportunities for students to compete fairly with others in the workplace, and that was enough.

After finishing these things, his own mood is also very happy.

Shen Guanglin suddenly felt that his Great Wall Group should not lack talents in the future.

If there were another ten years or so, how many students and outstanding talents would come out to choose from.

He even felt that after so many years of traveling, the only thing he did was the happiest thing for him.

He hadn't even been this happy when he lost $3000 million on the World Cup bet.

People's sense of pleasure comes from feedback on the results of their past efforts, and also from the approval of others.

The students certainly agree with Mr. Shen.

That day, Shen Guanglin looked at the crowd of talented people. These "superior people" in everyone's eyes were all his students.

That feeling is really intoxicating.

Life, isn't it supposed to be like this.

This is called peaches and plums all over the world.

Shen generation master.

The party is over.

The prosperity has come to an end, leaving only Shen Guanglin, Li Rong, assistants and bodyguards.

The affairs of Citigroup have come to an end, and the next step is to consider what to do next.

What else can we do, Shen Guanglin thinks, he is a teacher, he still can't give up his job, let's go back and organize teaching!
Moreover, Shen Guanglin decided that in the future, he will not only be a teacher in the physics department, but also teach public basic courses, and he will become a teacher for more people.

It's just that if this is the case, it will be even more difficult for his assistants.

Obviously the one who is the teacher is me, but I can only say that I am the senior brother.

It is estimated that Shen Guanglin's assistants will be divided into work assistants, life assistants, and teaching assistants in the future.

Otherwise, human energy is limited. Although the assistant is also a graduate of Beijing University, although he is also a dragon among men, he is not a god after all.

Industry specializing in surgery!
Shen Guanglin doesn't care about this, he wants to be a teacher to more people.

In this way, when everyone recalls the past, they will remember that they had such a great teacher.

It really complements each other.

When you think of it, do it quickly.

Shen Guanglin greeted, and the plane roared and landed in the capital.

However, it was midsummer at this time.

The weather was surprisingly hot, the leaves were curling, and Ah Huang couldn't stick his tongue out.

What are you doing back now?
Shen Guanglin himself soon found out, what are you doing back at this time?It's not fun on such a hot day.

It's still summer vacation, and the students haven't started school yet.

Moreover, thinking about what will happen in a few years, Shen Guanglin's thoughts on teaching and educating people began to fade again.

Ah, I planned to go to Xiangjiang before, so it’s not too late now.

Everyone was also confused by Boss Shen's actions.

I just returned to the capital happily, but I didn't do anything when I arrived in the capital, and then I went out for a cruise.

To be rich is to be willful, as soon as you think about it, you will do so.

It's hot in Beijing, but it's also hot in other places.

Going to Xiangjiang to escape the summer heat is only something Shen can think of.

Of course, Shen Guanglin also had a series of travel plans, although these plans were made casually on the road.

According to Shen Guanglin's plan, he had to go to Shanghai first, then to Shencheng, and then to Xiangjiang, where he took his cruise ship out to sea, and took a detour to Beihai to see how his manufacturing base was doing.

It is said that the development of Beihai is not satisfactory. What's the matter?Shen Guanglin planned to go and have a look.

However, their first stop was Modu.

However, as soon as he arrived in Shanghai, Shen Guanglin didn't want to go any further.

Kadoorie Residence is comfortable to live in.

Of course, there are already people here temporarily working here, people from the headquarters of the Great Wall Group.

One thing is very clear, since Shen Guanglin proposed the idea of ​​Great Wall to establish the headquarters of the group, even if everyone has an idea in their hearts, they must implement it honestly.

Although the big boss may not put his mind on business, everyone must implement his request without compromise.

Boss Shen's success cannot be replicated, and Shen Guanglin's orders cannot be shirked.

After arriving in Shanghai, Shen Guanglin really started a rare office life.

Get up on time every day, then go out to the alley to have some breakfast, and then go to the office to work.

Seeing that Shen Guanglin was so honest, Li Rong let him stay here alone and went back to work in the capital.

Shen Guanglin really just sat still, staying in the office for a whole day.

Knowing that the big boss is in Shanghai, some people including Da Liu and Su Youpeng came to him.

Usually, Boss Shen has a lot of work to do every day, and it is even more difficult to find him to report on work.

Now, he's at work normally, so why don't you hurry over here.

In the past few days, Liu always held back some words, wanted to say something but didn't say it, everyone could see it.

"If you have something to say, you can say it, if you have a fart, you can let it go."

Shen Guanglin had already seen that something was wrong with Liu, it was not his style at all.

Da Liu also thought about it, "Our Great Wall Group, whether it is an electrical appliance group or a textile group, their business scale and performance are very good, and the group can be split into three or five listed companies. Mr. Shen, have you considered it? Is it listed?"

"Is this your idea?" Shen Guanglin was puzzled.

"No, some securities companies have been asking, and everyone has the same idea. Even Lao Su and Lao Huang think that the company will go public one day."

Shen Guanglin shook his head, "I don't want to go public. If anyone has this idea, you can give them the names of directors of listed companies to suppress the situation."

Liu is now a director of more than a dozen listed companies. Although Great Wall Investment does not control those shares, the proportion of shares they hold is not low. This is one of the reasons why Liu's status in Xiangjiang has risen.

Before, he was a fan Liu.

Now, he's the big hose.

However, Da Liu still did not give up. "The company is listed, and we still have a controlling stake. This money is not for nothing."

Indeed, the benefits of listing a company are obvious.

The biggest advantage is financing.

Why is listing called misappropriating money? Where is the cost of money in the stock market?

As for dividends?

Labor and management rely on their skills to get money, so why should they pay dividends?

Looking at China and foreign countries, there are many listed companies that do not pay dividends.

For example, in the A-shares of later generations, at least one-third of the companies have never paid dividends since they went public.

There are not many high-quality companies like Ms. Dong. When she was angry, Ms. Dong said: I will not pay you dividends for 5 years, what can you do to me?
Foreign companies are probably also pissed. Let’s say that Apple, the world’s largest market value company, has ever paid dividends, or not.

Their company has never paid a dime.

However, this was not what Shen Guanglin wanted.

What Shen Guanglin thought was that when the company goes public one day, a lot of information will be made public, which is not conducive to Shen Guanglin's hiding and management.

Therefore, as long as it does not go public, it can safely become a private company.

What to do after that quick money.

What Shen Guanglin means is that his company will be operated into a company like Huawei in the future.

Without a loan, you can live very well just relying on your own funds.

Let's resolutely don't manage ourselves as Hengtai. Once we are burdened with huge debts, there will be no chance of turning around.

(End of this chapter)

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