Start with a college teacher

Chapter 547 Interview

Chapter 547 Interview (1)

Wealth does not reveal itself, wealth does not reveal appearance, and nobility does not walk alone.

If you want to mobilize the Great Wall Group to go public, don't mention it again, someone Shen will not agree.

It's not time for him to "expose".

However, Shen Guanglin publicizes that he is rich, but his money, as the people of the whole country know, is dedicated to the cause of science and technology.

For example, Professor Shen raised a large sum of money from Citigroup this time.This money is very enviable. If so much money is given to me, how many great things can I do.

But those people are stupid, they only recognize Shen Guanglin for donations.

However, regarding the matter of going public, Shen Guanglin was also relieved. If they were really lonely and wanted to have fun, they could just buy one or two listed companies and become the major shareholder themselves.

The current local government recognizes this.

There are not many other things in Xiangjiang, but there are many listed companies. Many companies that rely on not to delist actually have no market value and are all shell companies.

Not to mention, Su Youpeng and the others really have such an idea, and only Da Liu doesn't need to do this, because he has his own listed company.

Probably, and because of this, Shen Guanglin has gradually pushed Da Liu out of his inner circle.

It's not that I'm afraid that he will have second thoughts, but that since you have your own property, it's really a waste of talent if you stay with me.

In fact, there are signs of this matter. Now, many important matters are decided by Shen Guanglin alone, or the heavy responsibility is directly handed over to outsiders.

For example, big events such as the preparation and establishment of the Great Wall Bank were not allowed to involve Da Liu at all.Even though the talent Xiao Lin was obviously recommended by him, but if they don't want you to take charge, it's Boss Shen's right to do so.

Once, Da Liu saw the sign of Great Wall Bank's new stall on the streets of Xiangjiang, and planned to ask about the operation of the bank, but was directly rejected, and the operator Xiao Lin did not buy his account.

Needless to say, this was instructed by Shen Guanglin.

The Great Wall Bank is directly responsible to Boss Shen.

Liu didn't even know where he had offended Boss Shen, and this time he accompanied him to watch the World Cup and didn't ease the relationship.

It's no use being ugly.

Everyone can continue to be friends, but Shen Guanglin just doesn't want him to continue to be his business partner.

When he was at Citigroup, Shen Guanglin obtained 30% of the equity of PCR by using some successful routines of patent documents. This matter was indeed a bit too exciting.

However, whether it involves business negotiations or legal provisions, Liu and his people are still not allowed to intervene.

How else could Liu offend Shen Guanglin?This is also a long time ago.

The most serious one was of course the last time in Shanghai, the behavior of the group of Chinese buyers was really hateful, and it can be said that they touched someone Shen's back.

Although Shen looks easy to talk, he looks like he doesn't care about anything.

However, he is not a soft persimmon, nor is he a rookie in business.

Not to mention anything else, just look at the shareholding method of Great Wall Company designed by him, and all kinds of dazzling operations, even Xiangjiang's financial experts admired it and said it was an eye-opener.

He is not just a scientist, if he really wants to do it, he can also be a financial expert.

It's just that Shen Guanglin didn't want to be so tired.

Returning to Shanghai this time, Shen Guanglin suddenly didn't want to leave so soon.

Although it is hot here, there is happiness here.

Here, the greatest joy is that you can check the progress of your project anytime, anywhere.

This is the building I built!

Every time Shen Guanglin woke up from his sleep, he would remind himself that he was building the tallest building in the world.

Are you good, buddy?
Although the duration of the summit of the world's tallest building may not be very long, it is enough to have once owned it.

China's speed is indeed not in vain.

After sufficient theoretical and material preparations in the early stage, the progress of the construction site is extremely fast. Although it is not said that it takes three days to build a building, it is true that there are new changes every day.

In full swing.

When Shen Guanglin is free, he likes to sit on the Bund and look at his architectural works across the river. He feels that this is the life he wants.

In particular, Li Rong went back to work, leaving only Shen Guanglin alone in the magic capital. This kind of ease and ease made him even more unscrupulous.

Now the university in Shanghai is not open yet, Shen Guanglin wants to give a lecture but it is not available, so it is better to take a good rest.

Rest and rest.

Now, Shen Guanglin wakes up regularly every morning to exercise, goes to work in the company in the morning, and finds a place to take a nap in the afternoon.

Then, at five or six o'clock every afternoon, after the sun began to set, Shen Guanglin would choose the best coffee shop on the Bund, find the best viewing position, bring a deck chair, brew a pot of Pu'er, alone Look at the scenery and enjoy life.

He is like an old man, holding the purple sand pot made by Gu Jingzhou, drinking the best Pu'er in Caiyunzhinan, completely ignoring others that this is a coffee shop.

Of course, what Shen Guanglin saw was not only the scenery, but also the people.

Most of the young women in Shanghai are very foreign, and they will also take a walk on the Bund during these time periods, wear the cutest dresses, iron the most fashionable sheep rolls, and leave their youthful colors on the riverside.

It would be even better if he could make friends with the white devils from the Raksha country or the Fusang devils from the East.

It is now the summer of 1986, the eighth year of reform and opening up, and the situation is already different from that of Shen Guanglin when he first traveled, especially in a big city like Shanghai.

Not to mention anything else, now walking in the bustling area of ​​the street, hotels, restaurants, karaoke, dance halls and other entertainment venues have come out.

Regardless of whether it is formal or not, anyway, it has everything that should be in later generations.

Of course, this coffee shop that Shen Guanglin often comes to came into existence in this way.

The owner of this store is from Xiangjiang, and he seems to know Da Liu.

Shen Guanglin came here once with Da Liu, and he fell in love with it instantly. For nothing else, there is air conditioning here.

The boss is also very polite, knowing that Da Liu's guests must be honorable, so he dare not neglect.

Most of the people he does business with are Xiangjiang people or foreign friends. There are really not many domestic rich people, except for some celebrities who pursue petty bourgeoisie.

Such a coffee shop offers a cup of coffee or a set meal, the environment is good, and the fee is not cheap.

Now the newly rising local tyrants in the country will not come to this kind of place. They will find a luxury private room inlaid with gold and silver, bring three or five beauties, order a table of fresh seafood, and spend a lot of money.

Ordering a side, we just eat, drink, play and play casually, this is the normal life.

In fact, such a life in darkness seemed a bit absurd to Shen Guanglin.

Some things that cannot be done in the 21st century, they have already done it in 1986.

Moreover, those who are getting rich have not yet learned to keep a low profile. If they are asked to take off their big gold watches and chains and start raising dogs, reading books, and planting flowers, it will take three or four years before they are hit by the cold spring. Then it will be low-key.

Shen Guanglin fell asleep in a daze.

"Excuse me, sir, we're going to have an interview."

Shen Guanglin comes here every day just because the coffee shop is air-conditioned, and I want to sit in the best seat. I don't drink coffee, I just drink tea, and I even drink black tea.

You don't know the goods, this is Gu Jingzhou's pot, and there will be millions of auctions in the future.

Moreover, of course he paid for this position, and the boss didn't dare to drive him away.

Unexpectedly, others also know that this is a good place to take pictures.

"Why, I came here first." Shen Guanglin woke up ignorantly, and the first thing he did was to see if his assistant and bodyguards were there, so as to judge whether he was a wretched development or should be messed around.

The assistant and bodyguard are not far away, so I can rest assured now.

But why are they indifferent?

What's wrong with this?

Shen Guanglin turned his head to look, I'm going!Beauty!

No wonder you all made a fool of yourself, even Boss Shen almost lost his guard. Who is this woman and why is she so beautiful.

Two women came, one was intellectual but ordinary, she looked like a reporter, and the other didn't know how to describe it, but she was beautiful and touching.

Of course the woman knew that she was good-looking, she didn't say anything, she had seen this kind of eyes a lot, it was to let Shen Guanglin wake up first.

"You are going to interview me, are you interviewing me?" Shen Guanglin regained his energy.

Shen Guang Lin Xin said, even though she kept such a low profile, was she still recognized?Which unit is using a beauty trap, such a beauty trick, you can eat it yourself.

The ordinary intellectual girl laughed, "You don't know who she is?"

"I do not know."

"She is Gong Xue."

(End of this chapter)

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