Start with a college teacher

Chapter 549 Fairy Water

Chapter 549 Immortal Water (3)

Chen Xiaomeng?Who is this?

Shen Guanglin had only heard of Xie Xiaomeng named Charles, but he had never heard of Chen Xiaomeng.

But it doesn't matter who it is, according to Shen Guanglin's influence in the magic city, he can really lie flat.

He is now the God of Wealth in Shanghai, and he and the boss are good friends, and they have never made friends.

Even, in the next few years, he plans to hide in the magic capital, otherwise he won't run here frequently.

In Shanghai, he couldn't imagine that anyone could have as deep roots as him.

He is a cross-river dragon, but he is really able to subdue all the snakes in Asia.

Moreover, according to Shen Guanglin's status as a "rich son-in-law", even in the capital, no one can compare with him.

"Something to eat?" Shen Guanglin picked up some skewers of mutton and pork belly and handed them over.

"No need, oh, thank you." Smelling the aroma wafting from the mutton skewers, even a beautiful woman could not refuse the temptation of such delicacies, and she began to eat in small bites.

The taste is really good. This is the Tan sheep from Guyuan, Ningxia, and Shen Guanglin sent someone to transport it here.

He has no other hobbies, but loves to eat.

For food, Shen Guanglin did not hesitate to spend money.

"Are you an actor?" Shen Guanglin asked while eating, and opened a bottle of beer and handed it to Gong Xue
"Yes." Even when she was eating, she behaved so elegantly. When she saw the wine Shen Guanglin handed over, she hesitated for a moment, but still took a sip.

This idiot, isn't he afraid that someone Shen will add Spanish flies to it?

Of course, Mr. Shen is an upright gentleman, how could he do such a thing, he always convinces others with virtue.

"What kind of movies have you been in?"

Shen Guanglin was very curious. He didn't watch movies much, mainly because there was nothing to watch, so he might as well do more experiments in the laboratory.

And Shen Guanglin didn't do many experiments in the laboratory, so it was inconvenient for him to tell others.

"You really don't know me?" Gong Xue widened her charming glasses, expressing her disbelief. She felt that she was still very famous.

"I do not know."

Shen Guanglin felt that there was no need for him to lie. Is it still a sin not to know you?What logic is this.

"I have acted in "Red Sacrifice", "Happy Bachelor", "It's Hard to Grind" and "Under the Bridge"."

However, Shen Guanglin has never read any of them.

He was thinking, should he say that he has admired her for a long time? It is also reasonable for such a good-looking actress to have appeared in many movies.

"Who is this Chen Xiaomeng?" Shen Guanglin changed the subject.

"A big hooligan! He is lawless and plays with women wantonly. He dares to destroy everyone who dares to disobey."

Speaking of this person, Gong Xue was also terrified, she had been avoiding him for a long time.

In Gong Xue's description, this person is simply a whore, the kind who picks flowers and leaves evidence for self-appreciation.

"It's 86, not 83. How can there be such a character?" Shen Guanglin was very surprised.

While talking, the door of the rooftop was pushed open with a bang, "Xiaoxue, you are indeed here. If Reporter Zhao hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have been able to find you."

The one who came up was a young and heroic man, full of alcohol, not ugly, but not handsome, but very imposing.

Behind him was the female reporter who looked like Xiaoying, "I just interviewed her."

Shen Guanglin signaled with his eyes, is this the gangster who harassed you?

Gong Xue nodded quietly, with fear in her eyes, expressing her confirmation: it's him!

This person is very irritable, and he is also a reporter. Relying on his good background, he does all kinds of mischief and even does whatever he wants.

However, Shen Guanglin cherishes his own feathers, and he has no heart to eliminate harm for the people. As long as this Mr. Chen doesn't lose face today, he will love whoever he is.

There are many such things. In the future, there will be Ferraris in the second ring, so there is no way.

He Shen is just an ordinary traveler, not a savior.

Looking at the three or five people who were grilling and eating skewers on the rooftop, Mr. Chen didn't show the slightest timidity.

Moreover, this Chen Xiaomeng is not polite, he picked up a handful of mutton skewers and started to eat, not afraid of being poisoned.

Aside from eating skewers, he also saw the beer on the table, DAB, "Yo, it's still imported West German beer, Xiaoxue, didn't you say you can't drink alcohol, why does it have lipstick marks on it?"

As he said that, the young master even licked off the lipstick marks.

Gong Xue didn't speak, but looked at Shen Guanglin weakly, full of prayers.

Shen Guanglin felt that he couldn't be coaxed at this time, and he brought two bodyguards with him, so he was really sorry for his status as a time traveler.

"Brother, what are you here for? This is mine. Why are you so rude?"

Shen Guanglin wasn't afraid of what he did, but just thought it was a little funny. The traces of this performance are too heavy. It seems that there are arrogant and domineering people in every era.

In those bars in later generations, there were often many young people who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth were so arrogant, and then they were repaired by gangsters with deeper backgrounds.

"Who is your brother, whose underpants are not good enough to let you out through the front door? Why, you still want to be a hero to save the beauty, and don't even look at how much you weigh."

From the looks of it, this one came here under fire, and Sildenafil hasn't been researched yet.

Shen Guanglin just asked a question in a good voice, and this man responded like he had eaten gunpowder.

If that's the case, you won't be able to have fun.

Arrogant young people are often targeted by society.

As a university professor, Shen Guanglin didn't want to be so superficial, but he just arrived here, so there was nothing he could do.

Moreover, he also brought bodyguards with him. What are bodyguards for? Aren't they just the employer's henchmen and thugs.

Boss Shen doesn't need to order this kind of thing, the bodyguards from Xiangjiang are the most experienced in handling these things, who made this rough guy named Chen Xiaomeng come here alone.


With a neat over-the-shoulder fall, Mr. Chen was slapped on the ground like a dead dog.

"This gentleman, when you are alone, don't speak so harshly."

The bodyguard spoke non-standard Mandarin and began to speak the truth. After following Professor Shen for a long time, he felt that he had become a civilized person.

"I fucked you, fucked you, I fell to the death of Laozi, you wait, you little fools, Lao Tzu"

Although the person was slapped on the ground, it did not hinder Mr. Chen's ability to perform magic attacks. All kinds of obscenities continued to come towards Shen Guanglin and the female elders of the bodyguards.

Oops, the real dead duck has a hard mouth, this mouth really stinks.

"He drank too much, you take him to sober up"

Boss Shen is a civilized person, so naturally he won't get angry easily. He just thinks that Mr. Chen's leather shoes are good.

"He has nice shoes."

The leather shoes are really good, and the wine filled with leather shoes is a must. One leather shoe and one bottle of wine, this taste, this sourness, is absolutely authentic.

Reporter Zhao, who came with Mr. Chen, was terrified by this rude behavior. She could only yell sternly: "Do you know who he is? He is Mr. Chen, the son of the XXX family. You can't do this."

I go!Shen Guanglin knew that if he hit the young one, he would definitely attract the old one.

The bridge has never been changed.

A leading actor always has an opponent.

This is the same as Journey to the West, monsters all have backgrounds, and solving troubles will never be done once and for all.

Otherwise, if the villain is bullied to death by one trick, what else is there to watch in the novel.

However, at this time, Shen Guanglin doesn't care what background you have, get beaten up first, at worst I hide for a few days, at worst I go back to the capital.

No matter how much money you have, can you be richer than me?
Shen Guanglin has thighs, who will he be afraid of.

To deal with such a lawless hooligan, Shen is really doing harm to the people.

A soldier can be killed but not humiliated.

Mr. Chen clamored, unless you kill me today, I will look good on you. I don't know who you are, but I know who Gong Xue is. You just wait to receive revenge.

Oh, the dead duck is still stubborn.

Such a childish game of comparison, Shen didn't bother to play.

Drag away drag away.

Or Xiangjiang's bodyguards can play.

Don't you have a bad mouth? Drinking leather shoes and wine doesn't count. They also plan to take off Mr. Chen's underpants, take his valley by force, turn the hard lumps into dry Li, and turn the original soup into raw food. This mixture is also called fairy water.

Being so humiliated, can this person still live?
Chen Gongzi suddenly realized that these people were really not good at it, and immediately softened, saying: The flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple, I really didn’t intend to offend, and I also drank a few cups of cat urine today, which offended everyone, please let it go. a way out.

Is it bad to be so early?

After all, this is the mainland, not Xiangjiang.

Shen Guanglin waved his hand, let's forget it, enemies should be resolved rather than knotted.

However, the fairy water is a good idea, who invented it?
Beard Yong.

I'll go, this turtle grandson.

(End of this chapter)

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